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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
I've been swamped between work and a school project (due tonight, no less!) on Lizzie Borden.
For those of you who don't know, she's a woman who lived back in the 1800s, who was accused of killing both her father and stepmother with an axe, hacking into their heads 20 and 21 times.
We have this huge caseload of court papers we have to go through, and I swear...I cannot believe all I'm reading. It chills me to my very soul.
Meanwhile, I have a Cap friend, a Taurus co-worker, and a Leo friend who are all, "Omg, I'd LOVE to research this!!!"
I won't even let the paperwork into my house! I'll work on it at work, after work, until the last person before me goes home--and then it's a wrap.
I tried to be little Miss Brave and come in on Sunday morning, while I was doing laundry, to work on it a little. Hand-to-God, I heard noises in the other offices, and whispers, and I wrapped.that.ish.UP!
I've spoken to 4 other Virgos since I've been working on this project, and neither of them wanted to hear more than the basic facts (they could hardly get through that!)
As cold as people claim our sign is, seems like we can't hang in the CSI league?
I don't know why this case bothers me so...the Manson Murders bother me too, but I was more willing to learn about them...I dunno...
What about the rest of you? Do you find yourself drawn to gory cases, and pictures or murder scenes?
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Nope doesn't bother me...I'm more into the psychological in order to get to those details you have to hear the stories and see the pictures...don't get me wrong some of it does make my stomach churn but I can deal with it.
Man I love that stuff the phychological part of it is probably the best part.You start wondering what really went thru their heads when they killed.Look up "Pee Wee gaskins". Now that guy was a killer.
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 2709 · Topics: 7
I love serial killers. What I mean is, im fascinated by them, always have.
I have ton of true crime books and movies.
Ive read the Richard Ramirez book like 100 times.
Yeah, nothing creepy about that. LMAO.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
The only piece of history that I don't feel as uncomfortable about, where a mass number of people died, is the Titanic.
For some strange reason, that boat/tale captivates me. I can never hear enough about it.
One friend told me I was probably one of the lost souls on board that night, and that's why I have such a connection to it.
The holocaust also grabs my attention, but I can't think on it for too long--just too much evil to comprehend.
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Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
I get squeamish from graphic stories but when I touch on a topic I want to know all of the details from A-Z. Everything always turns into a research project with me. Like the others I also find the psychological aspect behind the actions fascinating and try to find out whatever information I can to get insight into the minds of the killers.
@Wgamador I always think of Richard Ramirez as the rockstar serial killer because of his looks and all the groupies he had. I've read about neuroscience studies that might indicate a predisposition to serial killing but it seems like his childhood warped him into what he became. I find him super interesting too.
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Mar 13, 2010Comments: 5 · Posts: 4244 · Topics: 258
I love serial killers as well, especially the psychological part. As most know, I'm a psych major, and my concentration for the past 3 years has been psychology with a focus on criminology and forensics. I'm actually not going into a career in forensic psychology, but it's one of my many passions when it comes to things like crime. However, I think my true fascination with serial killers and their crimes has to do with my love for taboo things, and murder is just one of the many things in our world that is taboo. One night, I went on an entire wikipedia spree researching serial killers.
Right now, I work in a research lab that does a longitudinal study on people who have been incarcerated.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Doesn't it ever make your head want to explode, Candeh? Trying to understand the motives behind it, and put yourself in their shoes to retrace steps?
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
I'm the same way about the Titanic....I cant get enough of it, and I never understood why it got me so much either
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Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
Yeah sometimes weird energy sort of leaves a "stain" on evidence and photos from the past.
Anyway,there is speculation she alledgedly had a boyfriend who was in debt,and that it was actually him that committed the murders.The father was going to leave her some money and she wanted it now.He was leaving some to the step mom as well.Lizzie wasn't happy about that.
The souls in this case aren't resting yet.I knew someone who who people that had lived in the house.He said every couple of days the murder would be re-enacted/relived im the ghost energy loop.The actual house lights shut off ,the step mother screams and moans then the father does.
You are probably just tuned in to the events.If you were truly apart of it ,you would have much more severe reactions to the case.And have vivid flashes that would take you through that night.
I think if Lizzie did the actual crime,she couldn't have had the guts to actually live in the house.
Women used to work as hard as men,so she would have been strong enough to weld that axe.And 17 whacks is definitely a hate killing.They are dead plus...
Keep informed as to what you have concluded...
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
I never thought of that...I mean, I've seen pics of her, she looks sturdy enough to have carried it out
I've had to go through the testimony of all the witnesses, and Lizzie's is the most inconsistent...
Something's rotten in Denmark on this one, and I think she did it.
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Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
Ooh I will be looking up this one CLC I remember reading about her a long long time ago but I must've been about 10 or something.
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Aug 17, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 4994 · Topics: 99
virgo, the psycho. chapter 1.
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May 26, 2011Comments: 73 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 1
I like CSI type of books, movies, etc. I like ghost shows too. Maybe because we are sensitive. I read one bio, or tried to. I think it was Pee Wee Gaskins, the book was called Final Truth. I wanted to read it but the more I read the more it bothered me, to think someone could do that. The book felt evil to me. It was borrowed from a friend and I gave it back. I didn't even make it to the middle of the book. LOL
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Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
Yeah Virgie he was pretty gross. I guess when it comes to torture and mutilation I don't want all of the details lol
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Well, only one student in our class had the paper last night.
The rest of us looked like zombies, from combing over all the evidence, and we spoke to each other and admitted to nightmares about this crap. It really messed with us.
She gave us until Thursday, but I'm trying to complete it TODAY. I don't want this on my mind another f'n minute past 11:59 tonight.
I REFUSE to let the papers in my house. RE...FUSE.
I feel an evil vibe from them as well.
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Mar 13, 2010Comments: 5 · Posts: 4244 · Topics: 258
Honestly, I haven't been too spooked by something that made me so uncomfortable that I had to stop altogether and mentally collect myself. I'm just REALLY into things like that. However, when I tried a Ouija board for the first time, that did make me really uncomfortable after I did it. Those things really are no joke.
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Mar 13, 2010Comments: 5 · Posts: 4244 · Topics: 258
You know, as disturbing as it is, I'd try it again.
Then again, I go ghost hunting too, so I'd probably try anything once... or twice.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
What's funny is that I actually do tarot readings, and I feel perfectly comfortable doing them. No ill feelings, no creepy shivers--if anything, I feel rather protected, like positive spirits are surrounding me as I shuffle...
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
I am interested in true crime and the serial killer who interests me the most is Fred West the British serial killer: I have read quite a few books about his life and crimes.
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
It is a surprise to me if Virgos usually get away with things as I know that if I ever do anything wrong I usually end up getting caught and having to "face the music"!