Posted by kissmygrits
You sound like my guy. Ever watch a cancer and virgo try to help each other out? 😂😂😂😂😂
Posted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygrits
You sound like my guy. Ever watch a cancer and virgo try to help each other out? 😂😂😂😂😂
Dated a cancer before but we felt like such emotional idiots around each other that I gave up on that option ever since. Sorry CC
I feel I'm better off as friends with cancersclick to expand
Posted by kissmygritsPosted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygrits
You sound like my guy. Ever watch a cancer and virgo try to help each other out? 😂😂😂😂😂
Dated a cancer before but we felt like such emotional idiots around each other that I gave up on that option ever since. Sorry CC
I feel I'm better off as friends with cancers
You dated one person and it didn't work because you both were not mature and impeccable with your communication so you blame astrology and went derp. to expand
Posted by SensitiveBluesPosted by virgowithasoul
We couldn't even initiate kisses without injuring each other or touch each other without shocking each other. It was hilarious and a disappointment whilst in it.
The funniest part was that she initiated interest even though it turned idiotic after.
You hurt one another trying to kiss?
How old were you guys?click to expand
Posted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygritsPosted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygrits
You sound like my guy. Ever watch a cancer and virgo try to help each other out? 😂😂😂😂😂
Dated a cancer before but we felt like such emotional idiots around each other that I gave up on that option ever since. Sorry CC
I feel I'm better off as friends with cancers
You dated one person and it didn't work because you both were not mature and impeccable with your communication so you blame astrology and went derp. Gotcha.
To be fair it also didn't work out with cancers later on. I wrote it off in that manner because of future experiences too. Tho one of them would have worked but she was my boss at a workplace of mine so it wouldn't be appropriate.
I really did like my lady bossclick to expand
Posted by CruellaWhite
Women like strong men.
You take care of THEM!! :-)
Maybe cancers don't work for you. We are cool friends!
But you cannot blame women for YOUR boyish demeanor. If you want to feel like the man be the da man!
Women like a strong man. You will learn to be harmonious. It's like a dance you get into the rhythm of being together. Then kiss without injury. :-)
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Mine is like that.. It's so cute.
He also doesn't like it when I point it out. He'll just shrug and change the subject.
But at the same time I remind him that he is getting old (he'll be 30 this year), so it kind of balances out.
Posted by kissmygritsPosted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygritsPosted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygrits
You sound like my guy. Ever watch a cancer and virgo try to help each other out? 😂😂😂😂😂
Dated a cancer before but we felt like such emotional idiots around each other that I gave up on that option ever since. Sorry CC
I feel I'm better off as friends with cancers
You dated one person and it didn't work because you both were not mature and impeccable with your communication so you blame astrology and went derp. Gotcha.
To be fair it also didn't work out with cancers later on. I wrote it off in that manner because of future experiences too. Tho one of them would have worked but she was my boss at a workplace of mine so it wouldn't be appropriate.
I really did like my lady boss
Maybe. Orrr maybe you had it planted in your head it would not work and that ruined your experience. You're still a whippersnapper. Good call on not dating your to expand
Posted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygritsPosted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygritsPosted by virgowithasoulPosted by kissmygrits
You sound like my guy. Ever watch a cancer and virgo try to help each other out? 😂😂😂😂😂
Dated a cancer before but we felt like such emotional idiots around each other that I gave up on that option ever since. Sorry CC
I feel I'm better off as friends with cancers
You dated one person and it didn't work because you both were not mature and impeccable with your communication so you blame astrology and went derp. Gotcha.
To be fair it also didn't work out with cancers later on. I wrote it off in that manner because of future experiences too. Tho one of them would have worked but she was my boss at a workplace of mine so it wouldn't be appropriate.
I really did like my lady boss
Maybe. Orrr maybe you had it planted in your head it would not work and that ruined your experience. You're still a whippersnapper. Good call on not dating your boss.
No idea what a whippersnapper is and I'm happy with my current partner so maybe it was for the to expand