Should i keep making a move on this virgo?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Sxorp12 on Friday, January 6, 2017 and has 20 replies.
Posted by yupvirgoo

Text him.

Find out if he's dating someone else or is already in a relationship.

He's single. On Xmas night we spoke about our ex's. he made it very clear he stopped looking because he works all the time now, he said he quit online dating, and he's just not dealing with that part of his life. Which i said the same thing in my head like he was reading my mind. He likes to brag, about everything. (when we were younger, he always dropped the girlfriend or the girl he's dating in every f-ing setence.)

Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by BadBoy
What to do...

Tell him what is on your mind about what you want from him like you are saying here. That is what a virgo wants to hear.

One reason why he has not made any kind of advances is because you sat a whole cushion away from him on the couch. That is telling him you onky want to be a friend and nithing else.
lol sitting one cushion away is not a rejection

but I kinda agree in that... we Virgos are pretty physical creatures and could also be very tactile... being touchy is a sure clue to interest
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it's a small couch to be fair lol.

he was cracking his knuckles and i literally hate that noise, so he scooted close cracking his arms and legs and putting it near me, and i'd push them away, and he'd put them back in my face to piss me off yet again. And my dog was all over him, and i was jealous of my dog, he loved her, im like damnit! do i have to sit in his lap and spit on his face too?! guh. It's so weird now we're both older, and we can actually do something about it, but i think we're both too scared lol!
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by BadBoy
What to do...

Tell him what is on your mind about what you want from him like you are saying here. That is what a virgo wants to hear.

One reason why he has not made any kind of advances is because you sat a whole cushion away from him on the couch. That is telling him you onky want to be a friend and nithing else.
lol sitting one cushion away is not a rejection

but I kinda agree in that... we Virgos are pretty physical creatures and could also be very tactile... being touchy is a sure clue to interest

it's a small couch to be fair lol.

he was cracking his knuckles and i literally hate that noise, so he scooted close cracking his arms and legs and putting it near me, and i'd push them away, and he'd put them back in my face to piss me off yet again. And my dog was all over him, and i was jealous of my dog, he loved her, im like damnit! do i have to sit in his lap and spit on his face too?! guh. It's so weird now we're both older, and we can actually do something about it, but i think we're both too scared lol!

how old are you guys?
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Oh yeah, that text will go over well. I havent spoken to him in over a week and out of the blue at 10pm on a Thursday night, "I like you."

Do men really go for that? I feel like he'd respond with "ok"

Then i come back on here and be like F you yupvirgoo hahahahahahaa
He's 30, im 33
Posted by yupvirgoo

lol noooo

just text him for dinner yeah
Again? Oy, this will be the 3rd time, and we still havent had dinner! Just keep it simple again,

"have dinner with me"

Do i time? date? Jesus, i hate this, i feel like im going to puke. This guy used to fart in my face, and i cracked his ribs and i cant fuckin ask him to dinner?! what's wrong with me?!
Posted by yupvirgoo

Text him.

Find out if he's dating someone else or is already in a relationship.

Exactly he may be in a serious relationship with someone else.

Posted by yupvirgoo

lol noooo

just text him for dinner yeah
while i have you here, my new virgo best friend, This is going to get weird and TMI

When we were watching a video of a band he was showing me that he liked (and he knew i would like) he said he had to use the bathroom, so he went, and he was in there for about 5 ish minutes.. but I didnt hear a flush. I kind of ignored it, and he came back out and sat down and we kept watching the video. A few minutes passed and i had to pee, so i went in there, and i lifted the lid and it looked like spit in the toilet (i hope to god it was spit) i found it very strange, so i went to the bathroom and flushed. but is that a thing guys do? I found it very freaking weird.

And also the reason i didnt sit next to him on the couch,I was gassy! yes, i didnt know he was coming over, so i sat on my couch like a fat ass and was eating ice cream watching netflix. and he texed me and i went in to bat shit crazy panic mode, and i couldnt stop farting! It was a nightmare..
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo

lol noooo

just text him for dinner yeah
Again? Oy, this will be the 3rd time, and we still havent had dinner! Just keep it simple again,

"have dinner with me"

Do i time? date? Jesus, i hate this, i feel like im going to puke. This guy used to fart in my face, and i cracked his ribs and i cant fuckin ask him to dinner?! what's wrong with me?!
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maybe start with a friendly approach, like hey how about we watch this game, catch that movie, go eat at this place, anything that you both can enjoy. if you guys were not close friends before maybe that would be odd, but since you were you can try to build on that friendship slowly?

Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo

lol noooo

just text him for dinner yeah
Again? Oy, this will be the 3rd time, and we still havent had dinner! Just keep it simple again,

"have dinner with me"

Do i time? date? Jesus, i hate this, i feel like im going to puke. This guy used to fart in my face, and i cracked his ribs and i cant fuckin ask him to dinner?! what's wrong with me?!
How does he even not get the hint that you like him?

Have you ever tried flirting with him?

You did say you used to hold hands and you obviously have a very close relationship with him, knowing each other for a long time and you guys are very touchy with each other.

This is the 3rd time you're asking him and you're..... nervous? lol

What do you guys even do during dinner?

You could've dropped hints all that time.
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I've been treading lightly around him, i havent seen the bastard in 12 years, it takes some getting used to know i know he lives 10 minutes down the street from me now, and i can see him anytime i want. anytime he touched, i touched back, i held on for hugs, eye contact, like lightning, never looked away, I'd make a face at something he would say and he'd instantly say "i know, you hate it" My flirting game isn't the greatest, but he has my full attention, when we talk, we just get lost, we lose track of time and what we're doing. We used to be super close, but i only got to see him every year for 2 weeks, and that was over 10 years ago. I've only seen him 3 times, and 1 of those i was alone with him. I think i suck at flirting.. I'm a scorpio, we just take what we want, and leave the googly eyes for later business..

I'm sure he knows, but he knows me and knows I'm very practical just like he is, and i voice my opinion, and im wayyyyyy more emotional than he is, When that misunderstanding with that gift i made him happened, his last words to me on the phone were " I can't do long distnace, it's just not for me, if you lived here things would be different." that was 5 years ago. always stuck with me. He used to be very touchy with me back when we were younger, I told him i liked certain things and he'd do those things. Even when he was over the other night i asked him if he still smoked, he said yes, and i told him it was a gross habit. and he said "if i recall you saying that's how a man should smell, like ciggaretts leather and gasoline" and i said "mm i love that smell" and he went "SEE?!"

Posted by yupvirgoo

did he make fun of your farting?

is that why you won't text him?
Hell no, he didnt hear me, i took my trumpet ass and went to the bathroom! I wont text him because i literally dont know what to say.
I think if you are going to to text him, don't be so open ended. Be more specific, do you want to watch the game, or go to dinner on Tuesday night. With my BFF who is a Virgo sun and moon, if I don't say, Saturday, pilates, and instead say, let's do some pilates, it will be next year before we get to class.
Posted by TaurusinTexas
I think if you are going to to text him, don't be so open ended. Be more specific, do you want to watch the game, or go to dinner on Tuesday night. With my BFF who is a Virgo sun and moon, if I don't say, Saturday, pilates, and instead say, let's do some pilates, it will be next year before we get to class.
And if his schedule isn't available because he does work nights sometimes, Find a day that does? I'm sorry if this seems stupid, I want to do this the right way.

"next friday at 8, come by for dinner?"

If that doesn't work, do i say "saturday? sunday? monday? now? stop being an indecisive asshole?
Since he has a crazy schedule, I would probably give him a cpl dates and say something like, hey looking forward to our dinner, checked my calendar and I have Tues at 8 or Friday at 9 open, what works for you? And stop being an indecisive asshole ???
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo

lol noooo

just text him for dinner yeah
Again? Oy, this will be the 3rd time, and we still havent had dinner! Just keep it simple again,

"have dinner with me"

Do i time? date? Jesus, i hate this, i feel like im going to puke. This guy used to fart in my face, and i cracked his ribs and i cant fuckin ask him to dinner?! what's wrong with me?!
How does he even not get the hint that you like him?

Have you ever tried flirting with him?

You did say you used to hold hands and you obviously have a very close relationship with him, knowing each other for a long time and you guys are very touchy with each other.

This is the 3rd time you're asking him and you're..... nervous? lol

What do you guys even do during dinner?

You could've dropped hints all that time.
I've been treading lightly around him, i havent seen the bastard in 12 years, it takes some getting used to know i know he lives 10 minutes down the street from me now, and i can see him anytime i want. anytime he touched, i touched back, i held on for hugs, eye contact, like lightning, never looked away, I'd make a face at something he would say and he'd instantly say "i know, you hate it" My flirting game isn't the greatest, but he has my full attention, when we talk, we just get lost, we lose track of time and what we're doing. We used to be super close, but i only got to see him every year for 2 weeks, and that was over 10 years ago. I've only seen him 3 times, and 1 of those i was alone with him. I think i suck at flirting.. I'm a scorpio, we just take what we want, and leave the googly eyes for later business..

I'm sure he knows, but he knows me and knows I'm very practical just like he is, and i voice my opinion, and im wayyyyyy more emotional than he is, When that misunderstanding with that gift i made him happened, his last words to me on the phone were " I can't do long distnace, it's just not for me, if you lived here things would be different." that was 5 years ago. always stuck with me. He used to be very touchy with me back when we were younger, I told him i liked certain things and he'd do those things. Even when he was over the other night i asked him if he still smoked, he said yes, and i told him it was a gross habit. and he said "if i recall you saying that's how a man should smell, like ciggaretts leather and gasoline" and i said "mm i love that smell" and he went "SEE?!"

Well it's different now. You live near each other now. But you said so yourself, it takes some time getting used to be around each other again after so many years. So you really shouldn't rush. Hangout with him and drop hints because he obviously pays attention to the things you like anyway.

What is that gift?
Okay, so it had been a few years since I last saw him. I was dating a guy and also living with him, when Virgo (that's what we'll call him) came to visit. but he didnt tell me he was coming into town. So he called me, and i told him i lived an hour outside of where i used to live. and he drove out to see me. it was about a 30 minute visit and the guy i was dating haaaaateeed him, and virgo hated him. so my ex kicked him out after a half hour because we had to "go to sleep" and that was the last time i saw him. When he got back to his state, he called me and said that guy was a tool and i needed to leave him. Which i did. the bastard cheated on me about a month later and i left.

So We went about our lives, we'd call and text here and there, sometimes he'd call on his way to band practice (used to be in a band) and we'd talk til the sun came up about everything. And one month in particular ( a month before his birthday) he was calling me every night. like clock work. sometimes we didnt even talk. We just sat in silence ( he didnt want to talk because he was upset about a lot of things in his life) So he told me working 2 jobs that he hated, not getting paid enough, the girl he was dating was using him, ect. I told him he needed to ditch the chick and find something he enjoyed doing. ( you know, realistic) but the calls kept making me sad, becuase he was sad, and before we said goodbye he would always say "i wish you were here" So of course, me Miss Emotional wanted to do anything i could to make him happy.

so i went back to the house we first met, the beach we used to hang out at and he used to steal things from the shopping center. (he went through a weird kleptomaniac phase) and everything we did together that brought me really happy memories, and i made them into a scrap book. Pictures he texted me of his dog, where he lived, music, ect.

Now my intentions were purely to make him happy. It took me a month, and i mailed it to him.

I waited a week with no response. so i called him. I asked him if he got it, he said "yes" and i said "well, did it make you happy?" he said "i dont know.. i dont know how to take it." I said "what do you mean?... the point was to make you happy, you've been so bummed lately, i thought pictures of here would make you smile"

he said "my mom said it's a gift a gf gives a bf... and i cant do long distance, Maybe if you lived here, It'd be different"

and i said "that wasn't my intention"

And he was silent. And i said i had to go, and i hung up.

Fast forward to our first dinner here at his aunts, I'm not sure how he relayed the story to his aunt, but he thinks that i took all the pictures off his facebook and put them there without permission (which i did NOT do) and he said it was kinda stalkerish. (which is how his aunt told me) Which really hurt my feelings. but we never brought it up, because his aunt said "put this stupid thing behind you, it's over and done, isn't it?" and she told me he said "yes, I'm over it".

I never hand made a gift for anyone ever again.
That was really sweet what you did and it sucks how he'd totally misinterpreted it. But don't you think that it also revealed how he thinks it's possible that you two can have a relationship? I mean, he basically told you that you guys would be together if you didn't leave far away from each other. And maybe someday, you'd be able to bring up how hurt and offended you were about how he'd interpreted your gift.
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Yeah, eventually i'd like to talk about it, but for now i just want to spend more time with him, that's all i want. but he shuts off so much and i just want to keep persuing but i dont want to push him away in the process. i know most virgos never make the first move, but i mean do you think about it? i always thought if you like someone and think about them you'd want them to know, right? But virgos don't do that, do they?

Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
Posted by yupvirgoo

lol noooo

just text him for dinner yeah
Again? Oy, this will be the 3rd time, and we still havent had dinner! Just keep it simple again,

"have dinner with me"

Do i time? date? Jesus, i hate this, i feel like im going to puke. This guy used to fart in my face, and i cracked his ribs and i cant fuckin ask him to dinner?! what's wrong with me?!
How does he even not get the hint that you like him?

Have you ever tried flirting with him?

You did say you used to hold hands and you obviously have a very close relationship with him, knowing each other for a long time and you guys are very touchy with each other.

This is the 3rd time you're asking him and you're..... nervous? lol

What do you guys even do during dinner?

You could've dropped hints all that time.
I've been treading lightly around him, i havent seen the bastard in 12 years, it takes some getting used to know i know he lives 10 minutes down the street from me now, and i can see him anytime i want. anytime he touched, i touched back, i held on for hugs, eye contact, like lightning, never looked away, I'd make a face at something he would say and he'd instantly say "i know, you hate it" My flirting game isn't the greatest, but he has my full attention, when we talk, we just get lost, we lose track of time and what we're doing. We used to be super close, but i only got to see him every year for 2 weeks, and that was over 10 years ago. I've only seen him 3 times, and 1 of those i was alone with him. I think i suck at flirting.. I'm a scorpio, we just take what we want, and leave the googly eyes for later business..

I'm sure he knows, but he knows me and knows I'm very practical just like he is, and i voice my opinion, and im wayyyyyy more emotional than he is, When that misunderstanding with that gift i made him happened, his last words to me on the phone were " I can't do long distnace, it's just not for me, if you lived here things would be different." that was 5 years ago. always stuck with me. He used to be very touchy with me back when we were younger, I told him i liked certain things and he'd do those things. Even when he was over the other night i asked him if he still smoked, he said yes, and i told him it was a gross habit. and he said "if i recall you saying that's how a man should smell, like ciggaretts leather and gasoline" and i said "mm i love that smell" and he went "SEE?!"

Well it's different now. You live near each other now. But you said so yourself, it takes some time getting used to be around each other again after so many years. So you really shouldn't rush. Hangout with him and drop hints because he obviously pays attention to the things you like anyway.

What is that gift?
Okay, so it had been a few years since I last saw him. I was dating a guy and also living with him, when Virgo (that's what we'll call him) came to visit. but he didnt tell me he was coming into town. So he called me, and i told him i lived an hour outside of where i used to live. and he drove out to see me. it was about a 30 minute visit and the guy i was dating haaaaateeed him, and virgo hated him. so my ex kicked him out after a half hour because we had to "go to sleep" and that was the last time i saw him. When he got back to his state, he called me and said that guy was a tool and i needed to leave him. Which i did. the bastard cheated on me about a month later and i left.

So We went about our lives, we'd call and text here and there, sometimes he'd call on his way to band practice (used to be in a band) and we'd talk til the sun came up about everything. And one month in particular ( a month before his birthday) he was calling me every night. like clock work. sometimes we didnt even talk. We just sat in silence ( he didnt want to talk because he was upset about a lot of things in his life) So he told me working 2 jobs that he hated, not getting paid enough, the girl he was dating was using him, ect. I told him he needed to ditch the chick and find something he enjoyed doing. ( you know, realistic) but the calls kept making me sad, becuase he was sad, and before we said goodbye he would always say "i wish you were here" So of course, me Miss Emotional wanted to do anything i could to make him happy.

so i went back to the house we first met, the beach we used to hang out at and he used to steal things from the shopping center. (he went through a weird kleptomaniac phase) and everything we did together that brought me really happy memories, and i made them into a scrap book. Pictures he texted me of his dog, where he lived, music, ect.

Now my intentions were purely to make him happy. It took me a month, and i mailed it to him.

I waited a week with no response. so i called him. I asked him if he got it, he said "yes" and i said "well, did it make you happy?" he said "i dont know.. i dont know how to take it." I said "what do you mean?... the point was to make you happy, you've been so bummed lately, i thought pictures of here would make you smile"

he said "my mom said it's a gift a gf gives a bf... and i cant do long distance, Maybe if you lived here, It'd be different"

and i said "that wasn't my intention"

And he was silent. And i said i had to go, and i hung up.

Fast forward to our first dinner here at his aunts, I'm not sure how he relayed the story to his aunt, but he thinks that i took all the pictures off his facebook and put them there without permission (which i did NOT do) and he said it was kinda stalkerish. (which is how his aunt told me) Which really hurt my feelings. but we never brought it up, because his aunt said "put this stupid thing behind you, it's over and done, isn't it?" and she told me he said "yes, I'm over it".

I never hand made a gift for anyone ever again.
That was really sweet what you did and it sucks how he'd totally misinterpreted it. But don't you think that it also revealed how he thinks it's possible that you two can have a relationship? I mean, he basically told you that you guys would be together if you didn't leave far away from each other. And maybe someday, you'd be able to bring up how hurt and offended you were about how he'd interpreted your gift.

Yeah, eventually i'd like to talk about it, but for now i just want to spend more time with him, that's all i want. but he shuts off so much and i just want to keep persuing but i dont want to push him away in the process. i know most virgos never make the first move, but i mean do you think about it? i always thought if you like someone and think about them you'd want them to know, right? But virgos don't do that, do they?

Do you happen to know his placements?

I've noticed that some Virgos are very direct when it comes to people they're interested in but some show their interest more in their actions and are very hesitant to approach the object of their interest. What do you mean "he shuts off?"
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Backs off, gets very quit and extremely observant. I do the same thing when someone gets too close.

Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by BadBoy
when he said the picture thing looked like something a girlfriend would do, you ignored that..

that was it right there...
bruh he said LDR won't work for him
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lol i heart you.

If he thought the picture thing was stalkerish he prb thinks it's weird that you moved there.
Scorpios love deep and it comes across creepy to ppl. I've had similiar situations where I showed to much depth in feelings and it scares ppl
yupvirgoo- you get me. you understand my personality, how you and i are talking, are how him and i talk, it just fits. and other people come in not knowing the entire story, because you follow it to detail to help me.

That shit is what i'm talking about ! I appreciate you.
Posted by yupvirgoo
Posted by Sxorp12
yupvirgoo- you get me. you understand my personality, how you and i are talking, are how him and i talk, it just fits. and other people come in not knowing the entire story, because you follow it to detail to help me.

That shit is what i'm talking about ! I appreciate you.
Thanks and I find you really funny. Your sense of humor translates even online. Best of luck to you.

Tell us how it goes.

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I will! i followed you so i can keep you updated. smile