Should I move on?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Sillyputty on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 and has 33 replies.
Okie, just curious of whats on this Virgo guy's mind.
I went out to dinner with him a few nights ago. He also invited me to his shop while he finished up his work (but I declined because I didn't want to look anxious Tongue). After dinner he said he would give me a call the next day.... he hasn't called... I also saw him online on the site that I met him on. He was on there for awhile... Do I just be patient or is this a sign of disinterest?
He couldbe pondering as all virgos do. Did dinner go well?
It went well. Or I thought so. I sent him a hello email today but I'm still waiting to hear from him...
How long have you all been dating
That was our 2nd date. But we had been chatting online for 2 weeks every night. Now he is never online... Maybe because he sees no reason to be online with me now that we've met.
He's probably analyzing. You sent the email. Give him some time. It takes virgos awhile and I mean AWHILE to open up to new people. They are very cautious people
I think hes been pretty open with me. But I guess theres another level to him that is private... Yeah, I know I have to wait and see but, usually by the 2nd date I usually know how the other person feels... but with him I don't know... Maybe because I like him alot.
A lot of them are shy if he likes you he might not know what to say also how you feel...or where the relationship is going. At this early stage I would not suggest telling him your feelings up front. My virgo guy and I started dating in Feb. he had my number for like 2 weeks so finally when I told him to call me in an email we talked on the phone for a good 2 weeks before our 1st date. Everything was fine afterwards then he had a major tragedy in his life and we didn't speak as often. Finally in Sept. he informed me we were together much to my surprise. He then went on the silent thing for like 3 weeks which I kind of or at least tried to of those silent days was my birthday. Then I had a situation where I really needed him and he came through for me. So I told him once I was better that he wasn't getting rid of me and now everything is pretty good. I guess what I am saying is it takes patience a lot of patience. So what you need to do is evaluate this guy and see if he is worth it. If he is then be persistent....not pushy but let him know after a few days you are still around maybe like a week or so if you don't hear from him
They need a LOT of least some of them do.
Yeah, this is the guy I posted about whos father passed away about 2 - 3 weeks ago. I was really surprised he asked me to dinner this past weekend...
I definitely won't let my feelings out especially since we basically just met. He knows I like him. I'm the one always sending hello emails now (every 3 - 4 days). But he has never let me down by not responding, etc. I sent him one this morning.... no answer yet.
Someone also told me he seems to really like me since he invited me to his workplace to wait for him (since that was his personal space)...but I think hes just being nice...
I sent you a PM
first of all, i don't think he promised you anything that he's committed with you forever and that you guys are officially on. most virgo men i know, doesn't feel comfortable being pursued, they will find ways to win you and be ready to love you at their own time.
love will lose it's meaning unless it is given away and you don't have to do it unless you already have this "compromise thing" going on.
so until when should you wait? ask this to yourself.. am i really in a hurry? do i really want to take things a step further because i know i'm ready to love someone, but what if he's not? am i really sure about this guy? do i really like him or is he just the one that's available?
love takes time. even in marriage, love is still in a process. it should be built. don't expect anything from him as if he doesn't exist, it works. be strong, sweetie and don't fall too fast. it's for your own good.
OH no, definitely I do not expect him to be 'committed' to me. Especially when we've only been on two dates. Its just that I have this expectation that when someone says they will call at a certain day or do something, I believe they will do as they say. So since I haven't heard from him, I think the worst...
Don't trip like I said he's trying to heal right now and it's a process. The best thing you can do for him is be there. He will be truly grateful that you stuck by him.
Don't trip like I said he's trying to heal right now and it's a process. The best thing you can do for him is be there. He will be truly grateful that you stuck by him.
Ahhhh.....I know I know.... but I am feeling more discouraged since I haven't heard from him. I know, I just have to wait and see...
I know it's hard when this guy hasn't called you when he said he would. However, you shouldn't wait for his call. If he calls you then great, and if not, well, then you have your answer. However, I personally think he's taking his time with calling you now. What ever you do don't act over anxious on him. Don't attempt to call, e-mail, text or whatever. It's been 2 dates so it's still early days. Don't feel discouraged because in due time you'll hear from your Virgo guy. Just take it easy.
He's propbably got a lot of emotions to deal with right now and since he is a virgo I know he is on overload! Unfortunately right now you are not his main concern. I guess just put yourself in his shoes right now. It's not easy and it's frustrating because you want that person to be around but right now he can't....he's got to help his family. Remember virgos are family oriented I'm sure that is all he is focusing on now. That and work. give him a little time. you! He'll be back trust me!
Okie thanks for your advice. I'll just have wait it out and see what happens (even though I'm being so impatient Tongue). Whatever happens, happens.
Hmmmppfff! I have my answer. He BLOCKED me from the site that we met on. I'm not sending him any more goodwill emails anymore! Sad
ARE YOU SERIOUS! That is ridiculous....whatever you can find better! At least it was only 2 dates and not 2 months or years....Are you even kidding me that's not even cool.
He might be married or you said he has a kid so this situation could have driven him back to his ex...who knows and if I were you it'd be who cares. Wish him a good life and keep going.(I know it hurts)
.. and when the girls do the same thing to them by ignoring them they feel bad. i got your point from all these expectations. ignore that feeling sweetie it's not worth it. there's so many guys out there who can make you feel special. i think you're still young and your prince is on his way. i know you like him alot but he's a jerk, do you still like him for being a jerk? i know you'll say you do. you'll get over it, i'm sure.
I'm not a Virgo. My discussion is about a Virgo guy. Thanks you guys. At least I can move on and stop living in the dark.
And make sure you block him as well......just in case he gets the notion to drop a line. I'm a Libra and Hell Hath NO FURY like a Libra Woman scorned!
I'm not blocking him.... I'm deleting him off my list!
That'll work too.. Trust me men are a dime a dozen I used to have a saying back in the day (.....I hope my bf doesn't go on this site) There are only 3 things in the world I go through like water...Cellphones, cars and men! Trust me you'll find another by the end of the weekend!
What really sucks is I thought he was a nice, sensitive guy! He wasn't even really my type! He kept wanting to chat with me and then I started to really like him. It sucks.... Its okie, I may already have a date this weekend (with someone whos more my type)... smile
see there you go...that's how they get you...if he's not your type then you haven't lost anything. He probably just felt insecure next to him. I'm sure he knew he wasn't your type.
omg! sillyputty(like the name by the way) i was exacly in the same situation as you. I met this virgo guy really sweet and caring (thats wat i thought..anyway) and i wasnt really into him at first but he kept wanting to speak to me and all and i started to become interested in him. And sudennly out of the blue he stoped speakin to me and always had excuses everytime i spoke to him. Im also "getting over" him cause i dont ave the stength anymore to play his games..(im a scorpio and tend to lose interest quicly)
He's showing you now what it will be like to be with him. If you can stand that than be patient and allow him to do his thing. If this dries you crazy, however, move on NOW because it won't get any better if not worse if it actually works out and he gets comfortable around you.
OMG. If thats a common trait for Virgos then I'm not interested. I don't care if hes busy. But at least acknowledge my emails or let me know what is on his mind - thats all I ask.
here's something to think about if you choose to move on.. there's nothing special with everything he does and say, he do these things to other women too. it lose it's meaning and sincerity.
..if he treats you like you're just one of his girls well, treat him as one of your boys. i think that's fair enough.