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Mar 01, 2017Comments: 131 · Posts: 826 · Topics: 44
They say that there are only two signs who can truly forgive a person...Taurus and Virgo. Thoughts on this?
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Jan 08, 2017Comments: 41 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 41
That's wrong. Virgos are not very forgiving.
I'd say Leo, Gemini, and Pisces are the most forgiving.
As a bull it takes a lot for me to get angry.
Therefore if you have made me angry, it's unlikely I will be able to move past it. I can genuinely forgive and have no resentment towards you but I will not forget it. Therefore without trust there's no longer any ground for you in my life. (So my forgiveness is pointless really....)
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Sep 09, 2016Comments: 442 · Posts: 598 · Topics: 8
OP where did you read about this?
I'm a Taurus and hm yea I guess I forgive but that means you will no longer be part of my life.
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
It depends on the situation.
-An Aries can move past huge arguments a lot faster than the other signs, but once they are done with you they are DONE.
-Taurus will give a lot of chances to those they care about, but will not give any of their time to those who truly wrong them. They can hold grudges for a long time too.
-Geminis can let go of a grudge if they didn't take you too seriously, but they'll never come back around once they're gone.
-Cancers can be very forgiving, but they have a limit. Do not break a Cancers trust. It's next to impossible to get them back once they are truly hurt.
-We Leos can be forgiving as long as you don't get too close. If you betray us, we'll go cold. We can forget most of the hurt over time (a year or more), but if we come back, it won't be the same. We may be too proud to come back though.
-Virgos are done when they're done. Don't betray them or hurt them. They are already critical people. Once they see you in a certain light, it's hard to change that.
-Libra can be very forgiving to those who are straight forward with them. Don't take them lightly though, yes they don't like confrontation, but that doesn't mean they don't get angry. They'll remember those past hurts.
-Scorpio...don't mess with them....unless you want to get stabbed. They can definitely hold a grudge and may get back at you well past the time they "forgave" you.
-Sagittarius is in my mind the MOST forgiving. They can be friendly after a break up. They can get over arguments quickly, even if they are insulted. They are pretty logical. That being said...if you break their trust, they'll never forget it. Even if they remain cool with you, they'll never forget it.
-Capricorn can definitely hold grudges and you'll have to kiss A LOT butt to get them to come around again. They may never let you forget your past transgressions.
-Aquarius, unless you truly hurt/anger them, they may be open to being friends. If they truly cared about you, they will forgive you. If you didn't make a strong impact though, they'll ghost and never return.
-Pisces, they can forgive, but getting them back in the same room with you may be very tricky.
Really it's best to not break anyone's trust.
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
With or without an apology?
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Oct 09, 2016Comments: 88 · Posts: 905 · Topics: 24
I don't believe they are the most forgiving lol.
Probably Pisces
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Oct 07, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 557 · Topics: 34
Taurus forgive?! That's funny lol
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Apr 05, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 3859 · Topics: 121
I can forgive but never forget
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
Taurus is the one sign that can really hold a grudge.
They aren't very forgiving and I find Leo's very similar.
I'm going to with Pisces, Aries and mayyybe Geminis.
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Feb 21, 2015Comments: 2009 · Posts: 14503 · Topics: 0
I don't care enough to not forgive. So yes I do forgive. I've seen both Virgos n Tauruses not being able to forgive as quickly. N neither of them forgets things ever!
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Jul 28, 2016Comments: 4222 · Posts: 6474 · Topics: 83
My lesson to learn in this lifetime is forgiveness.
taurus does not forgive or forget idk where you got the idea we forgive from but i can see someone taking me cutting them off as if they never existed as forgiving i would rather put energy elsewhere and if i get a chance to get back at them i will but wouldnt go outta my way
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Jan 13, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 2045 · Topics: 19
Signs that forgive the most...without holding a grudge:
I have to say Libra and Sag.
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Aug 04, 2016Comments: 1 · Posts: 940 · Topics: 20
Every situation is different. I couldn't say that I forgive or don't forgive as a blanket statement. With some people, I have a deep well of forgiveness which goes hand in hand with love for that person. For others, it can take me years to get to the point of forgiving them, if I ever can. Depends on the wrong, betrayal, etc...
I've forgiven my mother's murderer. But only so that I could go on with my life instead of obsessing over my mother's final moments on earth. I had to forgive to let it go, otherwise, it would have consumed me.
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Mar 24, 2017Comments: 132 · Posts: 837 · Topics: 85
a virgo will forgive what ever mistake you made was logical. it has to be so logical that you can write a paper on it with reasons backing up your mistake and conclusion. if they can put yourself in you place and felt that they would've made the same mistake then yes, they'll forgive you. initially they won't, but consistency will eventually push them to forgive you.
but if it's something like, i was drunk and cheated , not the will cut you off so fast you can't even apologize.
anything that disrespect a virgo or the mistake was done for selfish reason without considering them when they would've considered you, nope , byyyyyeee
taurus do no forgive, they will hold you to your mistake, bring it up to you all the time especially when it helps them build a case against you. they'll use it against you even when you're in your graves
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Mar 24, 2017Comments: 132 · Posts: 837 · Topics: 85
i never forget though, if i forgave you, second strike and you're out for good
- a virgo
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
I've always forgiven everyone for everything. That shits about to start changing though.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Lmao @ comparing a fixed and a mutable in terms of forgiving.
It's never the fixed sign people. Get your astrology straight.