Signs that drive you nuts

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by lovable_pisces on Saturday, January 10, 2009 and has 26 replies.
Come on...lets hear it. What are the astrology signs that you can't stand?
Aries...... bleck
A hate thread?
Not really, just curiosity. Doesnt have to be hate necessarily.
They are qualities of a person that drives me nuts .. completely and utter nuts .. if they are owned by a person within a particular sign, then for that person, that sign would drive me nuts.
As for partnering ... the below wouldn't be acceptable ...

No self-awareness
No self-accountibility
Physically rigid/stiff
The god-mind-set
Involvement or belief in Left-wing politics, particularly socialism
Non-directness, beat-around-the-bushers
Lack of sarcasm
Emotionally non-expressive
And emotionally out-of-control
To name a few ...
In that order.
I think Gemini's get on most people's tits, mm.

That's a weird expression of you islanders ... to get on a person's tits.
so, do men use this expression, also?
Is calling an Englishmen an Islander offensive?
If so, then disregard that term, Missy smile you're alright P...I don't take offense to such things..and don't really care if anyone takes offence to anything I say..
Yes we do say "get on my tits" a lot...and yes men use it as well...well you do see men with moobs so I guess it can apply Tongue
Moobs = man boobs
Englishmen sounds soooo morally upright..
Islander just doesn't sound right..although I guess UK is a little powerful Island...God bless the Queen (NOT)
I wish Sean Bean would get on my tits !!!!!
Yay, I found a different .. better .. usage for that term. Winking
Powerful Island, indeed ... if not for you, I wouldn't have a country to live in.
P: "I wish Sean Bean would get on my tits !!!!!"
LOL..I am sure he would if you asked nicely. He get's around doesn't he..
Why on earth did I put an apostrophe in gets? oh dear..
I don't know ... I'm still trying to figure out why when we quote (',"), it's different in your country and mine .. yet, it's all english.

Furthermore, since I know the difference exists .. it pisses me off when I read a novel by an English writer and the quote marks have been changed to American.
grrrrrrrr ....
OFA, your avatar is funny ... haven't we all come home from work, needing to pee from the long ride in traffic .. only to find that the paper is everywhere ... shredded Confused
"OFA, your avatar is funny ... haven't we all come home from work, needing to pee from the long ride in traffic .. only to find that the paper is everywhere ... shredded "
thats why you should put them the other way around
P, it really can't be anymore annoying than how working with you americans we get all confused with our that's not how you spell it..Favourite..thank you! And it's a holiday..not a vacation godamn it!...oh gosh theres more..I can't think right now..oh yeah's organised!
I can't believe we speak the same language..
A cookie to us is like a bicuit...but apparantly a biscuit means something completely different to you guys..
Calling someone a cow is derogatory here in the the US it means that you something differnt?
No wonder there is silence on the conference line whenever a british person has finished his speech in a takes the americans a while to catch up with what has been said...
LOL @ smashing..hehe...
Jolly good!
And what is a biscuit over that side of the pond?
Yes I am having a fag..and it tastes sounds so wrong..
lol..yes I friends...Cheerio, farewell or on a politer note sling your hook
The loo..yes..somehow it seems politer than saying toilet..
lol, a bisciut is bread .. like a dinner roll.
And I like the taste of fags too, only if I said that here, someone would think I just tasted a gay man's butt ... speaking of fanny, it really bums me out that 'you guys' have to come-off, rather than just cum. If someone told me they got their kit-off ..... I'd be in OFA's (((bathroom))) trying to figure out what her kitten had done, and what was she on.
PS: The room you pee in is called a bathroom, not a toilet .. a toilet is the commode, in the bathroom.
If someone called me a cow .. I'd laugh and moo at them.

Now, if someone called me a dog ... I'd kill 'em .. that's an insult.
I have noticed in my life .. that Virgo's hate a lot.
Not necessarily people .. moreso, things.
In either event ... it's a lot of hate.
Gemini - I don't really get along with them, sure it's nice to talk with them... or more like listen to them but sometimes they really need a zipper...
Sags are second on my like/don't like list - it's strange, I always click with sags at first but after this it's on and off with them, guess you just have to let it slip when they say something unthoughtful
Aries - hate the battle thing, love the enthusiasm
Pisces - so far I've met 3 terrible pisces, nothing like the description - one was a bully (even bullied a girl because she liked him and turned the whole school against her), a two-timing lazy b!tch and a swindling drug addict...
Guess all the nice, lovable pisces have been hiding in the mean time or I just didn't know they're Pisces.
Wow forest rain, I never met a pisces that wasn't nice where do you live? LOL.