Solution to Deep Question

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by caprigirlwithvirgo on Friday, April 25, 2008 and has 25 replies.
As lots of people on this board know, some of us have been concerned about our virgos "copying" us.
I have been reading every thing I can- in all areas, phychology,social science, neuro science, genetics, relationships among animals and human and WHAT NOT!!!
Here is the summary of the results:
1. First of all it is **NOT** copying or mirroring. These two terms will undermine and make it cheap to define what our virgos are doing with us.
What they are doing is- FULLY CONCENTRATING ON US, WITHOUT FLUCTUATING AND TRYING TO BE MORE INTIMATE AND DEVELOP YET CLOSER BOND WITH US. That is called synthesizing with emphasize on synchronization.
They are doing it step by step- first they get our attention by SIGNALING us in the most subtle way. Then they wait for our reaction and of course they analyze!
When they get enough and steady feedback in subtle ways in the form of seductive signals from us; the go to the next step. Do it more and in a more subtle way.
2. This is sort of a seduction game, to seduce us slowly, steadily and in a very pleasing way!!!! Any one who does this to the other person is, in fact REALLY INTO THAT OTHER PERSON!

3. When they have more than enough positive signals from us, they go in further analysis to think if they can propose. In the event is already proposed, they try to make us happier.
Signaling back from us in response to their action is called reciprocity. When reciprocated, any feeling can create ecstasy! That is the goal of a seducer! The seducer does every thing for the other person in the smartest possible way that the one being seduced thinks it is all because of her!
4. It is US, women that control the outcome and speed. In general this sort of seducing is a play to attract or maintain the attraction for reproductively! In animals/birds very simple seduction technique is the one in which male animals/birds give/bring food for the female animal/birds to catch their attention. If the female accepts it and waits for the second time the male brings her food, the male bird gets more confidence to approach the female. This happens many times till the male disarms any/all resistance from the female!
Once the male feels comfortable with the female, he proposes and gets into reproductivity!
After the wedding for humans, these subtle plays happen many times, in particular at peak speed when the female is ovulating. Some how during that period women have increased need for physical intimacy and men some how figure that out.!!!
5. All in all this game of seduction, touches the other person on psychological level and can be used as a proof of someone's real interest and sincere concentration on us!.
If we think hard, on the negative side:
1. It may mean sometimes giving too many, too good signals to the female to mislead her by deception. For example, copying our hobbies, even if they do not really like it, is deception. But, in deception area, both parties at some level are deceptive during dating/mating game.
Virgo guys are
2. They are some what of game players - It is more of a head involvement in their courtship than that of a head or may be both! Since they work this hard to please us.
Future Enhancement Techniques for Females:
Here we need help from Virgo males. PLEASE help us by answering the following:
1. In order to say thanks and appreciate you folks more and make you more intimate, how should we reciprocate better in this game of seduction?
2. What would you guys like us to do that will make you happier and feel SECURE!
3. Since now we know it is a game, how can we ? ladies- our performance to play with you??
WOW- I find it at peace now - that it is not mirroring like monkeys or is not any neurological disorder or any diseases. Ladies, BE HAPPY, they are treating us RIGHT!

3. Since now we know it is a game, how can we ? ladies- our performance to play with you??
3. Since now we know it is a game, how can we ? ladies- IMPROVE our performance to play with you??
One point:
I like to be the top most performer in every thing, and hence in this technique too.
I need help from all of you virgo guys, to make this happen.
I know, I can count on all of you :-)!
Dy, Virgoheart, Shaka, and some other virgos that had said that when you copy us, it is special and good ARE RIGHT!
Thanks for the insight.
Thanks Caprigirl! We (Virgos) really need more people like yourself to try to understand our true nature. Wish you the best!
Do you agree with what I concluded?
Besides, any help with I can I "signal" my virgo for appreciating him more?
I already appreciate, any doubts I had seems cleared.
Can I ask? Have you ever dealt with a cap in your life for a close relationship/among friends/family?
Ok VH:
You always disappear and do not answer my questions. Not that you must, but you just come once in a while and then go away. You should be steady. Right?
Im going to think about it before giving a good answer
Ya' right Shaka, my firend!!
This is what I DO NOT like in virgos. They go in alalytic mode, I want every thing now EXCEPT FOR VIRGO TWINS!!! Because as much as I admire all of you virgos, as you all know MOST OF YOU are VERY SLOW and really headache to deal with - so NO, I can deal with any other sign but VIRGO TWINS Winking.
Think about the super sonic speed world. Compared to that you are SLOW. Until you decide every thing and act on it, entire life will pass.
MAKE IT FAST Shaka, process faster, sharpen your brain.In fact it does not need to be sharpended, IF YOU USE LESS HEAD AND MORE HEART ALL ANSWERS ARE INFRONT OF YOU.
I would love to hear your comments. That our other new virgo friend ( VIRGOHEART-) always DISAPPEARS when I try to talk more and be direct and request answers! I feel that GUY is very knowledgeable. BUT is closed like most virgos and can't open up!
Dear virgos, work on opening UP! It's OK to talk more and pour your heart out (in words). No need to be very cautious. IT IS OK!!! My God you virgos, by now if I had worked this hard on meeting the God, God would have been pleased!! BUT, all of you virgos, so hard AND TRICKY to please!! But we caps are very strong and have great stamina to fight till the end Winking..
Shaka waiting for your response, do not make me wait till I loose interest. ACT FAST. :-)..Put every thing else aside for me and do WHAT I SAY.. HAHAHAHAHA I am sure Shaka is angry by know..
So Shaka, looks like you have been busy with "something".. What is it???HAHAHAHAHA

I saw that on the pisces board you are getting your dislikea for them out on the board. I used to be like that for virgos and I still do that occasionaly.
The difference is, I can some how manage to see more good qualities in other signs/people compared to their not so good qualities. That makes it possible for me to like them inspite of their faults. It can be hard on virgos as they are fault finders and can make mountain out of mole hill for ONLY one fault in the other person.Don't you think if we become less fault finding it would be easier on us and won't make us angry? Personally I find pisces weak and not sure of any thing.
As for dealing with opposite sign members, it was strange that most of the people I had met intially for long term relations were CANCERS. I was attracting them so much. Cancer is the opposite sign of cap. Initially I was amazed by their "sensitivity" but for long run I realized I can not go with over sensitive, moody, whimsical people. Instead of being angry on people from my opposite sign when I realized I can't bare, I stopped my way and stopped considering/looking at them.
Then the phase came that I ended up attracting multiple virgos!
So far these are the only two signs with one leo exception that I have dealt with. I prefer virgos better than others :-).

my firend!!
my FRIEND!!!!!!!!
Oh but I do not need to worry, my virgo fault finding friend Shaka is assigned a duty of correcting my spellings long back :-).
Right Shaka??
Caprigirl: Sorry about "disappearing." I'm just busy and get here when I can. As for your first question: "Do you agree with what I concluded?"
I agree very strongly with your conclusion. You are definitely beginning to understand the mode of operation of the Virgo. As for appreciation, that is something Virgos feel is a fundamental be appreciated. Nothing fancy, just words of appreciation. It has nothing to do with stroking our EGO as some other signs may see it, but quite the contrary, we somewhat lack an EGO. We need help boosting our EGO/confidence. That is why we need to be appreciated. Not being appreciated can devastate us. Especially when we love someone.
Second Question: "Can I ask? Have you ever dealt with a cap in your life for a close relationship/among friends/family?"
Yes, both. I dated a Capricorn for 5 years and my mother is a Capricorn. My Virgo impression of Capricorn is...first they are very smart! I value their opinions. Both my mother and ex give/gave the impression of being "rough around the edges," but I can see through to their extra-generous inner beings. They are definitely driven and confident, but easily hurt. Although my mother's moon is in Pisces so that may give her that sensitivity also. My ex was very generous too. Neither one is easily forgiving though. The one thing that bothered me with my ex was that he was controlling. Virgos are very sensitive and need compassion from others. If we feel you understand our true nature, we will commit 100% . If not, our hearts will move on to someone who does. Don't try to control us. We feel misunderstood and overwhelmed by it. Generally, I feel Virgos and Caps have the ability to understand each other, sooner or later. Whereas, some other signs may never understand each other, or if they do, they do not like what the other has to offer. Reason my ex and I broke up, in case you were wondering, nothing to do with Virgo/Cap, just different desires for our future. We were both in our early 20's and headed in different directions. Good guy though! I wasn't ready to settle down. He wanted a family. I wanted to spread my wings.
As for my Pisces posts, yes, I also find them weak and indecisive as you say. This is a major problem for Virgo. I really am trying to understand them, but as soon as I think I have, they appear different. It's like you just can't put your finger on their true nature. That's what drives me nuts! Being a Virgo, trying to analyze a Pisces, can you imagine anything more frustrating? The Analyzer trying to analyze the Un-Analizeable! Viscious circle.
My father is Cancer. He definitely drove my mom nuts. Happy-go-lucky kind of nature, but not very responsible financially. Been married 38 years though.
In general, I find water signs' underlying nature to be self-involved, sensitive when it comes to their feelings, not others, emotionally manipulating and not trusting. I don't understand why they get the credit they do for their sensitivity. What's your opinion?
Disclaimer: I am not trashing anyone by this post by the way, only expressing my perception.
Let me try to address each of your points as much as I can:
"You are definitely beginning to understand the mode of operation of the Virgo."- I thought I already did, but looks like my understanding has now gone to yet deeper level.
"We need help boosting our EGO/confidence."- There is a very thin line between confidence and ego and for that matter between being over confident and arrogant. I think virgos are not that sure/confident of some things including their judgement of people and some other things.
I had figured that out very fast and never made any virgo to loose a face in person, in front of me. Because I cared and was sensitive of the consequences of it for virgos. Yes- for sure they need confidence boost, I do not thinks as far as virgos concerned it is ego, it is lack or absence of ego.

..."first they are very smart! I value their opinions." - Yes , many people say so because it is probably hard to fool a cap. Due to their good nature they get used many times by others. That's when they get hurt when they feel misused and mistrusted by some one when they like or love. Yes- we are easily hurt, when deeply hurt we disappear without complaining much. Most caps I know will cry behind the closed door (oh yes, we do cry!). As for forgiving, as hard as it could be if there is some one that can do that hard job, it will the cap as caps are strong. At times when every one else in the world would have moved on it will be the cap, that will stay and work on making it. It's a misconception that caps don't forgive. Actually they forgive fast, it's the trust factor that takes time to come back in the same situation with the same person. Trust is very important to us. When some one breaks our trust, first we take on to us thinking it was our fault. At times when some things happen due to nobody's fault but time, caps will be the first to recognize that and admit it.
As for controlling... Yes- I read on many astrology sites people percive us, the caps, being controlling. I am not being very defensive here but we only "control" the ones we love. It is strange but there is a phychology behind this :-). Will I be so interested in any stranger for that stranger not getting in trouble of any kind by making a mistake? Do I care if any stranger makes some mistakes, gets into emotional or any other kind of toruble and gets hurt? NO...
Because I do not want to see my loved onces getting into any trouble and

Because I do not want to see my loved onces getting into any trouble and getting hurt, I try to tell them what they need to or should do. That could become controlling for some one whom I love too much.
I am working on changing people's perception of me. Another reason for being controlling is CAPS ARE INSECURE TOO!! For example, my biggest insecurities are emotional. I need to be constantly reassured of love. The moment things do not stay steady, I worry or get tense. So that's another reason for us for appearing controlling. We need to work on it or do not worry much for the people we love.
"I feel Virgos and Caps have the ability to understand each other, sooner or later." - Yes. This is true! Not only the understanding but seems some sort of mystical, unexplaible connection. This does not happen that fast with others and does not happen that often! After all both solid earth people.

As for my opinion on pisces:
Disclaimer: My opinion should not be considered as verdict and should be taken into account with grain of salt. I am only expressing my perception with honesty!!! :-))) HAHAHAHAHA
Ok, I remember there was one pieces person at work who tried to become my friend. Initially I liked that person so much as he was easy to deal with. In that he was extremely easy going and sort of no arguments type person. What ever I say/do he liked it! After some time he asked me INDIRECTLY and tactfully for one of my friend's email address who has a top position in a major fancial firm. This guy wanted to use me to get into that! I FIGURED. I said no, very politely and diplomatically. That was it, the piscean chaged and showed true colors. That person then onwards tried to do some professional damage to me but failed in that.
From the posts of pisces people here, I have noticed they are not stable in their opinions or emotions or any thing. Good example is PA, one day she will have an opinion in concensus with you the next day her mind changes on the same topic with you. I CAN NOT take risk of ruining my long term life with whimsical people like this. They are decptive and manipulative. They use others' arguments to beat them!
If you keep on arguing with PA, you will fill so many pages and screw up your head. Pisceans may not like what we think of them but I avoid them for most things.
As for water signs: I FULLY AGREE with your judgement and conclusion. They are "sensitive" to use their emotions in their favor. You might think they are crying for you because they love you, no - most of the times they cry for themselves.
Here is my policy: My preference is for the earth person, who may appear as strong as the coconut and "rough around the edges" :-), BUT is actually soft and sensitive when you are done pealing. Basically I do not like soft and "sensitive" people whom I can boss around and they can use me via their "sensitivity" to fullfill their needs from me by using thier charm. I prefer the rough one who is solid and stable as earth.
Oh one cancer guy had offered me to be the stay at home, "understanding" dad while I make money and pursue my career. I did not need that "sacrifice" from him as I figured he wanted me to take care of him financially and I do not provide those free rides! I realized I can not go with those soft, sensitive creatures but a hardworking, intelligent,smart,tough person.
That is my percetion of "water" in general. I do not let go that easily, any earth person that crosses my path in life but with water I let them flow where ever it wants!
By sending less contradictory messages , as simple as that.
What if I feel guys send mixed signals? Because as you know Shaka, virgos are masters of being subtle. I am simple and direct.
Any ways- thanks for your answers.
I really am trying to understand them, but as soon as I think I have, they appear different. It's like you just can't put your finger on their true nature. That's what drives me nuts! Being a Virgo, trying to analyze a Pisces, can you imagine anything more frustrating? The Analyzer trying to analyze the Un-Analizeable! Viscious circle.
VH: Can I ask why are you putting so much energy to understand THE PISCES? You said, you are already married. If this is work related Pisces, then I would not waste so much energy. If it is some one very special, then investment of that much time and energy is worth.
Seems like that is some one very special.
Capri: I agree with everything you have stated. Especially the earth/water issues. I trust earth signs almost 100% because I feel we all have an underlying similarity in thinking. We "get" each other. To the contrary, I trust NO water signs. They are all intellectually dishonest. As sweet and kind as they appear, they are ruthless at heart. Be it, scorpio, pisces or cancer.
As for my anger towards pisces in particular, I definitely have gotten over that and have accepted that they are not what they seem. I suppose my anger stems from the fact that I felt I was "tricked" for the first time in my life by someone I felt I genuinely admired as a professional (work environment). Someone I thought was honest, someone I thought had alot of integrity. Someone I looked up to. I suppose the realization of the truth about this person, finding out the truth was the total opposite of what I had envisioned in my mind, was hard to handle. I felt like maybe I am delusional, and went through a period of "awakening" and trying to second-guess everyone I met thereafter, and even started second-guessing people I already knew. But, I have accepted it as a professional learning experience, and it has helped me to identify similar personality types and protect myself. I think the "growing pains" just hurt alot. I have to say, it's major disappointing to know that people can be so devious. I suppose I was just seeing what I wanted to see and putting someone on a pedastal that didn't deserve it. I felt betrayed by someone I supported whole-heartedly, professionally. Someone I helped with growing their law practice. I felt used! And I felt humiliated that I couldn't see through the BS. I suppose its my pride that was injured. Like I said, Virgos will give 100% , but if they feel used, they will walk away with no looking back!
Every now and then I get phone calls from former clients and they "happen to mention" things that have happened to my former employer since I left. Its quite amusing! Car accident, major food-related illness that lead to hospital stay, being screwed over by other employees who left and took clients with them, an attorney who called to say (after he left working with my former employer and formed his own practice) he had a case against my former employer which he won and my former employer left the courthouse pissed, another former employee sued my former employer and won a $ 5,000 judgment. Obviously I am not the only angry former employee. I didn't even try to get revenge or sue or anything. I just moved on but I have to say I was angry about the whole ordeal. I just thought the best revenge would be me being successful! I feel good about the fact that I didn't try to get revenge (a subtle hint -- "you're not worth it") but what goes around, comes around. By the way, the attorney who called me to say he beat my former employer in a case told me that after he quit, he felt like he had encountered a devil and he started to go to church because he felt he was exposed to evil! I'm telling you, its not just me. This is how people are left feeling after exposure to this person. BUT I'M OVER IT BUT I THINK IT WAS A COMBINATION OF my pride, feeling tricked, questioning my judgment thereafter, fearing exposure to someone like that again....etc. My pisces cousin even once said to me "NEVER TRUST A WATER SIGN!" There you have it from the horses mouth! I don't trust her either. I have to read between the lines and speak with her as infrequently as possible. Just petrified at the injury they can cause and take such pleasure in it! Sorry about the long posts, but I may disappear for a while again! :-)
I enjoy our exchanges in here and I have confidence that you are nearing completely understanding Virgos. And you are right, when you understand something about us and find something else out about us, you are getting into a deeper understanding. Don't be afraid, we are genuinely good, unless we have alot of conflicting (water) signs in our chart. :-)
P.S. You are right about P-A!
I enjoy our exchanges in here and I have confidence that you are nearing completely understanding Virgos. And you are right, when you understand something about us and find something else out about us, you are getting into a deeper understanding. Don't be afraid, we are genuinely good, unless we have alot of conflicting (water) signs in our chart. :-)
Me too. I enjoy exchanges here.
I guess you are right, the more we learn about virgos, it makes us fascinated.
I mixed up your user name with some one else. I thought you never posted in response to my stuff. But found that you did.