some pleasant things about virgos

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by firebunny on Thursday, February 28, 2013 and has 3 replies.
ok... i just have to post this... coz i'm hearing a lot of complaints from the other signs about us... i think i needed to turn things around... i am a virgo, a very late virgo that's almost next to a cardinal sign, libra... so i tend to like initiating things (lol)... now that makes sense why i seem to like to take leadership roles even when people around wouldn't want it... okay, enough of me please... let's focus on the good virgo qualities because lately it seems, we are the least liked especially by frustrated women everywhere around the globe... in case there's actually an existing thread for this, i would request not to take this down... good virgo qualities deserve some emphasis... lol... anyway, here are the good virgo qualities:
> grounded on reality. we seem to know the truth.
> practical
> rational
> analytical
> witty... smile
> down-to-earth
> can see through people's intentions
> impartial
We're the best, hands down.
Im an early August virgo, so my Leo qualities will define that till the end : )
Posted by Vcharm
We're the best, hands down.
Im an early August virgo, so my Leo qualities will define that till the end : )

Defend* stupid auto-correct