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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
If a person is into you, very attracted to you . . won't they gravitate towards you with the intentions of getting your attention?
If you want this person to pursue you, it makes you feel giddy inside, desirable and beautiful . . if you don't want this person to pursue you, it's stalking.
So, if it's just YOUR perception according to your attraction to the other person, does that change the intention of the person who likes you into being a stalker?
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Dec 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 867 · Topics: 39
Of course not. The difference here would be that "YOU DON"T WANT THAT PERSON TO PERSUE YOU". In a typical stalking scenario, the "stalker" is made aware that he/she is not wanted and yet persists going against the "victims" wishes. The very fact that we either DO desire or Don't desire the attention or persuit is the pinpointing fact. Just as rape and consentual sex differ to the point of one being a crime, and the other an act of love. We are having something "forced" on us, and that is unacceptable.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
tell the bastard to bugger off, if he's annoying you, or tell him to lay one on ya. I hate games. come flat out and say what you want, if not, I will consider you namby pamby, and not acknowledge your existence. Stalking depends upon the mind set of a person doing the stalking. depends on his intentions; if he just has intentions with watching you from afar, he's a stalker, if he wants to get to know you but is too shy, talk to him in front of a large crowd of people so he won't whip out that machette. I guess you should just approach the person and infer their intentions.