Taurus Men- Experiences?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by fieryearth on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 and has 34 replies.
Any experiences? Ugh there is this one that is so irresistible, but he gets shy around me Sad
haha yeah sometimes I can be, and with a Leo rising yikes! (He's a taurus w/ a scorp moon and cap rising= he's very serious and quiet)
But I feel like he wants me to make the first move or something... =/
I knew a couple like this, they made it a year.
The Virgo girl is pretty... weird though. Smoking, drinking, piercings, tattoos yuck!
Taurus man didn't like the smoking, so she quite for him.
They seemed really happy to me, but she is bipolar and has serious issues.
Posted by BellaBulleautiful
btw,that was in response to making the first move^^^^^^ not the bipolarpalooza.....

-hahaha. Okay, I'll try.
Jeshhh bipolar? Yikes!
For some reason I know a lot of Virgo women that are gorgeous, but have "weird" tattoos or piercings... I find it interesting because most ppl would expect that from an Aquarius/Pisces/Sag but a lot of Virgo women I know are very eccentric and philosophical.
Posted by fieryearth
a lot of Virgo women I know are very eccentric and philosophical.

Yeah... I find these Virgettes dissapointing... no offense.
I believe most Virgos are eccentric and philosophical though.
Posted by sortilege85
Many to most virgos are eccentric and philosophical just directed in another form.
In fact, there was a study on which sign had the highest bi-polar rating and gemini won but what came second was virgo. Just thank mercury for that haha.

haha oh gosh!
hmmm why do find the Virgals disapointing?
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by fieryearth
a lot of Virgo women I know are very eccentric and philosophical.

Yeah... I find these Virgettes dissapointing... no offense.
I believe most Virgos are eccentric and philosophical though.
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why u say that just look at beyonce and cameron diaz beautiful smart and have class so just cuz those virgo females are being low and nasty doesn't mean all virgo females are ight.
and yes most virgos are eccentric no one thinks and do like virgos not even the virgos cusps lmfao
Posted by fieryearth
hmmm why do find the Virgals disapointing?

Posted by Cajunspirit

The Virgo girl is pretty... weird though. Smoking, drinking, piercings, tattoos yuck!
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I love my Virgettes, don't get me wrong.
But I hate those who are into these "vices" (imo) with my quote above.
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by fieryearth
hmmm why do find the Virgals disapointing?

Posted by Cajunspirit

The Virgo girl is pretty... weird though. Smoking, drinking, piercings, tattoos yuck!

I love my Virgettes, don't get me wrong.
But I hate those who are into these "vices" (imo) with my quote above.
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question y do u hate those things hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo
question y do u hate those things hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

We are all born perfect and natural, as we were intended to be.
Smoking destroys the lungs.
Piercings and tattoos degrade the body.
They disgust me and I detest them.
I feel the same way about medication.

and you should not worry about what other people do with themselves dats none of ur concern worry about ur self people is gonna do what they want regardless of what u say. imagine someone told they hate u cuz ur narrow minded of that statement u would ask them to explain themselves and why that was said.
i noe people with tattoos that smoke and i ask them why they smoke etc and they tell me its addictive or that they just like 2 smoke or blah blah blah and makes them less stress or its a ritual i tell them its cool do u i will accept u for who u are as a person cuz im just loving like that lmao.

and if ur powerful like that for people to change because u compared a similar event to dere's then u just might get thru 2 them.
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo
question y do u hate those things hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

We are all born perfect and natural, as we were intended to be.
Smoking destroys the lungs.
Piercings and tattoos degrade the body.
They disgust me and I detest them.
I feel the same way about medication.
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oh god u sound like my virgo friend with the Pisces moon minus tha delusion mentality lmfao
so what about people who got cultures in tribes that have those things huh.
u cant hate people because of that u wont make it far with a narrow minded brain like that no offense i really dislike people who are close minded they annoy the fuck outta me lmfao.
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

and you should not worry about what other people do with themselves dats none of ur concern worry about ur self people is gonna do what they want regardless of what u say. imagine someone told they hate u cuz ur narrow minded of that statement u would ask them to explain themselves and why that was said.

I have to be concerned about the welfare of my brothers and sisters. If they can't see that, then I let them be.
I don't have a problem with people calling me judgmental or narrow minded. That's what they want to tell anyone who tells them what they are doing is stupid anyways.
i noe people with tattoos that smoke and i ask them why they smoke etc and they tell me its addictive or that they just like 2 smoke or blah blah blah and makes them less stress or its a ritual i tell them its cool do u i will accept u for who u are as a person cuz im just loving like that lmao.
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Good for you, I can't do that, I won't do that, I refuse to do that.
You watch people drown and do nothing to save them, my conscience rebukes that.
Substance abuse is a sign of weak willpower and character.

Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

so what about people who got cultures in tribes that have those things huh.

I still would let them know about the effects of their choices.
u cant hate people because of that u wont make it far with a narrow minded brain like that no offense i really dislike people who are close minded they annoy the fuck outta me lmfao.

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Who said anything about hate?
Oh, I plan on making it very far with is narrow mind.

one ur wrong i can about people 2 much but its not my place 2 tell people how to live they're life im sure they will get it together when they are ready not when u tell them to stop doing something they will laugh at u lmfao.

my beautiful eldest sister been smoking for as long i can think of she called me see quit i was so happy but my brothers and mother always told her to stop but shes stubborn and when she's ready she will stop and she did but on her time.

u cant force people u will drive them away from you trust me i know this so i dont push people in corners not my place.
and finally i forgot u have all that leo so ur mentality will be fixed lmfao
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

one ur wrong i can about people 2 much but its not my place 2 tell people how to live they're life im sure they will get it together when they are ready not when u tell them to stop doing something they will laugh at u lmfao.

If you don't talk out against it, you condone it.
Smoking is subtle suicide.
They can laugh all they want, I'm the healthy one.

my beautiful eldest sister been smoking for as long i can think of she called me see quit i was so happy but my brothers and mother always told her to stop but shes stubborn and when she's ready she will stop and she did but on her time.

You never told her to stop?
u cant force people u will drive them away from you trust me i know this so i dont push people in corners not my place.

Then let them be driven away, I could care less about entertaining weaklings.
and finally i forgot u have all that leo so ur mentality will be fixed lmfao

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Only one more planet than you Tongue
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

one ur wrong i can about people 2 much but its not my place 2 tell people how to live they're life im sure they will get it together when they are ready not when u tell them to stop doing something they will laugh at u lmfao.

If you don't talk out against it, you condone it.
Smoking is subtle suicide.
They can laugh all they want, I'm the healthy one.

my beautiful eldest sister been smoking for as long i can think of she called me see quit i was so happy but my brothers and mother always told her to stop but shes stubborn and when she's ready she will stop and she did but on her time.

You never told her to stop?
u cant force people u will drive them away from you trust me i know this so i dont push people in corners not my place.

Then let them be driven away, I could care less about entertaining weaklings.
and finally i forgot u have all that leo so ur mentality will be fixed lmfao

Only one more planet than you Tongue
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yeah i have a leo moon and have three air planets that makes a big difference
and yea i always did im the little brother so no ones listen 2 me lol
and dont call people weak u when u pointed fingers some one else is judging u lmfao
Posted by fieryearth
haha yeah sometimes I can be, and with a Leo rising yikes! (He's a taurus w/ a scorp moon and cap rising= he's very serious and quiet)
But I feel like he wants me to make the first move or something... =/

I agree with bella, he probably does. I can't speak for all taurus but most of us need some form of confirmation/ reciprocation of our feelings, so if the other person makes the first move, the better, we'd feel more secure. However we don't need our partners to initiate all the time. Once you've made it clear your interested, and I mean really interested, we can handled it from there. It's getting us to the point of initiating a relationship that's hard....actually it's getting us to initiate anything when we're unsure that's a pain for most signs, but your a virgo honey, you far more perceptive than the other 11 signs and a fellow earth sign at that! I know it sounds stupid but have you just walked up to him and said hi? sometimes that usually all it takes when it's a virgo and taurus Winking
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

and yea i always did im the little brother so no ones listen 2 me lol

You did the right thing, don't ever question that.
and dont call people weak u when u pointed fingers some one else is judging u lmfao

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I'm happy they judge.
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

and yea i always did im the little brother so no ones listen 2 me lol

You did the right thing, don't ever question that.
and dont call people weak u when u pointed fingers some one else is judging u lmfao

I'm happy they judge.
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i never questioned that ever.
ur cajun of course lmao
and forgive me i didnt mean 2 attack u like that ur cool peoples ur u and i'm me so my mentality is different from urs.
im just open minded and free spirited lol
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

and forgive me i didnt mean 2 attack u like that ur cool peoples ur u and i'm me so my mentality is different from urs.
im just open minded and free spirited lol

Better to stand up and let your voice be heard, keep it trillzzz Winking
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

and forgive me i didnt mean 2 attack u like that ur cool peoples ur u and i'm me so my mentality is different from urs.
im just open minded and free spirited lol

Better to stand up and let your voice be heard, keep it trillzzz Winking
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no u just not steal my swagg by saying keep it trillz lmfao
u noe what ur right i always keep it trillz my method is different from urs i say something and after keep on moving and not dwelling and giving my selfs headaches aint nobody sending me 2 my grave lmfao
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

no u just not steal my swagg by saying keep it trillz lmfao

I sure did!
u noe what ur right i always keep it trillz my method is different from urs i say something and after keep on moving and not dwelling and giving my selfs headaches aint nobody sending me 2 my grave lmfao
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This is how we do it!
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

no u just not steal my swagg by saying keep it trillz lmfao

I sure did!
u noe what ur right i always keep it trillz my method is different from urs i say something and after keep on moving and not dwelling and giving my selfs headaches aint nobody sending me 2 my grave lmfao

This is how we do it!
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lmfao u a swagger jacking lmfao
itz all good i noe its hard 2 noe someone as cool as me with my icy swagg i make tha freeze lmao
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

lmfao u a swagger jacking lmfao
itz all good i noe its hard 2 noe someone as cool as me with my icy swagg i make tha freeze lmao

How else do I stand a chance of keeping up!?
Gotta jack me somma dat LeGendary swaaaag!
Posted by venusrules
Posted by fieryearth
haha yeah sometimes I can be, and with a Leo rising yikes! (He's a taurus w/ a scorp moon and cap rising= he's very serious and quiet)
But I feel like he wants me to make the first move or something... =/

I agree with bella, he probably does. I can't speak for all taurus but most of us need some form of confirmation/ reciprocation of our feelings, so if the other person makes the first move, the better, we'd feel more secure. However we don't need our partners to initiate all the time. Once you've made it clear your interested, and I mean really interested, we can handled it from there. It's getting us to the point of initiating a relationship that's hard....actually it's getting us to initiate anything when we're unsure that's a pain for most signs, but your a virgo honey, you far more perceptive than the other 11 signs and a fellow earth sign at that! I know it sounds stupid but have you just walked up to him and said hi? sometimes that usually all it takes when it's a virgo and taurus Winking
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Yeah we kind of had a rough start, then it became awkward... I definitely believe he needs me to make the first move because he shows interest he's just unsure of how I will respond to him...
Posted by Cajunspirit
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

lmfao u a swagger jacking lmfao
itz all good i noe its hard 2 noe someone as cool as me with my icy swagg i make tha freeze lmao

How else do I stand a chance of keeping up!?
Gotta jack me somma dat LeGendary swaaaag!
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahaha son ur already cool man
u want my swagg sonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nevaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lmfao
u stand a chance keeping up ur better then me u got a good head on ur shoulders man keep it up.
Posted by fieryearth
Posted by venusrules
Posted by fieryearth
haha yeah sometimes I can be, and with a Leo rising yikes! (He's a taurus w/ a scorp moon and cap rising= he's very serious and quiet)
But I feel like he wants me to make the first move or something... =/

I agree with bella, he probably does. I can't speak for all taurus but most of us need some form of confirmation/ reciprocation of our feelings, so if the other person makes the first move, the better, we'd feel more secure. However we don't need our partners to initiate all the time. Once you've made it clear your interested, and I mean really interested, we can handled it from there. It's getting us to the point of initiating a relationship that's hard....actually it's getting us to initiate anything when we're unsure that's a pain for most signs, but your a virgo honey, you far more perceptive than the other 11 signs and a fellow earth sign at that! I know it sounds stupid but have you just walked up to him and said hi? sometimes that usually all it takes when it's a virgo and taurus Winking

Yeah we kind of had a rough start, then it became awkward... I definitely believe he needs me to make the first move because he shows interest he's just unsure of how I will respond to him...
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sorry but i think ur thread has been hi jacked owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lmfao
lol yes I've noticed Legendary Virgo!
And what's with this "aowwwwwwwwwww" or whatever.
Thanks @virg_goki...
I guess there is nothing left to do but oooooowwwwwwwww! Winking
i love taurus men. i receive them in droves! just assert urself and be very consistent.