telltale signs he's falling for you

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by memyself on Sunday, April 14, 2013 and has 9 replies.
"When Virgo senses he might be in love, the first thing he does is research all that has to do with his object of affection. Expect him to Google you or the things that he knows interest you, from your heritage and career to obscure hobbies and favorite cuisines. Then watch out for when these topics pop up again; if he suddenly seems miraculously well versed in them ??? it??s evidence he has fallen for you. Being a know-it-all about everything you is his way of saying, ???I??m crazy for you.??" - Original Link
^ this is very true for a virgo woman falling in love too. researching you and finding your history/interests is of utmost importance to us smile
LOL. My virgo ex was like this at the beginning of our relationship...tricking me into thinking we had so much in common.
but must add that knowing this much about you out of love for you, might actually scare you away hahaha. you see we virgos take everything very seriously, this is the only way we know to show how much we care, by adapting to your tastes/choices (not blindly though). so don't come saying we are cold and unexpressive. we are softies at heart.
and ohh, if out of the blue someone showed so much familiarity with my likes, my first natural reaction would be that of panic haha. then, if i liked them in return, i would be secretly (keyword) happy smile
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
*twiddles thumbs awkwardly*
This might be true. Just a little bit.
*whistles innocently*

Yeah...I must admit...*sigh* *Joins in with the whistling* Tongue
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
*twiddles thumbs awkwardly*
This might be true. Just a little bit.
*whistles innocently*

Yeah...I must admit...*sigh* *Joins in with the whistling* Tongue
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I guess we can make a whistling trio...cause yep I do the same lol
Make it a
But I don't do it to make the person think we have a lot in common in the beginning. I usually don't do it til I know I REALLY like you and then it's because I like to be well-versed in the things that interest that person. It makes for better conversations I guess... *blushing*
Posted by virg_goki
Posted by carbon_scorp
LOL. My virgo ex was like this at the beginning of our relationship...tricking me into thinking we had so much in common.

and don't tell me you weren't flattered by his effort. I'm sure somewhere you got flustered.
click to expand

Do you mean flustered in a good way or a bad way? When I slowly found out the truth, I was more annoyed that I was lied to, that he painted himself as someone who he wasn't (this was months into the relationship).
Of course I was flattered by his effort, but not in this way, in other romantic ways (being sweet, compliments, planning dates, etc.)
Posted by neuroticvirgo
Make it a
But I don't do it to make the person think we have a lot in common in the beginning. I usually don't do it til I know I REALLY like you and then it's because I like to be well-versed in the things that interest that person. It makes for better conversations I guess... *blushing*

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