Thank you

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Shescomeundone on Wednesday, November 27, 2013 and has 7 replies.
This is the board I usually post on so, I just wanted to say thank you Virgo and Virgo lovers for providing me with alot of feed back, Good and Bad! I really appreciate that.... I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. Life can change on a moments notice so let's all be happy for the here and now! Blessing to all, even CC who hates me!
Awwww... Happy Thanksgiving Virgos!!! Blessings to ALL!!
Posted by VirgoFlirt
So just what was the bad feedback you received?

Not really bad feedback more like negative vibes... I am happy to have DXP for venting and 3rd part perspectives....
Posted by sunnyvirgo83
Posted by Shescomeundone
Posted by VirgoFlirt
So just what was the bad feedback you received?

Not really bad feedback more like negative vibes... I am happy to have DXP for venting and 3rd part perspectives....

Hell yea WOOP to DXP! smile how did
it go with the dude?
click to expand

It's going OK... I'm being realistic and giving him some space....not too much but you know.. Keeping things fresh! Neither of us is in any hurry so just enjoying the sexual tension....thanksgiving was a little rocky... But we got thru it respectfully... Much rougher for him... Families are tied together ya know the kids and I fully respect that...he had dessert at my house! LOL
By the way, nice to see ya back and hope things are going well Sunny V
And here's the chance to say "Thank you" to myself for being so awesome. And tidy.
Posted by Shul
And here's the chance to say "Thank you" to myself for being so awesome. And tidy.

LOL and so humble!