the FEAR

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by hopelessdreamr on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 4 replies.
world's most notorious enemy...for y is it so convenient for the less controversial of us to blame inconsistencies on anything BUT fear..its so pitiful to deny the obvious.. i guess in most cases its something that will never be seen..or for the optimists..has yet to be seen..simply because your eyes are closed
ha..didnt mean to post twice.. technical error.. my apologies smile
Are you saying that optimists don't feel fear because they don't see it? Refuse to see it? It's a state of mind I believe... some control it better than others... or are more driven by other emotions to take the time to think... feel fear...
Not so sure that I got what you said, but very interesting. Can you explain further?
i had no intent of slandering im one of the bunch actually...people period is who i make reference to...the difference doesnt lie in perspective because perspective merely relates to interpretation...
i pose the question y is it easier to lay blame on circumstantial evidence vs facing the obvious culprit in most cases...simply FEAR