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Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE also anyone have questions about charts please ask here.
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Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
cc is that wall of mess you lol you want me to traslate that for you lol.
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Hahahaha ....I knew you wanted to be a virgo CC! Karma :p
Haha so you want to be what you hate CC -- Virgos HAHAHA
Mine's here, please.
Planet Longitude House position
Sun 17 Can 21' 24" 8
Moon 14 Sco 52' 35" 11
Mercury 13 Leo 08' 29" 8
Venus 24 Can 24' 37" 8
Mars 17 Tau 51' 35" 5
Jupiter 11 Vir 03' 17" 9
Saturn 17 Aqu 09' 35" R 3
Uranus 15 Cap 58' 30" R 2
Neptune 17 Cap 34' 42" R 2
Pluto 20 Sco 16' 32" R 12
Chiron 09 Leo 59' 11" 8
Lilith 18 Aqu 52' 15" 3
True Node 00 Cap 38' 08" 1
P. of Fortune 11 Ari 18' 30" 4
Vertex 23 Leo51' 34" 9
House Longitude
Ascendant 13 Sag 47' 19"
House 2 13 Cap 16' 12"
House 3 14 Aqu 40' 29"
House 4 17 Pis 37' 06"
House 5 19 Ari 26' 37"
House 6 17 Tau 59' 08"
House 7 13 Gem 47' 19"
House 8 13 Can 16' 12"
House 9 14 Leo 40' 29"
MC (Midheaven) 17 Vir 37' 06"
House 11 19 Lib 26' 37"
House 12 17 Sco 59' 08"
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 4 · Posts: 604 · Topics: 20
A brief summary will be appreciated:
Sun Aqu
Moon Vir
Mercury Cap
Venus Cap
Mars Cap
Jupiter Can
Saturn Cap
Uranus Cap
Neptune Cap
Pluto Sco
N. Node Aqu
Asc. Tau
MC Aqu
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Aug 16, 2013Comments: 10 · Posts: 4163 · Topics: 48
Welcome back VK!
*drive by hugging*
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Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
I'm not good at seeing if you will be rich CC I'm not there yet lol but you do have uranus in the 2nd house so a career in electronic would be good for you. Your jupiter is in cancer so your husband would be a loving and caring family man. A daddy figure if you will plus your jupiter is in the 10 house so he will be a businessman he will teach you about business and he should be well off.
Hey virgoking, I am new to this but how do you find out the position of planets...this is interesting.
This is what it gave me. What does this mean?
Sun Taurus 4.41
Moon Leo 12.37
Mercury Taurus 9.22
Venus Gemini 18.24
Mars Aquarius 11.54
Jupiter Taurus 10.42
Saturn Capricorn 2.24 R
Uranus Capricorn 0.53 R
Neptune Capricorn 10.09 R
Pluto Scorpio 11.23 R
Lilith Leo 27.47
Asc node Pisces 22.36
Planet Aspect Planet Orb/Value
Sun Conjunction Mercury 4.41 383
Sun Conjunction Jupiter 6.01 239
Sun Trine Saturn 2.17 150
Sun Trine Uranus 3.49 68
Sun Trine Neptune 5.28 38
Sun Opposition Pluto 6.42 -84
Moon Square Mercury 3.15 -78
Moon Opposition Mars 0.43 -276
Moon Square Jupiter 1.54 -96
Moon Square Pluto 1.14 -119
Mercury Square Mars 2.32 -81
Mercury Conjunction Jupiter 1.20 450
Mercury Trine Saturn 6.58 23
Mercury Trine Neptune 0.48 90
Mercury Opposition Pluto 2.01 -209
Venus Trine Mars 6.30 24
Mars Square Jupiter 1.12 -88
Mars Square Pluto 0.31 -96
Jupiter Trine Neptune 0.33 65
Jupiter Opposition Pluto 0.41 -166
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 1.32 356
Saturn Conjunction Neptune 7.45 81
Uranus Conjunction Neptune 9.17 14
Neptune Sextile Pluto 1.14 62
Ok so here is my situation with this virgo guy...I need advice
Ok we've been dating on and off for 10/11 months. I'm a young successful taurus, him, not so much but I was willing to help him get on his feet so we could build our future together...BIG MISTAKE of me thinking like one day I got on him for not putting effort into finding a full time and not guys knows virgo he didn't like to be criticize, during the argument he started throwing a lot of ish I told him about in my face. So me being the taurus that I am, I snapped and broke up with him. Furthermore, I cut him off, not talking, texting nothing. Then his mother starts calling me, "just to check up on me" any way after 2 weeks, we started talking, we were intimate blah blah then I asked him where our status was, "he said I don't want to be with you or anybody right now, I want to get my life together" but every time we speak or together we act like we are a couple... He reinterated that he still didn't want to be with me so I cut him off again... His mother starts calling me again.... Fast forward 2 months of me not contacting him. Total misery for me but he didn't know his son which I absolutely adore wanted to see me...I went thru his mother to arrange me seeing his son. He had a problem with that which I get... Because he is the parent so I called him. It was cool so I saw his son. First thing that little boy said to me who is 4 yrs old btw is I want you to see my daddy. I'm like oh great, I don't even know how to respond to that so I brushed it off. So I continue enjoying him and went home. I broke down and ended the not speaking terms. Called my ex, now I'm back to square 1, he still feeling the way he does and he also says it's ok for me to date other people bc he doesn't want me to wait on him. Now I know how long it took me to get my life together, and during that time I had a amazing guy to support and help me to keep focus and I thought I should that to him but it clearly backfired.
What should I do???;(((
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 4 · Posts: 604 · Topics: 20
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Aquarius 21.46 Ascendant Taurus 23.33
Moon Virgo 3.28 II Gemini 19.57
Mercury Capricorn 28.18 III Cancer 12.31
Venus Capricorn 21.02 IV Leo 5.53
Mars Capricorn 8.49 V Virgo 4.10
Jupiter Cancer 1.08 R VI Libra 11.04
Saturn Capricorn 20.18 VII Scorpio 23.33
Uranus Capricorn 8.01 VIII Sagittarius 19.57
Neptune Capricorn 13.30 IX Capricorn 12.31
Pluto Scorpio 17.47 Midheaven Aquarius 5.53
Lilith Scorpio 10.59 XI Pisces 4.10
Asc node Aquarius 16.31 XII Aries 11.04
What does that R mean after the Jupiter Cancer?
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Virgo 27.29 Ascendant Taurus 14.25
Moon Aries 27.41 II Gemini 12.37
Mercury Libra 9.35 III Cancer 3.27
Venus Scorpio 10.31 IV Cancer 23.35
Mars Capricorn 20.58 V Leo 17.47
Jupiter Pisces 16.35 R VI Virgo 23.06
Saturn Sagittarius 4.38 VII Scorpio 14.25
Uranus Sagittarius 18.36 VIII Sagittarius 12.37
Neptune Capricorn 3.04 IX Capricorn 3.27
Pluto Scorpio 5.46 Midheaven Capricorn 23.35
Lilith Gemini 22.58 XI Aquarius 17.47
Asc node Aries 20.50 XII Pisces 23.06
Whenever you are done with those before me, can you pls interpret mine?
I only know about my sun sign and Venus not much else...