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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
I have heard in so many places that Virgos are supposed to love order and neatness. I always read things about them having organised homes (or bedrooms when they're younger) but every single Virgo I've met has been very messy.
As far as work goes they are organised and in their heads they have a very ordered way of thinking but they all seem to live in quite a bit of mess.
Anyone else come across this or do I just know many contradictory virgos?
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
My sister in law is a Virgo...she is the messiest person Ive order in the home, nor in her closet, kitchen, nothing...hopelessly disorganised but work?? she has everything in place.....strange!!!
The Virgo Im seeing? OMG his house is so clean Im too scared to touch anything, his office is so tidy, he thinks logically and pretends to the world he's just fine when he's got so much on his mind.
My friend is a Virgo, she's a younger virgo though and she's incredibly methodical and tidy but in her mind? blah LOL
All sorts
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Nov 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 439 · Topics: 11
My mother is a virgo....she never did any cleaning. She left my father to do that. My ex was also a virgo and even though he wasn't dirty, he wasn't quite organized or clean either. I tend to see virgos are very clean with themselves more than their environment. Because I never met a virgo so far that wasn't clean and well trimmed looks wise.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Virgos keep some part of their lives organized...
When you say "messy" do you mean dirty, or cluttered?
Thanks to my military training, I keep both home & work tidy. But, I can stand clutter and chaos if it's necessary - War's not exactly pristine, you know?!
And with The Twins in the house, I don't even attempt to keep things spic & span - hygienic is about the best Debra & I can manage most days!
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
Praise the Lord! Someone finally said it besides me.
I have only known of TWO Virgos who was neat and tidy. My grandmother, and the guy I'm currently dating.
All the others were downright nasty when it came to housekeeping. Just plain disgusting.
It really depends im a virgo and im really clean and organized.
one of my cousins(girl) is a virgo and she is really messy and her room is not too clean.
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Feb 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
The Virgo I dated for awhile was extreamly neat and organized. It was almost nerve wracking to be in his apartment. And I'm a neat freak myself!!
The Virgo woman I know is the most lazy housekeeper I'd ever met. She is a stay at home mom who brags ALL the time about her "job". Um all she does is watch tv all day and her kids even go to a sitter! I went over there once to chat with her and she asked me if I'd change her sons diaper. She told me just to leave the dirty diaper on the ground. YECK!!! She always had food and garbage on the floor too.
But nothing beats Taurus peeps when it comes to messiness. EVERY Taurus I know in RL are slobs.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
some of us have to be lazy slobs who are incredibly goodlooking and great lovers.
:: DY rings his cow bell! ::
Uh... VirGuys don't mind tidying-up (afterwords)...