The Virgo - Capricorn Connection

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by MsAristocracy on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 and has 23 replies.
All of the textbook stuff reads that Capricorns are the NUMBER ONE ideal match for us Virgos. How have your relationships with Capricorns been? Let's rate them and discuss them.
I don't meet many Capricorns (romantically) and I can't understand why we're not more drawn to each other if it's so destinedly on point. I'm all for being a part of the tried and true.
Any happy Virgo/Capricorn couples out here? Do tell. smile
Cookiemonster lmao. She sounds awful and miserable.
So, you're another who hasn't had many Cappies cross your path. Every reading says it's the hottest match (for Virgos) yet I find myself with more Scorpios and Pisces. It use to be Cancers and Taurus but I guess I must've changed over the years. smile
My Cappy ex ignored my attempts of communication after we hooked back up in April. This includes 2 e-mails, one phone call with a voicemail message, and a text. It's amazing how they don't feel compelled to respond to us Virgs, even out of politeness. Sad
Any happy Capricorn/Virgo couples out here? Do tell.
Okay, I attract ALOT of virgos, I kid you not, honestly, I do. I'm not sure why, but I do. My best/ most stable relationship with with a virgo guy, but that was along time ago. Other virgos I've connected with seem to know that we have a connection, but they are afraid of it.
Currently, there's yet another Virgo in my life ... well, he's not full virgo -- he's August 22. LOL, everywhere else he's listed as a leo but he's on the Leo/Virgo cusp, so he counts as a virgo too.
Now, as far as he goes ... hmmm, don't know yet smile He's an emotionally damaged man who needs to pull himself together a bit. Now, are there sparks between us? YES IN DEED, but we need to get to know each other more.
It's funny, I've wanted to get close to this guy for so long, now I'm scared!!! WTF??? He's really busy right now and so am I but we are earth signs, we put work before play smile
These are the factors that cause Capricorns and Virgos to become "Strangers in the Night", as Franky would put it.
1. Fear -- seriously, this is the number one cause at to why caps and virgos rarely get togehter. Capricorns (on the surface) show a cool temperment, haha let us tell it, no one can rock our boat. However, that's not true, once we REALLY start feeling for someone, it can hit us like a ton of bricks. Virgos do not like to be emotionally unarmed, and capricorns can do that to them if they let their gaurd done a bit -- that's all we need, is a little Now, the Virgo (we is not good with intense emotions) backs away because they don't not want to be emotionally open. This is why Virgos will stick to any partner who can make them feel good sexually -- because sex only lasts for some long and that's it. Virgos can be their normal selvles afterwards.
2. Being too much alike -- the average Cap and virgo are quiet around the person they are interested in. This is bad becuase too quiet people will not talk to each other LOL, trust me, I learned this the hard way.
3. Different personas -- each has a way of presenting themselves to the world, but neither will dare present their real self because they are afriad of what the public may think. This is way virgos are drawn to direct and freakishly honest people because tend to hide themselves often. Capricorns filter what they say most of the time because they feel "You can catch more bees with honey than with vinager."
Hope I made sense.
Yes, that's what I mean by real self smile The average cancer, aries, pisces, saggie, scorpio, taurus, Leo ... etc. May put it ALL out there. But it's hard for virgos and a few other signs to do that.
Very much. Now, let's elope.
I'm too emotional for you Mr.Man Tongue I'll have you deep in the depths of the Pacific Ocean Winking Virgos don't like that stuff LOL!!!!
Yes, I do. Raised by a Gem and Aquarius mom. Lived with my aquarius (caretaker of the village) grandmother for awhile and she was EARLY aqua. Try me, cappy. I'm 26, not 4.
Hmmmmm ..... smile
Well I'm 23, not 1 so believe me, I know Winking
LOL, this is another reason why virgos and caps don't get together -- one of the first things we do is argue LOL
These are the factors that cause Capricorns and Virgos to become "Strangers in the Night", as Franky would put it.
Cappie Sweetie..I love you..I Don't think anyone could have said it better than you. If you have dealt with Virgo's in the past you know that you have to be very patient with them. How do you know when they are really into you, also how do you deal with the evasiveness. What are the positives, and negatives with this pairing?
I am also a Capricorn female. I notice that with Virgo males the attraction is intense and the intrigue is mesmerizing, but I do not know if there is possibility for a mental connection. I also notice that they are definetely afraid of letting their guard down. It seems to me like they are afraid of their emotions alogether. We are alot alike. I am not afraid of my emotions, its just that I never let my emotions surface unless I am absolutely positive that I want to proceed. I notice that they avoid there emotions altogether, but I think the reason that we both do this is the same. We need to be sure that the other person feels the same. Feedback please.
Sagigoat said: "so overall, i have concluded that i'm not emotionally compatible with virgos despites the obvious attraction."
I think this is a HUGE problem for Virgo women. Men are going to be men no matter what sign they are. They are not going to be overly emotional and flirty, nurturing, sensual to try and let you know they want you like we women do when we're interested in a man.
Virgo women come in those same two categories and unfortunately (per your quote above) we struggle in relationships because we exhibit both behaviors when we're getting to know someone we really like. We are forthcoming and daring when we sense the green light and then when it turns yellow we become reserved and don't make a move. You'd literally need an infrared light to see us at this point lol.
IMO once it gets to that point it's changed the entire foundation and has weirded it out completely. One way for a Virgo (esp us women) to have a successful relationship is to be with someone who knows they want a relationship too. Anyone unsure or who backtracks is going to get that hot/cold from us. Redlight - Greenlight (for anyone who's played this game) and it's destructive behavior. I find that it's hard to build after this becomes a part of my courting.
sagigoat said: "i'm not sure that's true MA."
Actually, I meant it in a way that women do it. Most men will be direct about their interest not beat around about it. Or they will keep it inside and just be "a good friend" but to be overly flirtatious or hanging all over a woman and basically performing like they're next to a celebrity, that's normally a woman's mode of getting a man to know he has her attention. Men are just way more subtle. That's what I should have said.
sagigoat said: "you see, sometimes when you assume another is playing games with you, another is infact feeling being played."
I often feel a person takes my silence or pulling back as losing interest but it's not. I'm on red-light waiting for green. I'm only reserved when I'm unsure of what's going on. Otherwise I'm ready to smother with love.
And, I would do what your Virgo did (moving to his own place for you). If I think highly of the possibilities of being with someone I will do my best to correct whatever they feel stands in the way of our happiness. If it's within my means there's no price too high for my bliss as long as I believe in it.
As for asking you to not take the job. If I'm in love with someone who's making a life change that I couldn't immediately adjust to (believe me I'm going to try), I MIGHT ask them to not take it. I would never ask anyone to give up a dream for me though unless I found an equally wonderful replacement for it with no chance of them having regrets or resenting me later.
I don't have any experience with someone not sharing their feelings for me. I've had people come back and say they realized it, but to have hidden them while we're together no. I can see not telling me his feelings because I'll go overboard (which I will).
Mutual basis, if a man tells me he really likes me and I make him happy, we're definitely bf & gf lol. If he tells me he loves me, we just made couple of the year, bring on the parade with my crown, bouquet and float, see me waving. smile
I believed every guy that said he has no feelings for me. Why lie and deny themselves of happiness? So, if he speaks the words against being together then he's convinced and wants me to be too. At this point that's all that matters. I'll think he's crazy of course but it's his loss.
A man who acts as if he's found eternal happiness then backtracks then makes what was once beautiful really ugly. Indian Giving love (no offense to any Native Americans) is really cruel.
I admire people who are truthful about their wants/don't wants upfront, but unfortunately they still go too far which sends mixed signals. Then the naive person is blamed because the backtracker DID state what they didn't want already even though their actions said differently. It's not fair. Sad
Well my first Love was a Capricorn man. He was absolutely perfect for me... we dated in junior high and high school. I recently seen him a few days ago and we exchanged numbers. He looks great =). He was an excellent boyfriend, he was extremely loyal and committed.
I tend to be attracted to Capricorns...
But lately I've been involved with this whole fatal attraction ordeal. This one Cap man will not leave me alone, no matter how much I tell him that I am seeing someone and am only interested in a friendship with him. He texts me all the time, every day, all day. He tells me that he loves me...etc.
Any happy Virgo/Capricorn couples out here? Do tell.
Define "HAPPY"? please... HAHAHAHAHA
Virgo + Cap connection = IF it clicked, it's uncomparable, unforgettable, unbeatable at all levels --- emotional,intellectual,spiritual and physical--- ,classy, slow but steady, natural, amazing, subtle yet --penetrating heart,soul,mind AND body --,brings self knowledge,inner growth and development as well as spirituality with down to earth wisdom and generosity about life and people.
I am a cap and he is a virgo.I have never ever felt such intensity and connection with any one else before in my life, like I do for this virgo. It's like we knew each other for very long even before we met! It is THAT match for a cap in which cap can very easily follow and surrender the virgo in all areas without doubt or fear for she knows she is in good virgo hands!!!
What else?! Only if words were sufficinet to describe it, it can be described BUT I think words are inadequate!
Based on my experience, it is A++.
In the connection, it becomes cap's responsibility to lead the clueless virgo on emotional front when he starts "feeling" and does not know what to do about it and how to handle! In all other areas, Mr.virgo can do MUCH BETTER than a cap! - Serious. Let him lead in those areas and let him "serve" , while teaching him the fundamentals of "love and life" above and beyond the world of minds. Once he learns that, he will "perform" better than us.

And for the record, I know atleast three amazing Cap + Virgo couples in which all three ladies are caps and guys are virgos. Their family lives are fully functional and extremely smooth...
It's a very natural pair..I used to not believe until I experienced.
This has all really shed light on my confusion lately. I can really relate to what is all being said right now for sure from all Caps POV's after being with a Virgo these past 9 months. The contact with each other is the most intense emotionally/physically/spiritually/sexually then I've ever felt with any other earth sign. There is a complete connection there fully felt. Without him I feel a worse pain then losing any other sign before because of that connection and knowing that connection is out there. If I go out somewhere and feel not understood by others I sigh since there was that unspoken part we had w/each other. It's that knowing that sucks in a way right now. And his moon sign was even Capricorn so it was extra sameness in certain senses to behavior for sure.
But its true, he couldn't be open with me. We were both very reserved verbally around each other. He'd reach out in small ways more then I would even when by my side, and I would try to follow the lead in each others presence but it would be very nervously spoken from both of us.
If I had a second chance now, I'd know to push through the reservedness of myself, because overall I feel thats the true catalyst for the situation and something on my part I could improve on..I was afraid his silence was insincerity all that time however I learned to think that he felt the same of me for the same reason. I had the patience of a saint with him all this time but as soon as I expressed my emotions deep as the ocean on how I felt about things with us all at once, he's never said a word after that, no closure, nothing. Just silence to me ever since for almost 3 weeks now.
And I can relate to what Sagigoat left off with saying:.."You see, sometimes when you assume another is playing games with you, another is infact feeling being played."
I think the lack of words expressed in intent/feelings is what lead to that "assumed" feeling for both of us of each other to not speak any farther. Sad
I dated a Capricorn and unfortunately, he was a lover of all women. I have a friend who is a Capricorn and when things don't go his way, he disappears for a while. A long while...
NOW this is more like it. The question is answered appropriately here. I don't know why things went array on the cappy board Sad
""NOW this is more like it. The question is answered appropriately here. I don't know why things went array on the cappy board ""
yeah that thread went way off base Sad
I for some reason.......have been attracted to people with cap moons..........but this maybe because My venus is in cancer......I haven't personally been attracted to a cap sun person........come to think of it until this year........I really haven't been in contact with much cap suns........but two of my friends are Sag/Cap Cusp suns smile
lol..the previous cap board industrial revolution for this topic brought an interesting thought to my head. Since we are supposed to be well matched for each other, yet people have many black/white oppositions with this pairing.
I'm not sure which vocabulary word this qualifies for in astrological terms but..

In this relationship guide I've read for all astro signs. I compared it to couples I knew, whether they were generally happy or caused abrasion on each other to an untimely seperation. And I found the book to be very accurate with everyone in any form of relationship. It told whether they'd be great lovers or just friends, family or work partners.
In the book, the signs are split into 5 weeks-their start date from cusp to cusp into the other sign. They are given names of their personality for the week they are born. With this said then, there will always be 2 weeks that are not compatiable with the sign even if its considered a fellow soulmate/compatiable sign still.
Virgo/Leo Cusp, said to be born the week of Exposure (aug 19-25)
Virgo 1 the week of System Builders (august 26-sept 2)
Virgo 2 the week of the Enigma, (sept 3-10)
Virg 3 Week of the Literalist (sept 11-18)
Virg/Libra Cursp Week of Beauty (sept 19-24th)
Sagi/cap cuspy(dec 19-25 "cusp of prophecy"
Cap 1 (dec 26-jan 2)Week of the Ruler
Cap2 (jan 3-9) Week of Determination
Cap (jan 10-16) week of Dominance
Cusp/aqua week of Mystery and Imagination (jan 17-22)
So you can see why some caps or anyone you know can be one way and others appear quite opposite or even fight to the death. Each week has varying degrees of compatability. As also their natal chart depicts too as an added seasoning I suppose.
I guess what I've gathered at least from this, if you want a tennis match between these two. They gotta know their roles in the beginning. Virgs gotta be less critical, because caps need reassurance they're needed. Caps gotta be less aloof so virgs can trust. Virgs gotta start having more focus then child with ADD on spending quality time together in the beginning so we know your serious in knowing us. Caps gotta iniate reaching out intimately/communication. Both signs are patient naturally, love to have sex often and I think to make a relationship anything that makes sense they should be 30+ in years old to be more settled in spirit to be on the same page in life. And if they trust each other ultimately I think they will have many laughs shared.
I have that book, Capricorn31, it's called "Personology" and it's really interesting.

"I had the patience of a saint with him all this time but as soon as I expressed my emotions deep as the ocean on how I felt about things with us all at once, he's never said a word after that, no closure, nothing. Just silence to me ever since for almost 3 weeks now."

His silence doesn't necessarily mean it's over .... having deep penetrating feelings presented to him all at once, is overwhelming to a Virgo ... he probably just needs a lot of time to sort through it all.
I didn't realize you had a recent injury to your heart like that .. hope everything works out for you.
I have that book too!!!!! It's so cool smile
I agree with the trust issue -- regardless, cappies have to trust you in order to come full-circle in a blooming relationship. Virgos have to "trust" you in order to show their true feelings, but Virgos need other stuff too -- much makes them a tad bit more complicated then we are LOL. They want everything at once, which is hard for most people to produce.
The Virgo I'm interested in thinks that I'm "not real" mush is annoying because he says that I cannot be as sweet as I appear. It's annoying because THIS is me, he just won't except. I don't know what to do ...