This is really stupid, but . . .

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by P-Angel on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 and has 9 replies.
I wanna know and I can't figure it out . .
Time . . when I post on here, the time says it's one hour ahead of the actual time here in my location . . ok, there's time zones . . I know this . . but
I'm on the east coast of the U.S. and time moves forward easterly . . England is what . . five hours ahead of us . . one hour ahead puts it in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean . . wtf ????
Am I like . . missing something here?
Never mind . . the time is backwards, not forward.
I swear . . my brain farts a lot, lol
K, on that note I shall take my leave and start my day. Tongue thank you P-Angel
Pm, take your self back to the Scorp board where you can be your prejiduce self with supporters.
You're welcome Creepy . . I was sitting here going, "This is moderated from the middle of the ocean?"
Seriously, I get irriated, at times . . but, people who holds grudges are puny and childish.
I guess I just forgot how to tell time, lol
Blingy always looking for fights . . redneck, lol
Your brain should fart more! It makes you....'less than perfect-P Angel' lol Tongue I didn't think you missed a tick! I'm glad you're human! lol
lol you deserve to hear my intellect and was Roxi's fault!! She put me up to it....buttering me up like Winking