Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
You were so kind in asking if I had any new news to come with when we chatted on Tuesday night. When you get your refill of being able to send PM's I will go into more details as I don't think my saga is over and not that I want it over either.
Well, you were curious (which I appreciated) on Tuesday and I had to say there was nothing new to come with. However, I heard from him yesterday, well kind of heard from him.
It was close to 8 at night and I was making dinner. I was in the kitchen for about a half an hour. Unfortunately, I had this Virgo male on my mind all day yesterday. He always pops up in my mind every day but yesterday more so. Anyway, I was busy in the kitchen. When I was done I went to another room which happened to be where my cell phone was (I don't have a habit of carrying a cell phone with me everywhere) and all of a sudden I heard some beeping noise. Turned out it was from my cell phone and that he had called me while I was in kitchen and, of course, with my luck I didn't hear the phone. I couldn't believe it. I've been waiting to hear from him and when he does call I don't have the cell phone with me. How annoying to say the least. I really wasn't sure of what to do as I have been a little peeved at him for not responding to me. Well, I figured the respectful thing to do is to acknowledge I saw he called. I wrote him a text message 2 hours later after I saw he called.
In the message I wrote it was a pleasant surprise to see he called, hope he was doing well, a pity we weren't able to talk but they'll be another time for that, wrote also he does a good job and that I have faith in he'll do well, we'll talk soon.
It's such an up and down situation but I have to trust him when he says I'll hear from him. It looks like he is keeping his promise to me with not letting it go weeks on end before I hear from him. I'm starting to see little by little when he says something he means it which is at times for me to believe regarding the situation.
Anyway, I wanted to fill you in. Please write back tonight with comments. I just have to say I find it absolutely amazing how you knew he would take contact with me soon. You wrote in early May I would hear from him. Well, it's almost May so you're pretty accurate. I wonder it's true that Scorpios have some special intuition that others might not have. How did you know?
Also, when you write back if you could please write in general since the situation is so surreal and that I'll only understand what you are meaning.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Writing too fast makes mistakes. In the 5 paragraph last line it should say on the last line: "when he says something he means it which at times is hard for me to believe regarding the situation".
Sorry for the error.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Thanks for getting back to me. I have to say you are very kind. I am absolutely astonished at how right you are regarding Virgos. You shouldn't have any trouble with your Virgo since you are right on target. There is something about Scorpios in which they see more than others.
Yes, I was astonished he called yesterday even though I didn't get his call since I was in the kitchen (really annoyed I can tell you). As I've read on DXP you can't get a Virgo to do anything he doesn't want to do either. It's amazing he's following through with his promise. I just hope he'll always be in my life in some shape or form.
I have to say at times I lose all hope with this Virgo and it seems like just when it's gone he calls. Then I start all over again. I have never been so up and down as I have been this year alone. It's so silly and I know it but there is a reason why I have been dealt this lesson in life. I just haven't figured out yet what the outcome is going to be. My gut tells me I won't be disappointed but then I'm scared as hell if you know what I mean. I've never experienced something quite like this before in my entire life. I have many guys interested in me but I see them as friends like I do most people. There is just something about this particular Virgo that has me still interested in him. For what reason I haven't yet figured out which I hope to someday. Not that I want to figure out Virgos anymore. No way, I've given into the fact I don't understand them whatsoever but I find them extremely fascinating. Maybe that is why I'm still interested in this Virgo. I'm searching for answers in my mind and well I still come up empty.
I haven't heard from him today but that's okay. I assume (I don't like using that word) he'll contact me soon again since he seems to be keeping his promises. Boy, I still have that dream I wish to come true which I had written to you about him. I haven't had him on my mind today as much as yesterday but he still pops up. Boy, I wonder if he has some idea of what he means to me since Virgos can sense such things as Dy has stated. It would really take me for a loop if he did. Oh, this situation is not something I ever want to go through again. Once is enough for me, I can tell you that.
Looking forward to hearing from you later.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Okay, you are probably right that it is L?V? but I'm scared as hell. How does this always happen to me when I least expect it? Just since December I've had 3 crushes but this is the one that has lasted (the one I feel a connect to) and I can't even tell him. I who never falls easily in love. It takes me so LONG for that to happen. Oh, how frustrating. I'd probably scare him away since he and I are friends. I'm fine with being friends with him also so there are no problem there.
"When it comes to what we are feeling about our Virgos, once is never enough!"
Boy, I wonder what will happen with me if I meet another Virgo again. It's so surreal. Virgos are really something else.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hi Beguiling,
Hope everything is well with you. I'm doing pretty okay. I've been at my parttime job and came home a little while ago.
Well, this Virgo male is sure something else. Haven't heard from since he called me on Wednesday night to which I didn't hear the phone and sent him a text message. Yesterday came and went which was fine. Then at 19.55 my phone started to vibrate. I work in a food store and I always have my cell phone with because you never know when it comes close to closing hours what can happen. I'm not suppose to have my cell phone with me but I don't care, I'm having it with me just in case. Anyway, my phone vibrated which took me by surprise. When I was done with the customers I checked to see who had called and it was Virgo guy. I was shocked to say the least. I haven't spoken to him in over two weeks now but there have been a few text messages and such. So of course now I wasn't sure of what to do. When I get home do I send a text message or do I call him? Well, I figure why not call him and have him call me back. This is exactly what I did. I called him a half an hour ago. His phone rang a few times and he answered. I said: "Hi, it's me." I could tell he was out at a bar or something because there was a lot of noise and he was telling some guy to lower the music. He said back: "Hi". He did seem a little surprised I called him as I normally don't do that (I send text messages). I replied: "Can you call me back?" He said: "No, he couldn't because he was out". I replied back: "Oh." Then he followed up with: "Are you working tomorrow?" I said: "No, I wasn't working". He said: "I'll call you tomorrow". I said: "Okay". He said: "Bye." I said: "Bye".
Now, I'm confused again like I normally am regarding him. He normally never says no when the few times I have called him to call me back. I think he wants to talk to me without everyone listening to the conversation which I totally understand. I just hope he is being a good boy since he has a girlfriend also. I'm not saying guys can't go out and party because they have every right to do so. I just hope he is taking her feelings into consideration and not planning on straying. Although since it's a while since I've talked to him and he wasn't happy with his girlfriend he might not even be with her anymore. I just don't get him.
Well, just wanted to fill you in. I guess it's a good sign he aksed if I was working tomorrow so he could make sure he would be able to get me on the phone. I'm not the easiest person to get a whole of as he has in the past and is experiencing. I just have to trust that I will hear from him although I'm never quite sure but he always surprises me.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hi Beguiling,
I'm so glad to hear from you again. I'm also very happy that things have worked out so well for you and Virgo guy. You are some smart lady and the Virgoguy will be a very lucky man when he gets you which I know will happen.
Well, unbelievably it seems like the old days have come back regarding this Virgo guy. What I mean with that was he would call me every day for two months (before he got his girlfriend). He did call me like he promised yesterday. He?d been out partying all night and hadn?t slept. Turned out that everything is over with regarding his girlfriend. She couldn?t take him anymore and got rid of him at Easter time. Now he?s alone again which is what he wanted anyway. He had sex with some girl on Friday night (as soon as he told me that what Dy has written about how Virgoguys go through certain stages came shining through. It was like I heard Dy's voice saying it). When I asked did he use protection he said no. When he wants to have sex, he?s going to have it. He was still drunk but was talking pretty clearly. We talked for 28 minutes on the cell phone which was wild. Actually, he had called me earlier in the day also asking how I was. He asked what I was doing then. I told him I was sleeping. Therefore he was going to call me later on in the day which he did. Then he surprised me again today by calling me asking how I was (just like the before) but the conversation was only 5 minutes which was fine. He had to clean up his apartment because he was going to work again. He said he'd call me later. I said fine. About two hours after we talked, he sent me a text message saying we'll talk tomorrow. I wrote him back wishing him a good trip to work and that I understood he was busy right now, and that yeah, we'll talk tomorrow. Therefore he'll take contact with me tomorrow but I don't know if he'll even remember me since he's at work then. He's has some memory though I can tell you because when I was talking to him last night he was drunk (since he'd been partying) and he said he'll call me tomorrow, which is today. That is one thing that has always amazed me with him is even though he's drunk it's me he wants to talk to. He's normally sober when we talk but the times he's been drunk I've thought he's called the wrong number but he hasn't as he knows my name and says certain things to me. I don't have much faith but he keeps proving me wrong. I guess he's seen I met business regarding how he should treat me and he's taking it seriously. I just wonder what his agenda is now.
Now, if I'm going to be honest, I'm confused now. He has never ever sent me a text message saying we'll talk tomorrow. It's either he calls or I don't hear from him at all. I was totally blown away he was being considerate with sending a text message telling me we'll talk tomorrow. Maybe he's learning how to handle me better. I'm the type of person who treats people with respect until you disrespect me. If that happens then I lose respect for that person. I have come pretty close to it with this Virgo guy but never fully. Now, since he doesn't have a girlfriend I'm suddenly back in his life (not that I ever was fully out either). I'm not sure what is going on but I'm going to try and not analyze the situation too much. Like when he had suddenly gotten a girlfriend, the contact between him and I would be less. All right then. Now it's like it was before. Oh, I can tell you I've given up trying to figure out this one Virgo guy out. I just hope not all Virgos are like this. It's a challenge I can tell you but an experience I've learnt so much from.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon again. When you get a refill to send PM's let me know.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hi again Beguiling,
I'm so glad I'm like a breath of fresh air for you. You are the same for me too.
I know what you're saying regarding the girlfriend getting rid of him Yes, my ears are open and I'm watching very closely. I'm not sure what went down with that situation but it's none of my business so I don't ask.
He just called me again and seemed to be in a good mood. Then all of sudden he got a little cranky saying I've never meant anyone like him before. When I said I know of a few people who are like him he got annoyed. Then he told me something new which really astonished me. He told he's gotten pissed with me when I say I know how he operates since I know people like him and therefore he hadn't taken contact with me for a while before. Now I don't get this at all. Why should he be annoyed if I know how he is? Do you understand this? Then all of sudden I lost him on the phone but he didn't hang up either so I did. Then I called him back because I don't understand what was going on. He told me he'll call back in 2 minutes but it's already been past that.
Is it true that Virgos get annoyed when it comes to the opposite sex when they care for you? If this is the case, he's opening up more than I thought.
Please answer as soon as you can.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Issues surrounding what? Me? His feelings? I'm confused again. Oh, brother.
He has still not called me back so I can't ask him what is going on. It's night time here now but he's at work. I'm not even sure if he's going to call back. He said 2 minutes but that's pasted already.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I understand what you mean. He's never gotten annoyed with me before and therefore I have no idea what is going on. It's not like him either to get cranky with me because I'm always pleasant with him. He must have issues with being compared to others. I'll make a check of that. I wasn't being mean with him either.
It's so frustrating. I don't understand why he won't call me back now so the record can get straight. Virgos are not easy to understand, I can tell you that.
I've read that Virgos like to be critical of others. I've found with him getting pissed with me this is him testing me again with being a little critical. It's the first time. I've also read that Virgos are critical when they care for you because if they don't they wouldn't bother. If this is the case, I don't know what to do now.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
I have an update now. Turned out he was drinking again. Oh, I feel so sorry for him. I don't know why I should though but I do.
I waited over an hour and when I didn't hear from him (because it would have driven me nuts not to find out what's going on) I called him to see what's going on. I asked him to call me back. He said he couldn't because he was going out. I asked will I hear from him tomorrow. He replied first: "He thought so". Then he said: "Yes, he'd be calling tomorrow". Then I told him (since he's drunk) not to forget me. His reply was: "He doesn't forget anybody".
I guess the reason why he was pissed off had nothing to do with me afterall since it was the alcohol that was talking. Although I know people say how they feel under the influence.
I should tell you he's assured me my dream will come true. He didn't exactly know when though but it will come true he said. He told me this in the first conversation when he was fine, although I think he was drunk then too. If my dream does come true I'm not sure of what to do as I don't want him to be only drunk.
I just had to hear how he sounded since he was annoyed but when I talked to him after I called him he seemed tired and yet he was going out. It such a sad case. I'm glad I'm his friend so he can at least talk to me. I'm learning a lot though. Although I'm not sure if I'm going to hear from him tomorrow though. I think so since he keeps his promises but I don't know.
Just wanted to update you.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hi Beguiling,
How are you doing then? Do you have a refill of PM's now?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hi Beguiling,
How are you? Did you beat Virgo guys' butt on the courts on Thursday? How are things going then?
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Right back at you favorite person. What an honor. I was thinking of you because I'm so glad things are going so well with your Virgo guy. You deserve it.
Have a great time tonight with Virgo guy. I'm sure he's looking very much forward to having time with you. Especially since you beat him at racquet ball. He's got to do some showing off now, he he. I'm only teasing. Glad you won.
Thanks for thinking of me. Write to me when you get back on line again.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Hi Beguiling,
I see you wrote you are having such a great day. Care to share a little bit?
I always love it when others are happy because it's so inviting.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Well, things are looking much brighter but I'm not having the luck you are having with Virgos though. That's okay. I've let go and will see what will happen. It's a mystery to me and has been very confusing. I have to not let it eat me up and go on. It's been a very valuable lesson though I have to say.
I'm doing a school project which I've been lazy with. We have to do it in a group of 3 and the dead line is on Friday. I'm more than half done with my part and will be looking very much forward to finishing it. Although we get another group project to start with starting on Friday and will have 12 days to finish that.
The weather here is beautiful. It's like living in Spain instead of Scandinavia. Very unusual to have such beautiful weather in May. Usually the nice weather comes in June. I love the summer days. The days are longer which makes life brighter. Life hasn't been all that bright in the recent for me but things are looking up.
I'm so glad things are moving in the right direction for you and Virgo guy. Keep things at a steady pace and you'll be fine. I think in my case things have gone so slow it's unbelievable. I'll never know why I've ever bothered.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Wow, you know just what to write don't you. I hadn't thought of it that way. This is why I'm so glad I can get different opinions because sometimes when you are in the thick of something you can't think logically. That logical thinking got lost somewhere with me though. I am very glad to have gotten it back. Stupid me for losing it in the first place.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Yeah, it's beautiful here in Scandinavia. Usually it's cold in the month of May but not now. The temperatures have been about 74 which is beautiful for here. The sun has been shining like no tomorrow. People are going around in T-shirts and shorts. This beautiful weather also helps people get into a better mood also. I'm generally I happy person but unfortunately I got sucked into something which has taken me time to rise above which I have. I just can't wait until the summertime comes now.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Well, I can maybe help you out there. No place is like America. It's a great country with a lot of possibilies.
Signed Up:
Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Well, I try my best in helping others out. Not always do I succeed but I do everything in my power to make it work and I'm no quitter.