I told the virgo guy that i like, that i like him and asked if he fancied going on a date. He responded to my message saying that he thinks im awesome, that he is extremely busy with work but he will definitely come to my birthday dinner. Since then, he seems to have pulled away, I responded to his message but he never replied. A few days later I needed help and I asked him for advice but I got nothing from him. I know he isnt the best at replying to people on facebook, but usually he replies to me. Have I blown my chance by telling him I like him?
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Jul 13, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 18
Virgo men -contradiction on 2 legs:they love to be chased,but they like to chase.
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Jul 13, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 18
Dont do anything,yet!let him contact you,if he is interested.When he comes to you,keep it friendly manner,for the starters.
Maybe he felt like he didnt do any chase,right?!Maybe he got scared?they do that,because they are not very emotional creatures(i know,iam a virgo,too-).When we see to much emotion ,we run,we come back,we run again.pfew,exhausting..
We do a lot of coming,going,coming back again-(,until we are sure the other person is what we want.Ussualy virgo men are attracted to women who can were(?) the pants and have star quality(he likes to be in service and for sure he is not alpha men).
What sign are you?
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Jul 13, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 18
Dont send him message to help you,is chasing,dont you see?
You are not at that level yet,where he can jump right away to help you,ok?!-)
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Jul 13, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 18
Keep it low,let him come to you-).
Taurus Virgo should be ok.
Good luck
so, if i keep a low key, dont message, you dont think i will have blown my chances?
ill just wait for my birthday dinner next week and see if he actually comes.
thank you
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Jul 13, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 18
Pretty much,yes!
Chasing a guy,doesnt do good to a woman.I know Virgo male likes to do the chasing,is his man right and honestly i think it annoys him ,when is chased(how shows that?by ignoring,dissapearing,etc).A bit is ok from our part,but not to much.
Happy birthday!
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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
lol...this is actually cute.
You let him know how you feel. Now all you have to do is keep busy, keep him out of your head, don't contact him, and be neutral but friendly if he approaches to talk to you.
Thanks for the advise! Im definitley going to use it!
Im just worry that Ive blown my chance with him by telling him that I like him
I do know him in real life, I work with him, but neither of us have had a shift in quite a while. When Im on a shift with him, we get on extremely well (Ive never got on so well with a guy before) and we always have flirty banter. Ive known him since September, when I moved to the area and we kind of hit it off straight away and I kind of liked him but just thought Id make friends with him and see what happens, then it was just after Christmas that I realised that I actually do like him quite a lot.
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Aug 27, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 151 · Topics: 21
They are all correct. Do nothing. Let him observe you. Taurus/Virgo is a really good match. You have to let him do the chasing - old fashioned that way. You've already voiced your feelings so sit back and relax. If he's interest you'll know. It's a slow steady build up. If he's interested he WILL chase you and find ways to be around you. Again, slow build up.
Bday dinner....get dolled up! Sexy-conservative and not slutty. You wanna shine. If he shows give him a compliment or two but then that's it...move on & converse with other guests. Let him come to you. When it's over don't text, FB, or anything. Let him lead.
Good luck. We want details of that bday dinner!
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Dec 18, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 16
awwww cute! i adore my taurus girlfriend who has been dating a virgo man for the past 3 years. you remind me of her, very matter of fact and direct even about emotions! it's like.. okay i like you, let's get down to business. anyway! agree with above posters. don't dwell too much on it. he knows so just let it grow organically.
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Dec 06, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 300 · Topics: 25
He may be analysing the situation. Taking his time. viragos