told off my virgo

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by katout on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 and has 8 replies.
i posted here a while back about my virgo pulling away suddenly, well of course it continued and he rarely ever contacted me the last month and a half. two days ago i met up with him and called him out on his behavior. i expressed that it was cold and rude and told him that he made me feel cheap. he didnt have much to say because he said it would all sound like excuses. he told me that he is going through a lot and he had been busy. i responed by telling him that he is not the only one that is going through things in life and it is still unexcusable and disrespectful to ignore people and disappear. i asked him if i did something to put him off and he said no. anyway, i gave him back the few things of his that he left at my place, he hugged me and said he'd see me around. oh and he told me that he is not the relationship type! ha! to that i just responded that he should not have acted like he wanted one from me. he also asked me if i just wanted to see him so that i could call him out, and i said yes. he told me that he tried to tell me that he needed space and he did that is true a few months ago, but then he was all over me for a few days on his own to me that meant he was done with his alone time...he made contact and he acted very interested again.
I sent him an email yesterday telling him thank you for meeting me and that it was important for me to tell him how i felt about everything face to face. i also told him again that i had lost a lot of respect for him because of his actions and that he had made me feel cheap.
i feel a lot better today about it and myself. i feel that no man virgo or not should ever get away with running away especially for no reason. the hot cold is just BS.
i dont really care anymore if i ever see or hear from him again, i am just curious how virgo men feel after they have been called out on their childish behavior. Do they learn their lesson? Do they feel bad when someone bluntly tells them they have been hurt by them? Do they regret the way they have acted to bring them to this point. I know i am not the only one he has treated this way because he told me he has never been in a relationship longer then 3 months and he is almost 28...i wonder though if i am the only on to have ever called him out. I am a Taurus by the way and i always have to have the last word =)
i feel bad for telling him that i lost respect for him and that he is a different person then i thought he was, i dont like being hurtfull to others, i just felt like he needed to know what he was doing to me and how i was feeling. Do virgos get hurt by words like that, or does it just roll off their backs?
The only time i ignore a guy is when i have moved on. I am the only female taurus i know so i can only speak for myself, but i will not answer calls or texts when i am losing interest. How long ago did you send it?
it depends on how old she is or if she has been screwed over before. When i was younger i was really insecure because of being cheated on by a guy and i had some jealousy issues, but not enough to disappear...just enough to fight harder for a guy.
venus in gemini moon in pisces and mars in taurus
Katout...You too huh?? Seems like alot of virgos have been told off lately.. I told mine off too...I wasn't as harsh as you though. High five on that one lol.
shaka you were right, i got a text today from him out of nowhere...i have not contacted him since i told him off. he said he made me a cd....thats it! ha, i thanked him and that is it for now. wow i feel like this guy really likes playing games. but we will see if he ever wants to give me the so called cd...and if i even care enough to get it from him!
he is probably just trying to break the ice, since you haven't said a word.
I would either let it go and move on, or ask him upfront what's going on with your friendship/relationship status.

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