Virgo and Aries

This topic was created in the Aries and Virgo Compatibility forum by Altmer on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 and has 28 replies.
For some reason I seem to have a lot of Aries people around me... two of my best friends are Aries... lots of other people I enjoy to talk to are Aries. Do any of you Virgos have something similar with the Ram? Maybe it's my Sagittarius moon, but I think that Virgo and Aries get on well a lot of the time...maybe not in relationships, as I have no experience in relationships with Aries chicks, but you know...
Well the only Virgo friends I have are more observers/peripheral people in my life...they rarely get to the point where they are comfortable enough with me to participate in the fun...sometimes I think I'm just too fickle and they can never peg down my personality. Sometimes I just don't want to be figured out.

I only know one A + V couple. It's the second marriage for both of them. He's the type of Virgo I'd like to be, and she is a dead-sexy Aries who gets every guy's attention when she walks into a room...
They stay on the go way more than I could; and even though they're a bit older than me, I don't see them slowing down for a long time...
These people are direct and we Virgos love that.
Though I can honestly attest like Evan I think it was, we speak two different languages.
Lots of quarrels and misunderstandings.
Aries chicks are pretty cool and they definitely appreciate Virgo men.
Though I can honestly attest like Evan I think it was, we speak two different languages.
Just curious, what do you guys mean by this?
Virgo and Aries quarrel, all the time.
Interpretation of each others words seems to go awry half of the time!
So how would you expect a person like me Aries sun and Virgo rising to behave? I often find myself mistaken for a Virgo.

DY: I only know one A + V couple.
Correction: I now know another A + V couple - my neighbors down the road a piece (about a mile or so in Southern English). Again, it's an Aries Woman + Virgo Man (does it not work the other way 'round?). They're in their early 30's and have two boys. His birthday is SEPT 15th, and hers is April 14th - isn't that interesting?
He's a very typical VirGuy: Humble, unassuming, works with his hands, and is always busy on something or other. She's a sexy brunette who's very straightforward, speaks her mind, and picks at him all the time. But, he gets his own jibes in: She called him in a panic a while back because her car wouldn't start, and she had to get to work. He gave her troubleshooting pointers over the phone, but nothing helped. So, he drove 35+ miles from his job to their house, recharged her battery, and discovered after reconnecting it that she'd left one of the dome lights on overnight...

xonsie: So how would you expect a person like me Aries sun and Virgo rising to behave?
You'll pop-off a lot, but you'll be right more often than not...

Okay, VirGuys: What is it about RamGals that we find SO DAMN HOT??
They're solid and don't back down and speak up.
I have to say I really like Virguys, love the attention to detail and the loyalty, tis magical...though I fear I'm a little too crazy for most.
What the hell ????? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I'm not surprised!!

DScared I starting to think...
THAT was your First Mistake!

DearDiary / AriesLovesVirgo reappearing here got me thinking about this almost instinctive attraction that us VirGuys have for RamGals...
It's like, Rams have this sexual frankness about them - they're ready to fuck (or fuck with you) anywhere anytime...
For a cautious, reserved, "proper" VirGuy, this evokes a powerful response...

DScared I assume...
THAT was your Second Mistake.
The sexual attraction is nothing but a flame in the wind...
That may be your experience, but both AW + VM couples I know seem pretty happy without arguing - a VM won't stay for long if that's the basis of the sexual tension, no matter how great the sex. We don't like perpetual headaches.
Aries and Virgo = Crash and Burn.
Hey all I'm a newbie on here just been lurking about for a little while, reading lots of post and laughing my head off at some. I was just going to ask about aries/virgo and up pops this post. I've been seeing an aries for a couple of weeks and things seem really cool. Damn are aries fire crackers, you can positively feel the room shake, when they get horny boy, not sure how long my virgo reserve can hold him off for lol!!
Aries here involved with a Virgo somewhat... cant really figure out what he is up too I think they can be shady , but the sex is incredible!!!
Aries here involved with a Virgo somewhat... cant really figure out what he is up too I think they can be shady , but the sex is incredible!!!
yes the sexiness just flows off those aries girls. i cant resist.

25thDecan: for some wierd reason don't see our jokes as barbs but just jokes
Translation: Aries Women are not witty. (But, since the average VG can be a sarcastic bastard, that may be a good thing.)
So... what does RamGirl see in VirGuy -- pure sex??
My brother's girlfriend is a Virgo, don't talk to her that much, but when I do she is very nice and very very smart =)), also my best friend is a Virgo, I would say there pretty cool. For some reason, I have heard of common Aries and Virgo attractions, maybe its because there so opposite that they kinda attract? I don't really know...
Aries people are among the most beautiful I have ever met my ex was Aries my son is Aries...3 of my friends and co workers are Aries as well.
Never had any problem with any of them, they are straight forward with their own meaning and honest to the bone.
The problem with Virgos and Aries are from the Virgo side not the other way, if we could shut the hell up things could be much better between us.
That is not possible of course.
^ lol yea...
the talking on Virgo side gets me too - I'm always amazed the things they notice or analyse or stress about smile
Qbone...I guess it would be useless to say stop being so self-critical. I don't mind all the chatter and worrying so long as it doesn't depress me or prevent me from doing things/moving forward...emphasis on action. I will only pause and listen to virgos because their advice helps me make better decisions. I know I can get carried away with emotions and impulsiveness...they can slow me down a bit smile
Sorry but I am not self critical, what I said was truth, the criticism are destructive in our race even I know about it and try to stop it sometimes it goes beyond my control and senses.
However... Thanks to my Aries friends with their (why) I am now able to pause and consider the situation more carefully which is obviously not my business to meddle with.

We are learning from each other??_ right..??