Virgo Appreciation Thread

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Erica1 on Monday, January 20, 2014 and has 28 replies.
Okay I'll start. I will describe one of the best Virgos I know. She's a good friend of mine and she has some of the typical "to-be-expected" good Virgo traits of being an EXTREMELY together person with her life, displaying kindness and concern for people & animals (especially their safety and well-being), and having an absolutely extraordinary wit.
She also has some "pleasantly surprising" good traits that you wouldn't necessarily expect of a Virgo. Those are: very spontaneous, daring & venturesome, and uninhibited.
Anyone else have a Virgo that you know who exhibits Virgo-like and "not-so-Virgo-like" traits (both good)? Do share!
Or, just continue this thread with general Virgo appreciation. : )
The Virgos I know are awesome Winking
I love Virgos; I really do! It's a sign with many characteristics I strive to have. Many people born under that sign inspire me to try to be a better person and try harder. My aunt is a Virgo and she has an absolutely FANTASTIC wit and an effortless way with words??_Damnata very much reminds me of her in that way!! smile
Posted by Erica1
Damnata very much reminds me of her in that way!! smile

Most important question here. Is she married? Happy?
Am I doomed to be a spinster? Should I start acquiring cats? If so how many? I only have one, so I still have some hope left.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Erica1
Damnata very much reminds me of her in that way!! smile

Most important question here. Is she married? Happy?
Am I doomed to be a spinster? Should I start acquiring cats? If so how many? I only have one, so I still have some hope left.
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She's not married, but she is happy. She has an AWESOME boyfriend! He's pretty much an ideal guy. : )
We could each get a cat just for the heck of it. I say you get a Maine Coon, my aunt gets a Calico, and I get a Sphynx (aka a hairless Mr. Bigglesworth)!! ; )
What sign?
Details woman, do you not know Virgos at all?
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Erica1
Damnata very much reminds me of her in that way!! smile

Most important question here. Is she married? Happy?
Am I doomed to be a spinster? Should I start acquiring cats? If so how many? I only have one, so I still have some hope left.
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You will not be a spinster Tongue I have a cat if you want her Tongue she's still a kitten ^_^
Kek will murder her.
kek = supreme ruler in this house.
Posted by Damnata
What sign?
Details woman, do you not know Virgos at all?

My aunt's boyfriend? He's a Cancer. I was going to say it but decided against it because I have been going on and on about Cancer men on dxpnet (I'm slightly enamored of them lol) so I didn't want to drive anyone crazier at the moment. Lol!
I will keep one eye out for stalkers then.
Posted by Damnata
Kek will murder her.
kek = supreme ruler in this house.

But she is just too adorable.. you know you want her.. her name is Pandora Winking
been trying to find her a home for a few months. I did not want another cat.

That's how it started for me.
More October night I heard scratches on my door. I open up and this gray kitten comes in. I thought she belonged to one of my neighbors so I asked around. She didn't.
I immediately panicked and started calling cat lovers...I grew up with a dog so I was clueless. Then I realised I cannot throw her out because I don't have the heart for it. So the gray demon stayed.
One Sag friend of mine "I think I will start placing animals by your door, you'll take in everything, won't you?"

The demon, first night of rulership on her bloody domain.
^^ awww she's cutes!!! smile
Posted by Damnata
I will keep one eye out for stalkers then.

Omg what ADORABLE kitties!!!! They need a Mr. Bigglesworth friend, though! ; )
Hairless cats are so darned cute!!
^^ those aren't cats. just saying Tongue
Posted by justagirl
^^ those aren't cats. just saying Tongue

Awwww boo hiss they're darling!
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Erica1
Posted by Damnata
What sign?
Details woman, do you not know Virgos at all?

My aunt's boyfriend? He's a Cancer. I was going to say it but decided against it because I have been going on and on about Cancer men on dxpnet (I'm slightly enamored of them lol) so I didn't want to drive anyone crazier at the moment. Lol!

I swear I knew that was going to be the answer. Virgo women and Cancer men for some reason click.
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But I'm a Libra! ; )
Posted by Erica1
Posted by justagirl
^^ those aren't cats. just saying Tongue

Awwww boo hiss they're darling!
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The hairless ones? they are inside out!!
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Erica1
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by Erica1
Posted by Damnata
What sign?
Details woman, do you not know Virgos at all?

My aunt's boyfriend? He's a Cancer. I was going to say it but decided against it because I have been going on and on about Cancer men on dxpnet (I'm slightly enamored of them lol) so I didn't want to drive anyone crazier at the moment. Lol!

I swear I knew that was going to be the answer. Virgo women and Cancer men for some reason click.

But I'm a Libra! ; )

im talking about your aunt.
click to expand

Oh oops sorry my mistake!
Mad wonderful Jack ~ Virgo sun/Pisces Moon


Posted by smol

Thinking abt Cardinal sign men 😳

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🤨 but I thought-
Maurice Ralph Hilleman (August 30, 1919 – April 11, 2005) was an American microbiologist who specialized in vaccinology and developed over 40 vaccines, an unparalleled record of productivity. Of the 14 vaccines routinely recommended in current vaccine schedules, he developed eight: those for measles, mumps, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, chickenpox, meningitis, pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae bacteria. He also played a role in the discovery of the cold-producing adenoviruses, the hepatitis viruses, and the potentially cancer-causing virus SV40.

He is credited with saving more lives than any other medical scientist of the 20th century. Robert Gallo described him as "the most successful vaccinologist in history".

"Yet almost no one knew about him, saw him on television, or read about him in newspapers or magazines. His anonymity, in comparison with Madonna, Michael Jackson, Jose Canseco, or an assortment of grade B actors, tells something about our society's and media's concepts of celebrity; much less of the heroic."
louis le prince- inventor of the early motion picture camera and made the first movie

léon theremin- inventor of the theremin

matsunosuke onoe- the first superstar of japanese cinema seen here in 'jiraiya the hero' directed by shōzō makino (also a virgo)