virgo differences

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by cansir on Friday, April 13, 2007 and has 12 replies.
i have been reading through some of the threads here and have come across several times that male virgos are very different than female virgos. can anyone help explain some of the major differences?
The males have a penis .. the females, a vagina
That's probably the most major as asked for.
i like that answer. you just made my day smile
so i assume each gender gets a different instruction manual on how and what it is used for?
Hey .. there's a manual?
Well, no wonder .. I think maybe I might have been something wrong.
If I'm female .. does that make me the pok-he, or, pok-her?
It's so confusing. your sense of humor p-angel. i guess that is why i like you virgos.
no i have not so thanks for the tip pluto!
The males have a penis .. the females, a vagina
That's probably the most major as asked for.

The males have a penis .. the females, a vagina

Good sense of humour. LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL
What are you upto about writing that diplomatic letter without confrontation/s?
caprigirl thanks for the link. i think i am starting to getter a better understanding of virgos and that really helped. gosh have i seen many of those traits in the short time i have known my ex virgo.
cansir, I think it's best you don't hear from me then; wouldn't wanna ruin your image of the virgoan facade....I say generally virgo is a mixture of these signs Scorpio and Aquarius. if you think about what's said on this website, and think of the behavior of both Scorpio, and Aquarius it may make sense to you. I gathered this from the fact that I have the mentality of Aquarius, and the fixidity of emotions, among other things from Scorpio; here's the may express somethings that people left out of their excerpts.