Virgo ex bought me a chair

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by prplhayesr on Thursday, April 25, 2013 and has 16 replies.
Ok, so, my ex called me at work the other day re: a lawnmower that I have at his house. He said it did not work and I told him, he could trash, sell it or whatever. Since this was our first actual conversation since March 7th, we exchanged idle chit chat. I said speaking of things at your house, that I had my beach chair there and other floor mats. Come to find out, it was his beach chair, which he was right. I thought it was mine. I used it for 6 years, what do I know. To make a long story short, I get a text from him yesterday telling me, he found a chair for me, brand new just for me... I replied oh wow, luck me, thanks... OK what gives?
because virgos are sentimental, possessive and attached to their stuff. but they also like to please someone they care about. so he held on to his chair and found you a new one. has he bought it for you? is it the same type as that beach chair? what is your sun sign?
I am a scorpio, I posted on here before. He was pretty hurtful when he broke up with me.
Not sure about the chair as I have not gotten it yet.
we also don't like owing anyone anything or anybody's favors. not sure what the deal with the chair is, but he probably just wants the matter cleared and out of the picture. it could be either ways, either he does not want to part with it and wants you to have one too since you mentioned. or he is upset you pointed about the chair and wants to give you one to show it is not about material things but about THAT chair being HIS
aah you see virgos don't like leaving things open ended (except relationships maybe lol). now he has to take care of the chair business.
Posted by prplhayesr
Ok, so, my ex called me at work the other day re: a lawnmower that I have at his house. He said it did not work and I told him, he could trash, sell it or whatever. Since this was our first actual conversation since March 7th, we exchanged idle chit chat. I said speaking of things at your house, that I had my beach chair there and other floor mats. Come to find out, it was his beach chair, which he was right. I thought it was mine. I used it for 6 years, what do I know. To make a long story short, I get a text from him yesterday telling me, he found a chair for me, brand new just for me... I replied oh wow, luck me, thanks... OK what gives?

Wish I could've been a fly on the wall when you tried to stake claim in his beach chair. My guess is, you made a big stink about it, and the one he gave you was the exclamation point and reward for finally realizing you were wrong and wasting his time. That's what gives.
Especially since you shared with us in a thread you GOT EVERYTHING back and it was done. My guess (only a guess) it wasn't done in your mind and you can't let go using the "beach chair" as an excuse. However, you did already share he returned everything:
Posted by prplhayesr
Got my last headrest from his Mom's house. The reality of this whole mess has been here but, now it is full blown. Thankful for it to be done and sad... I will keep busy and continue to work on me. I appreciate all of the responses. I will meditate tonight and pray
Posted by RomancingA
He felt bad about claiming his chair.....wanted to be a level person and give you one.

nah...been around plenty of Virgo fellas. This was sarcasm expressed in action hands down.Winking
I don't know what gives...BUT
he rang her about a broken old lawnmower..
he texted her about a new chair??
I'd wonder too...she isn't the one reaching out desperately
What gives is that she is keeping him hanging on a string. After reading her other thread, it becomes obvious that she isn't breaking clean with him, rather, she keeps finding ways to keep in contact with him ... she'll get all her stuff and then come back with another item she left, then another item, then another ... she has always had the opportunity to go to his place and gather all her stuff, but, she won't do that, instead she keeps putting him off. When he tries to come to her to bring her stuff to her, she's suddenly unavailable.
So, I see this as him buying her a new chair with the attitude of .... there, now get the fuck away from me.
virgo and their exs huh ? i cant seem to be able to PUSH mine away ! why is he still hanging there not letting me go ! its really annoying ? we had an amazing relationship BUT no problem is him ! he can't give me 100 percent so we decided to brake him ! me being a taurus just had enough and think its done its over i have given him my all if he cna't give me that get out of my way ! but why is he still annoying me ! HELP
about the chair not so sure ! they just like to keep in contact with their exs i think? its their way of healing ? i dont know
Letitb and romancing, HE CALLED ME ABOUT THE LAWNMOWER!!! I had forgotten about it but, while I had him on the phone, I mentioned the beach chair... which I honestly thought was mine and then apologized and just said Oh, sorry, I thought it was mine, no big stink about it all... The next day he went out and bought me a new one. I did not ask that of him. As for the headrest and floor mats those came with my new car. I was not going to replace them. He did not move out of state, he changed job locations.
Now, back to the chair and the exchange of the chair. He gave it to me Friday night. I could tell he was very impressed at how good I looked. I told him thanks for the chair, he said he could not resist buying and etc. He then said, Oh you look good, I said thanks again. He bought his son with him, who got out the car and hugged me and I hugged him back. This past Sunday, I decided to attend the Church we joined together, why should I not, and it is a big church, well he saw me..
the text are as follows:
Him: Come get your seat, the same area
Me: Sorry to late, I have a seat
Him: OK
after church text
Him: Is lunch on you?
Me: Sure where?
Him: Your place
Me: No food there, pick somewhere
Long story short, we went to Friday's and had a nice lunch and we both went on our Merry way. It was pleasant and I am in a good place... I am working on me and forgiveness. Although it ended, it was a good 6 year relationship and I have no major regrets.
Obviously, this thread would never even exist in the first place if the OP was over her ex
No, not over him but, doing OK...