I read this reply from a virgo female to a post from someone ten years ago with interest:
I will have more time to elaborate later, but essentially, we're completely "backward" from the norm in that: around men we like only as friends, we are our casual, friendly, fun, and usually laid-back, funny selves. Comfortable, obliging, just one of the boys, so to speak. Completely relaxed, like we would be with male relatives.
With a man we're attracted to, he is usually completely "invisible," as we act like he's nowhere around--scared to death that our attraction is going to manifest so transparently that everyone standing nearby is going to immediately sense it and then broadcast it all over the place. We also don't want to appear vulnerable to the man himself and be so readily "caught at our game" and revealed for the emotional "weakling" that we really are underneath. We're nervous, on edge, fairly uncomfortable--though enjoying every minute of it. It's a double-edged sword: we tend to challenge ourselves with the chaotic chemistry that his presence provokes for the excitement of it all but want to run away from it at the same time because it presents a certain fear. So we run away and comfortably displace ourselves from his overwhelming presence, and then imagine all sorts of delicious things we'd love to do with him that we could never allow ourselves to sense in his presence for the chaos that predominates. A sword we rather enjoy.
Is this the case? There is a virgo girl who i work with who displayed a few of these traits-Avoided me when i hadn't even spoken to her[though she had smiled at me before this], i just used to see her around my workplace, but just my presence made her sometimes act uncomfortable, but one day when i plucked up the courage to speak to her she was very friendly back, and even smiled at me in a very definite manner one or two times after this. But then when i spoke to her again, she spoke back to me in a friendly manner, but then went back to being uncomfortable, avoiding me etc. Very confusing and difficult to read, especially as i hadn't even barely made any contact her with her when she originally started avoiding me, it seemed to just be my brief presence whenever she saw me, it seems that sometimes she wouldn't mind being near me, and sometimes she would. Would any females of the same star sign be able to give any answers to this, aside from the above answer to someone elses post which i copied and pasted. I am a virgo male by the way.
If I had to guess, oh she LIKES you. As for the answer above--truer words have never been spoken.
That's very enlightening re the copy and pasted answer. I was more under the impression she couldn't make up her mind about me.
Thanks, this girl comes across as kind of outgoing and extrovert, if i didn't know it would almost seem like she was trying to avoid me because she is nervous of me.... which is why i am also very perplexed, seeing as it was before and after i had spoken to her. I am a visibly introvert Virgo.
Not sure what either of you mean???
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May 08, 2017Comments: 480 · Posts: 3567 · Topics: 13
You're a virgo, aren't you the same way? We are AWKWARD about flirting and dating...
I guess so, i do always feel very self conscious when i'm around someone i like or am attracted to
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2013Comments: 10 · Posts: 4163 · Topics: 48
I expect that there is probably more than meets the eye with simple sun sign only. Were I looking over a chart I would also note where the Moon, Venus and Mercury are, but given that this is most likely someone we're not going to be doing that for, I would also agree with the statement to a certain point. There have been more than a few instances in my life where I've felt an attraction to someone without wanting it to be shared knowledge. The best way to avoid that is to ignore the person and/or feeling.