Virgo girl - Virgo he serious?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Virgo-girl on Friday, July 27, 2007 and has 5 replies.
I dated a Virgo for a bit and we had a good time, because we were so alike. But he and I were both really sensitive, so we fought a lot about petty things, such as our actions or words that we took the wrong way. We were also both stubborn and wanted to be right, so that always played a factor in our arguments.
Virgo guys have a crazy sense of loyalty and duty, especially to their close friends and family, so it shouldn't be a surprise that he prioritizes everything over you. Only when your relationship has reached a higher level do they place you above everything else.
Another thing about them is they are known to retreat. Mine did. But I can't really say much about if or when they come around. I hear for the most part they do, but I haven't experienced it.
"Virgo he serious?"
"started sending him messages to see how he is doing but he has become quite cold towards me."
Why are you even questioning yourself??? If you feel you act too impulsviely then work on that apart from this situation, but as for the Virguy, he is showing the signals that scream in big bold letters, I want nothing serious. So it's up to you if you want to get to know someone via text, and have dates cancelled last minute, or someone who can only squeeze in a drink. The worse thing you can ever show someone is that you second guess yourself. It's the easiest way to become bait for someone who doesn't have your best intentions at heart.
I think you can do way better smile
Why does this have to be explained?

hi there smile
based from my experience .. it won't work .. my ex-virgo .. is the greatest pretender i have ever met in my whole life .. up until now .. i think he won't ever change .. it runs in the veins ..
especially if your man is .. emotionally wreck .. (so am i) .. worries too much .. (so am i) .. doubts too much .. (so am i) .. a ladies' man .. (not my cup of tea) .. i am not communicating with all my exes .. but that doesn't mean i'm bitter about it .. they are my friends from a distance .. that's just how i live with it .. no strings attached .. and if your man strives for perfection in all aspects before settling down .. and making up their minds .. (not my cup of tea either) ..
i'd rather be in a relationship with whom i can freely expressed my feelings .. without being measured .. for my shortcomings .. and be put into a whole lot of tests .. just to know someone .. which is so so wrong .. its not even proper to think that i should be rewarded .. for all the stressful challenges given by the one who loves me .. (?) if that ever happens .. that is really questionable .. and i won't even consider that partner a husband-material .. not even for a long haul .. really ..
to each is own .. i wish you and your virgo tons and tons of LUCK! Winking