Wow.... i just read almost exactly my experiance with a Vguy i used to work with.... i am also a December born Capricorn and he was a September born Virgo, we are both in our early 20s
I no longer speak to my Vguy, but i only knew mine for a year, but everything.. i mean EVERYTHING you have described here of his behavior toward you, is what mine did to me. Except for dating another girl we worked with, but the rest is spot on.
lol i at some point felt that my VGuy felt sorry for me too, its so strange, im just remembering it all now...
I wish i could give you some positive advise to help you find a course of action, it seems to be a trend with CapGirl/VGuy relationships, so close yet so far away, we are always waiting for the right signal from the other without giving away too much of ourselves. Probably because we know there is MUCH MORE to loose, we are just too attracted to eachother.
A friend of mine said it best... "Your both as bad as eachother"
I know he loved me as much as i loved him deep inside, i cut him off because i know he will hurt me more than anyone else ever could. Because i know ill never love someone else as much as i loved him.
All i can say it, dont feel guilty for realising there are other men out there and dont be afraid to look, no matter how right it feels with your VGuy. Until your together as a couple, all the connection you may feel means nothing in this reality.
I wish i had learned this earlier, would have saved myself alot of tears.
Your Vguy is probably only friends with the vgirl. They can talk about anything because they're alot alike. If he doesn't intend on mixing business with pleasure it may be that he's been down that road before, and it can be very damaging to a career or reputation. The fact that he turned you down twice on invitations is not any indication of wether or not he would like to take you out. It seems maybe that he likes you alot and is somewhat "basking" in your attention. Lay off for a while. Distance yourself and don't be so complimentary of him. Just be a nice co-worker and keep it at that. See if he comes around. Most of all don't show if you are jealous if he flirts with someone. Try to ignore it. Maybe, since you've already shown you like him, he will come around and ask YOU out. He is either playing hard to get, or is not interested but doesn't want to hurt feelings. You need to find out somehow which it is.