Posted by xxoommmxxoo
These guys are tough for us caps, really tough. Kryptonite though. The love is real and its deep. I'm obviously not a Virgo but I'm dealing with one right now but it's up in the air as of now. They need space, lots of space. You can't go with the usual he text, she text thing. They are going to do what they want when they want. They come hard and fast at first but then they take some time to decide. When they decide they want you, they will get you. Mine likes to lead, he likes to be the one in charge. Yep tough for us caps I know but a Virgo is real man. You have to let him be the man but gently pull the reins on the side of if that makes sense. Set aside how you are expecting him to act and just let him "be". When they want you,they will let you know. You have to get busy, let him come to you, don't stress when he doesn't text every second. In addition, stop trying so hard to "get"him to like you to "get" his interest. You are not auditioning for a movie role here. Just be yourself and keep it authentic and be real. If he wants you, he wants you without you trying to "be" or "do" anything. But warning: they can take a while to decide, sometimes they have to miss you. But damn, when its good between a cap a Virgo, the chemistry is off the chain. I read in an astrology bool one time that Virgos and caps should never leave the bedroom and I believe this to be true. This is where were communicate the best. The walls come down on both sides and that deep intimacy is there that both signs crave so much. I can tell you are stressing though. I've been there and I have had to learn the hard way.
Posted by VirgoFlirt
"then i asked if he could help me out wiht something - he said it depends. a friend of mine convinced me to say that it's okay, nevermind, you dont sound v interested in helping/ something along those lines - which sounds likes a mistake to me now but i said it anyway... he replied saying he was out and i just went like alright then.he has not replied yet. i don't know if he will."
Your friend kinda messed you up there.
Here's what happened...You asked him to help you and he said he would. So what happened next here? He dedicated his time to help you and then you cancled on him for a not so hot reason. Your friend has you in hot water with now with that virgo you so like.
So how do you fix it? He's not going to reply back and ask you about fixing anything here at all. Most likely it will have to be you that calls him and says, I soooooo need your help badly can you be here in an hour please....
Usually when a virgos female listens to another female for ideas about how to please the virgo it always goes wrong every time because you are the one that knows him best and not your friends. Sure listen to ideas and such but make up your on choices.
Posted by RealTalk
You can't. You'll never be able to figure ANYONE out in this world.
Posted by miamivirgo
As a Virgo man my truest and best experience with the other sex has always been Caps. I love em and can't get enough of them. You have to know when to lead follow or get out of the way with a Cap especially the females and there will be times when you miss but that is why they invented "apologies."
Having said this I think any Virgo Capricorn relationship runs the risk of the Cap overreacting and the Virgo afraid of losing the Capricorn. Because to us (virgos) no one seems to understand as much as Caps do.
If you really want something with this Virgo let him know you are for him and him alone and watch how he wraps his world around you and never lets you go. The control issue you are experiencing is he is afraid he'll lose you if he doesn't dominate the situation.
I said my piece now go forth and be very happy.
Posted by VirgoFlirtPosted by SeaImp88 have a bad experience with a Pisces woman?
I don't remember saying I ever had a total bad experience with fish of the ocean? Yea pisces never forget of that virgo that got to expand
Posted by VirgoFlirt
He's not being cold by linking a webpage to you when he did atleast he explained it some before hand. i may would have done the same.
Posted by VirgoFlirt
I don't really remmber but didn't you say yall kinda had the same friends circle? If so maybe yall could do a double date thing. If not that then when you see him ask him out to a movie of his choice and tell him you will pay for it. If yall get together and go watch something and it comes time to pay and he does not offer to pay then maybe seek out another guy.
btw; it's not uncommon for a certain zodiac sign to want to pay for a guys half and not let him pay her back, then will want to argue about it.
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