This topic was created in the Virgo forum by firebunny on Sunday, September 22, 2013 and has 20 replies.
Now, girls... don't wonder if we appear boring. We're just way tooooo good for you. I mean, honestly, 99% of the time, it's the girls who make efforts to get *close* to me. One sec and I know if a girl is approaching me with some kind of interest. If we bore you out, we just don't love you as much. I'm sorry. @_@
^^PVAF. I'm a bit hyper lately. @_@ It's krayzee. I was laughing almost every 15 minutes or so the whole day. But I know I'm still sane. LOL.
Posted by firebunny
Now, girls... don't wonder if we appear boring. We're just way tooooo good for you. I mean, honestly, 99% of the time, it's the girls who make efforts to get *close* to me. One sec and I know if a girl is approaching me with some kind of interest. If we bore you out, we just don't love you as much. I'm sorry. @_@

Women aren't attracted to Virgo males because you're too good for us. It's because you are such an enigma, no one can understand what the hell you're thinking nor why you act the way you do. Virgo's claim to act logically; passive-aggressive behavior is not logical. Criticizing someone from head to toe to "make them better" is not logical. Acting as if the entire world hates you because someone dare to question your actions/words is not logical.
The reality is you guys are your worst enemy.
lol this is so funny & true. my boss is 70, a virgo, and young women are always asking if he's single.
The term "passive aggressive" is seriously overused on this site.
If I ignore you, that's not passive aggressive. That's me not wanting to talk to you--logic. If I don't tell you what I'm thinking or feeling, that's not passive aggressive. That's me not wanting to treetrunking talk about it because if I did, I would--logic. If I point out that your shoes don't match the outfit you're wearing or that hem of your skirt has come undone, that's not being passive aggressive. That's me telling you that your ensemble sucks, and it is to make you better because I'm probably embarrassed to be seen with you in public and I want you to go fix that butter--logic.
True, a Virgo's worst enemy is often themselves. But I don't recall ever seeing someone complain about being hated because they were "questioned" so much as feeling discontent from others because they didn't conform to that person's ideas about what constitutes appropriate behavior. There's nothing enigmatic about it. Just a bunch of people that don't know how to listen.
Posted by CluelessCancer
I don't get bored with Virgos cause you guys are so fuked up it takes all my mental capacity to attempt to understand you.

LMAO CC YEsSSS! I duno if they are worse than Aquas or Aries!
Posted by TMV
The term "passive aggressive" is seriously overused on this site.
If I ignore you, that's not passive aggressive. That's me not wanting to talk to you--logic. If I don't tell you what I'm thinking or feeling, that's not passive aggressive. That's me not wanting to treetrunking talk about it because if I did, I would--logic. If I point out that your shoes don't match the outfit you're wearing or that hem of your skirt has come undone, that's not being passive aggressive. That's me telling you that your ensemble sucks, and it is to make you better because I'm probably embarrassed to be seen with you in public and I want you to go fix that butter--logic.
True, a Virgo's worst enemy is often themselves. But I don't recall ever seeing someone complain about being hated because they were "questioned" so much as feeling discontent from others because they didn't conform to that person's ideas about what constitutes appropriate behavior. There's nothing enigmatic about it. Just a bunch of people that don't know how to listen.

my experience with virgo's being passive-aggressive isn't about's been about calling you by your maiden name, when they know you're married and know your last name, and doing it more than once. they know it's an insult. it's about telling you how they feel you you should act or do something in a subtle manner even if you didn't ask them for their insight. that's not about helping, that's about condemnation. the ultimate passive aggressive is having the propensity to talk about how wonderful someone else is every time you are around them knowing it pisses you off. in the end, it's about being manipulative.
I don't have so much of a problem with anyone who doesn't want to talk. I do have a serious issue with those who manipulate with words that hurt.
Like I said, if you wish to hurt me, have the cajones to do it to my face and not passive aggressively. It's not rocket science.
Posted by gemini64

my experience with virgo's being passive-aggressive isn't about's been about calling you by your maiden name, when they know you're married and know your last name, and doing it more than once. they know it's an insult. it's about telling you how they feel you you should act or do something in a subtle manner even if you didn't ask them for their insight. that's not about helping, that's about condemnation. the ultimate passive aggressive is having the propensity to talk about how wonderful someone else is every time you are around them knowing it pisses you off. in the end, it's about being manipulative.
I don't have so much of a problem with anyone who doesn't want to talk. I do have a serious issue with those who manipulate with words that hurt.
Like I said, if you wish to hurt me, have the cajones to do it to my face and not passive aggressively. It's not rocket science.

And you aren't calling these people out on their BS because...? It's also not rocket science that a person should have the cojones to stand up for themselves.
Posted by TMV
Posted by gemini64

my experience with virgo's being passive-aggressive isn't about's been about calling you by your maiden name, when they know you're married and know your last name, and doing it more than once. they know it's an insult. it's about telling you how they feel you you should act or do something in a subtle manner even if you didn't ask them for their insight. that's not about helping, that's about condemnation. the ultimate passive aggressive is having the propensity to talk about how wonderful someone else is every time you are around them knowing it pisses you off. in the end, it's about being manipulative.
I don't have so much of a problem with anyone who doesn't want to talk. I do have a serious issue with those who manipulate with words that hurt.
Like I said, if you wish to hurt me, have the cajones to do it to my face and not passive aggressively. It's not rocket science.

And you aren't calling these people out on their BS because...? It's also not rocket science that a person should have the cojones to stand up for themselves.
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Yes i have called out this person. and in turn, he got all pissed off and acted like a victim. It's so damn frustrating and is almost beyond my comprehension.
Posted by gemini64

Yes i have called out this person. and in turn, he got all pissed off and acted like a victim. It's so damn frustrating and is almost beyond my comprehension.

That's not a Virgo problem then. That's a spineless d-bag problem.
Posted by TMV
Posted by gemini64

Yes i have called out this person. and in turn, he got all pissed off and acted like a victim. It's so damn frustrating and is almost beyond my comprehension.

That's not a Virgo problem then. That's a spineless d-bag problem.
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Maybe you're right. I"m starting to believe it myself. He's had so many of the virgo traits discussed on this site ad nauseam. but this stuff you and I have
been discussing is way over the top. obviously there is some real insecurity going on. and nothing i do nor say is going to change that. thanks for you
input TMV.
virgo play a serious guy with bad boy image, rarely smile, criticize people, careless, distant, -like vincent (Hiei) in ghost fighter (yuyu hakushu)anime.
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
Posted by crabberries
virgo play a serious guy with bad boy image, rarely smile, criticize people, careless, distant, -like vincent (Hiei) in ghost fighter (yuyu hakushu)anime.

lol or Kakashi in Naruto??_ he's a virgo I think.
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Yeah yeah yeah!!!! LOLs! Big Grin
Posted by firebunny
Now, girls... don't wonder if we appear boring. We're just way tooooo good for you. I mean, honestly, 99% of the time, it's the girls who make efforts to get *close* to me. One sec and I know if a girl is approaching me with some kind of interest. If we bore you out, we just don't love you as much. I'm sorry. @_@

Leo moon...
Posted by TMV
If I point out that your shoes don't match the outfit you're wearing or that hem of your skirt has come undone, that's not being passive aggressive. That's me telling you that your ensemble sucks, and it is to make you better because I'm probably embarrassed to be seen with you in public and I want you to go fix that butter--logic.

This is the part I was referring to
Posted by CluelessCancer
I don't get bored with Virgos cause you guys are so fuked up it takes all my mental capacity to attempt to understand you.

hahaha i laugh cause its true