virgo guys are attracted to

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by virgoguy79 on Thursday, January 10, 2008 and has 18 replies.
Hey fellow virgos!
My question is just of all the love interests/attractions you've had,
which sign did you find it was? Or which sign do you find the most
attraction/love interest with?

Roxi:they're all obsessed with scorpios of course
SO!!!! I don't care, I don't!!!
*VE runs to his pet scorpio lover as she hypnotizes him....* lol
I'm not one for specifics; if a girl has the general qualities that I find attractive, I'll go after her, or just draw her in; usually the more outgoing girls except for Librans are the ones I'm attracted to, but I also need a girl that has depth, and emotion; someone whom I can test, and test me on the emotional wavelength....(Scorp girls are #1 here; with no other girl have I truly opened up with from the bottom up I looked at her, and she looked at me the same way....)
I go for girls that really mirror myself; Outgoing yet Introverted, Serious, yet Silly, Intense, yet Detatched I have alot of qualitities in my character that are 'contradictory' a girl that has depth but knows when to be free and respects my need for privacy is a good girl. I have got to say that if I like someone I'm head over heels, in love, and am FIXATED, FIXATED on making it work, and keeping their eyes on me; I won't stand a wondering eye unless she's interested in something kinky......Tongue
basically good conversation, confident, intelligent, sociable, deep, emotional, and sexual....but this could be any really depends becuase I'm always up for something new.
the best quality about Scorp girls is there ability to understand a mans 'rough ends' I love that bout them....just because I'm rough dosen't mean that I don't care about you; I need to express from the bottom of my soul what I feel for you, if you're the soft type than I can't be with you....I need to be sincere and open and if I feel I have to 'hold back' than you're not on my level....waste of time.
Virgals are like that too though

I've had 4 Big Love Interests in my 47 years:
VIRGO - My Soul Mate. If we'd had a chance to marry way back in my teens, we'd still be married.
TAURUS - Hand & Glove. If we each hadn't been so young, immature, and stubborn, we'd still be together.
LIBRA - First Wife. Lots of interest, but not much substance - big surprise is that we stayed together for so long.
SCORPIO - Love of My Life. We differ on things, but where we intersect is sheer magic. Scorpio Women are about as hard to love as Virgo Men - but worth the effort (same as us!).
In general: Honest, genuine, serious woman who can lure this old Virgo out of his box.
Of the ones I've loved: Scorpio gets me the most. She accepts how I am, but is brave enough to try and nudge me towards being a better man.
Virgo - Preteen crush. My first love, but it was one sided. I REALLY dug her tho.
The ones inbetween... didn't know any of their signs, wasn't interested in Astrology until 2006.
Cancer - The gal I lived with for 15 years. VERY sexy, and LOTS of stamina. Loved kissing, and anything else. But it faded over the years, I don't know why.
Cappy - Sexy, GREAT kisser. We spent several dates kissing for like, 4 hours straight. Bummer was, after 2 months dating, no sex and no hope of sex, so I left.
Scorp - Dunno, we never got beyond feeling "neutral" about each other. She wasn't much of a kisser, wasn't into oral, or maybe she just didn't like the way I did it. Had zero stamina, always wanted me to hurry up, which is a HUGE turnoff, and would only do it with her nightgown on, under the covers, with the lights off.
Virgo - Just an online friendship atm, but hope I get to find out how sexy she is. = )
OOps... didn't mean to only talk about sex.
Virgo - It was so long ago that I don't remember what I felt for her. Maybe a lot of the attraction was my mom telling me that since she was a V-Gal, she'd be perfect for me.
Cancer - We got along great. We had disagreements, but never arguments, ever. We shared power, sometimes doing her thing, sometimes mine. We were great friends, and still are. After some years together, I learned something interesting about her... that when we first met, she'd sometimes bitch about "jealous bitches" she encountered here and there... then in later life, at a party, when I flirted with a gal, but openly... I found that Cancer was every bit as Jealous as those old "jealous bitches" she used to love complaining about.
Cappy - Very nice lady. We got along well, talked well. She was well read and a good conversationalist. She was also a workaholic who hadn't taken a vacation in 9 years. And it wasn't because she needed the money. She was actually very well off.
Scorp - Also a very nice lady. Smart, cute, easy to chat with. She was great as a friend. But the feeling of neutrality, was mutual for both of us. We just didn't click.
Virgo - Who knows... she's nice and is making me go GA-GA... but it's anyones guess what the future will be for us. I live in Indiana near the Chicago area, while she lives near Phoenix, AZ.
>Well, why put you through all that suspense when I could just tell you how sexy I am! Big Grin
Maybe the sexiness of V-Gals has been discussed, can't remember... but I am curious. I've read so often that Virgos are boring sexually, and I know I'm not... well, I guess I should ask the doubters to define "Boring". Anyway, I'm not, but am I an oddball? I know they say that two Virgos together are dynamite, but.... what the hell do "they" mean by us V's being boring in bed??? Would someone please define "Boring" for me.
>Awwww, get real. You think we don't know what you VirGuys are all about after all?!
True, I've had my VERY selfish times. But eventually I wised up. I know you're kidding me SA, but in all seriousness, It didn't come naturally for me... I had to learn how. I had to be told I was an asshole, in order to be shaken up enough to want to change. Now, I could never go back to the old way.

Ferghus: "what the hell do "they" mean by us V's being boring in bed??? Would someone please define "Boring" for me."
Most of the women who complain about VG's say we lack PASSION. We may be masters of bedroom technique, but it's mechanical; and not as inspired as when a Aries or Leo Guy spreads their legs and puts the pipe in the channel...
Yeah, right!
Given that most women honest to God don't know what they really want, I take these assertions about VG's with a BIG grain of salt.
A VG in love is every bit as capable of passion as any other man. The big difference I see is in how we express it. There tends to be more thought behind (and before!) our actions, and women interpret that as "controlled" -- and my Scorp is one of them. She's happiest with me when she can push me over the edge to where I'm no longer thinking -- just feeling and acting on the feeling. THAT is pure passion to her. But, she also would say that she feels the passion when I look at her with my big blue eyes - all open, and honest, and trusting...
Like I said: Women don't know what the hell they want, but I am damn glad they want us around (most of the time!)....
Not many but these are one's I choose to remember.
Capricorn - Probably one of the first girls I really cared about in my late teens. I was too stupid and insecure (Yay at being 19!) and she didn't have the courage to be brutually honest. While not a happy ending, I remember it because I learned a lot from it.

Aquarius - Whirlwind relationship with ups and downs. Quite frankly, I don't think I've ever found someone to be as selfish as she was. Insecurities turned into mistrust turned into finding her cheating on me Tongue. I was VERY distrustful of women for a very very long time after this one.
Virgo - Very very sweet and awesome gal. She loved me dearly but in the end I got bored (While I'm a Virgo, I'm a Leo Rising and a Gem Moon) and bolted.

Libra - One of the most loyal, sweet, understanding, intelligent, gals I've ever had the honor of being with. I learned and grew a lot from being with her. In the end, this one was just one of those things that was never going to be.
Scorp - Now I swear to everything I hold dear in life that I wish this one worked out. We met, she stung me, I chased and caught her. Chemistry was amazing. Sex was amazing. It didn't work out for uttery stupid reasons (Even for the best of people, sometimes life's timing is the biggest roadblock). While we're friends now, we often lament what we could have been and think back fondly on our past. Her and I are very loyal to whoever we're with but we both know if the timing was right and we were both single, we'd most likely be back together again. SIGH

Gemini - One of the most unique chics I've ever been with. Hot, Intelligent, and with enough "Sass" and attitude to keep me chasing her. The holiday's ended up being a super rough time for us and we broke off Christmas weekend (Merry freaking Christmas indeed). Conversely, we just kind of patched it up and its like how it was before the holidays. Gem's are odd one's to chase but damn it, I'm crazy about this one Tongue
"OOps... didn't mean to only talk about sex."

rflmao ...

:::: ponders if this would have been noticed, if it wasn't pointed out that love is measured by sex, for it appeared to be first and natural reaction to question ::::
love is measured by sex, for it appeared to be first and natural reaction to question ::::
Fish fuck thoughts and meaning?.!
I told you before fish fuck?get the hell out of this forum..!
And yeah tell your peon outcast (hafool) to flame this post as well..
Stupid fish fucks..!
"Im attracted to the opposite sex I could care less about the sign."

Me too, VK .. life is about having experiences that bring happiness, and whomever makes you laugh ... is worth every second shared.
wow I had no idea Virgo guys and Scorpio girls had such prospective futures! I think Scorps are 2nd best match after Cap/Taurus (tied for 1st).
Yes, i agree that you can't allow zodiac signs to dictate your relationships...any sign can end up in loving lasting relationship with any sign....but i guess I just wanted to see and hear ppl's experiences. There seems to be a recurring theme so those are good notes to take Winking
virgo guys are attracted to..
A simple life without complications and "drama caused by other people".!
Most Virgos I know are humble creatures and prefer a low profile life without any fuss and stupid ambitions including myself.
Hell, the couples I know for many years (both Virgos) are producing/making/creating everything they need for day to day life, from diary up to the furniture for many years and they are so damn/proud happy with it.

Qbone: A simple life without complications and "drama caused by other people".!
Amen, brother Q!
Hell, the couples I know for many years (both Virgos) are producing/making/creating everything they need for day to day life, from diary up to the furniture for many years and they are so damn/proud happy with it.
Sounds like Heaven On Earth to me!
25thDecan: "I can tell a Taurid woman, she's always the one who shows no cleavage but has a truly BANGING body and a pisces- it's like magnets to them and them to me for flirting."
Yeah, pretty much my experience with these two Signs.
"I'm still with my Taurus, though between the two of us we have GOT to get on the same page."
Oh man! I hope it works out for y'all! I got a big soft spot for Taurids -- really loved mine way back when...
"Aries- like the elephant in the room, they are EVERYWHERE I go"
I don't know that many, but the one I know best is married to a Virgo man (my Mentor & Oracle), though I cannot imagine being married to her (uh, bedding her, maybe!)...

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