Virgo Males And Lazy

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by sweethearts_1969 on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 and has 12 replies.
I have noticed that the Virgo Males that I know are so freakin lazy. What is with that. All they seem to do is think, think, think and think some more but don't seem to accomplish much. That drives me nuts. Their freakin heads are going to explode!!
No, I'm not sure but from what I have seen and from what they have told me it just seems like they are so busy thinking that they don't DO what they say they will do or it takes them a week or two to finally do it. They seem to always put things off until the last minute and they don't like to plan very many things because they hardly ever seem to follow through.
I can't get mine to stop doing things .. complete workaholic .. if it's not his paying job, then it's SOMETHING around the house. If it's not housework, then he'll find something to fix .. if nothing is broken, then he'll find something to alter .. still, if there's no activity that is work related, then he'll draw up something to make for the future, or visually design a new patch of garden .. he's always doing "something".
Well, that's just my Virgo .. I guess they aren't all the same.
Right now, as I'm sitting here, I can see him out the window .. a chair on the patio wobbles .. he's going to figure out why and how to fix it, I've no doubt.
Oh, and now as he goes to get a tool, he has montarily stopped to pull some weeds.
I've just never heard anyone associate Virgo with the word "lazy" .. seems like an odd combination to me.
Yeah, I've seen some virgos engage in some rigorous physical activity...occasionally anyway...
My dad...heh..maybe once a year although he is 53. very fine virgo friend, won't say his name...he is the only Virgo that I've met, black, best all-around type of guy. He asked me out in 7th grade, made me nervous.
Still, the only only only only only ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY Virgo I know....that just isn't a virgo...if you compared him to the rest of the virgos...
Because he is the only virgo that is worthy of respect in my eyes, he is the only humble virgo I've ever met. I've known him for years now. He is the most humble, smart, down-to-earth virgo I've ever met. And he never ceases in physical activity, and brain activity, he is top in his class and fastest fooball player on the team..makes the local news every time he does something, anything. He still has all the virgo traits but at the same time, respect for all creatures and he never contradicts himself. All the bad traits that are suppose to come out in virgos just don't come out in him. And I don't remember him ever being boring. He is the only only one who continuously shows his positive virgo traits, leading whole assemblies into a peaceful, fullfilling coexistence. Never failing to touch a heart. He never wastes time putting people down...he is the only virgo who truly knows how to bring someone up...looked up to by all in every place, he is the standard for human beings..he probably doesn't notice how great he is, but it's probably because he lives it, he is it. A natural leader(yet humble)...rises up to the challenge and well above the challege all the while staying humble and never losing the common touch...He could never even say he's anywhere near perfect..he's never had a big head. I could go on and on...
He will be the legend in our school and will have nothing short of a bright future.

Finally, God made a truly worthy virgo.

Just take all the positive traits of every sign and put it together and you have this guy!!
Oh I respectfully declined his offer to go out with me in 7th grade. (more like nervously)
but he was just so way high everything. He was too perfect...just too perfect..though he would never see it which makes him even more perfect..
My words about my husband weren't negative (this time) .. they are just describing him as it relates to laziness/activity.
I'm a Sag and I'm always doing something or another. I can't stand to be bored and I can't stand it when someone tells me they have all this ambition yet, I don't see them follow through on hardly any of it. I just want to light a match under their butt to get them going on what they said they will do. I like ambition in a person because I have alot of it and I have accomplished alot in my life that I wanted too and when I hear someone just talk about things they want to do and keep saying they are doing when they really arent' just drives me nuts. It just seems like they keep trying to convice themselves that they are doing these things but, they never actually do them.
Virgos are definitely more like parents than lovers. Virgo are quite selfish in just about every aspect of a relationship.
Where were you DC till now?? Now I have a friend I can gang up with and "TAKE CARE" of all these virgos!!!
I bet we WILL WIN (any ways virgos hide at the perfect moment!!)...
I have joined haven't I, capri? virguy literally calls me a child every time I speak to him.
It's either my actual name, child, darling, sweetie, doll face, buttercup, but 99% of the time, Child!!
However, he is the only one who calls me that...hehehe, I have a much more fulfilling life than he does, he's just jealous.
Yes RC ...
My small gang has following members:
DC and
I would love to have SG too.

...due to reverse pyschology
Got it SG!!:-)