Virgo man and Taurus female

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Honey_salt on Friday, July 5, 2019 and has 5 replies.
So I met my guy on a a more obscure dating app. We talked for like 2 weeks and then finally met up. I was even late lol he says he doesn't remember but k know he does.

Anyway the first time I went over I noticed some girl stuff in the shower and just vibed something femanine that wasn't him. I asked him and he had lived with his ex for 5 years and she cheated on him.

I didn't realize we started dating not to Long after. She even had to get some stuff she left for a bit. At first I didn't mind to much but the more I noticed the more I became insecure and unsure.

I snooped on social media as you do in 2019 and saw them... Pics and memories everywhere. I saw the apartment in her photos and the blankets and things curled around her., I! Started seeing her everywhere.

I've been messed up ever since. My guards up. He says I can ask him any thing but when I do it turns into a yelling argument to which he takes everything incredibly personal as if it's an attack on him even if it's not. He got rid of some stuff as did I when he was gone . I cried and told him how I felt several times. He said he understood and will try to show more affection and stuff.

Here's the thing we had sex twice once after we met on like the third date and again randomly at his house. Never since. We've Ben together 4-5 months. Ive asked him countless times if I'm just a friend because I feel like it with him no physical contact and most guys can't keep their hands off their gf. So now I feel unattractive, self conscious of my appearance and actions.

He's sweet and tries to help but I can't help feeling crappy and don't know why he's not physically attracted to me.
He does white lie about cigarettes and small things which is super annoying but has a good heart and is deep down very sensitive but super cold outwardly most times. A goof some others. Mainly a stoic goof
I think sex drive is the main thing your going to see differ amoung virgos and of course the reasoning behind the drive for sex.

But in regards to searching and finding something you didn't need to find.. if it has messed you up so deeply then what reason do you have hurting yourself each time staying with him?

What is there to salvage?
Yeah it's pretty good otherwise but he thinks every things fine but what's the point I don't want a friend I want a bf I can have sex, make out, hold hands, cuddle etc. Literally just cuddling here or there. I can tell he feels safe with me to an extent and he was hurt when I asked if we were just friends and said no but if that's the case why??? Like I've heard about great virgo sex and blah blah but dunno where it could be. To me it's like a friend I need more to connect. I've told him twice but no moves.
I think your looking for him to be in a comfort zone most virgos don't find for years.

It goes double for him considering his last relationship ended with her cheating.

Putting it all in just to have it fail can be a real deep fear.