virgo man/ aquarius woman

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by sasha4 on Monday, July 31, 2006 and has 2 replies.
i think i posted this in the wrong place (aquarius section) so i am reposting in here:
hello - i am new to the board which i found accidentaly looking for information on aquarius/virgo and was very happy to find...
i am an aquarius female (virgo rising) who just recently met (my first) virgo male (leo rising)....
and i have no idea how to read him, i am also pretty direct in most circumstances and he is not direct at all....he can barely answer a yes/no question without a run i understand we are both checking each other out...every might be typical for both our sun signs (he defenitely checked if i had a pedicure and very very minute details as such)
i didnt know much about virgo until a few weeks ago (i have shamelessly been reading everything in sight on the virgo male....maybe looking for answers/explanations in wrong places)
the larger part of me is just going with things and letting the develop as naturally as can be but i still of course want to know how to best handle getting to know the virgo male and what to expect in the beginning?
i have read that they need their space (that is totally fine and i need mine too) and you have to go slowly and lots of patience, which i am fine with all of those things.
i have yet to experience the nit-pickiness/criticism aspect of the virgo which i read about all the time. anyways, i like him so far, i can be silly and loony with him which is of utmost importance. so i guess after this long rant (sorry) i am mostly wondering (from a virgo male or anyone who is knowledgeable about virgo) what to expect? are they always so difficult to read? a few things are: this is only a few weeks old (although he had my number for 2 months and didn't call until i called him one day)and also maybe this is a little strange to write but he tried to sleep with me the 2nd time i saw him which from reading about virgo sounds unlike i dont want it to be a physical relationship only so my question is "does him trying to sleep with me so early on indicate that he is only looking for a physical aspect?" (because its contrary to what i have read about virgo men)
any help is appreciated.
thank you.
thank you...
i have been reading your posts for a few days and they are great, and just reading the virgo boards...which have been a help...i'm a little shy so it took me a few days to post.
he makes eye contact (oh! the eye contact) a lot,
he is not a player from what i have heard (met through mutual friends) and he has not been with many women in fact i have heard that he has no idea what to do with them!
so i am being very patient and trying to help him feel comfortable and no pressure (i would want someone to do the same for me)...
i have told him i am not a "one night stand" (although i have slept with him a few times) and have also seen him after and just hung out without doing anything physical. i also told him he has to be my friend above all things, my real friend.
we have both made longer term (a few weeks) commitments to each other because we are both teaching each other how to play a different sport (and he has kept some of my sports equipment in his car for a few weeks now)... and that makes me feel more positive about everything. i am glad that it is going at turtle speed (hah)and i'm ok that his indications of his feelings are sparse or that i just dont catch them because i am willing to be patient and for us to get to know each other a lot better before we jump into something serious (although i am defintely thinking about it because i am posting this )
anyways, thank you and your insight on this entire virgo board has been a big help