Virgo Man chats for hours without having a crush?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by sarahcool on Saturday, January 19, 2013 and has 19 replies.
This is my first post here in this forum i hope i can get some good helpful answers smile. I have this Virgo male friend of mine who nonstop chats with me daily for almost 7-8 hours daily on Skype while we are at work however we work at different locations so we don't see each other much. After office hours he starts the conversation through messages on cell phone and sometimes make calls too. But we don't have any meaningful conversation its mostly making fun of each other kind of thing. He always initiates the conversation whether on Skype or cell phone and myself being polite respond always. He is a good and nice guy. I heard Virgos don't waste time where they are not interested I am just wondering is it possible for a Virgo man to chat this much with a girl just for fun or he can have some crush or romantic feelings towards her. We know each other from almost 5 months now.
This is my first post here in this forum i hope i can get some good helpful answers smile. I have this Virgo male friend of mine who nonstop chats with me daily for almost 7-8 hours daily on Skype while we are at work however we work at different locations so we don't see each other much. After office hours he starts the conversation through messages on cell phone and sometimes make calls too. But we don't have any meaningful conversation its mostly making fun of each other kind of thing. He always initiates the conversation whether on Skype or cell phone and myself being polite respond always. He is a good and nice guy. I heard Virgos don't waste time where they are not interested I am just wondering is it possible for a Virgo man to chat this much with a girl just for fun or he can have some crush or romantic feelings towards her. We know each other from almost 5 months now.
Yes we met already for dinner where he wanted me to offer him KFC. But he surprised me by paying the bill which was against the deal as i was supposed to pay the bill. Now everyday he asks me to get him Pizza and I suspect if i would agree he would pay for it again as he said he wouldn't let a female paying the bill while he is there.
I think he may like you. Don't quote me on this. Virgos can, however, be tricky. He could also just be a nice guy who enjoys your company/companionship. It's possible, you know.He may be feeling you out a bit. Feelings can grow eventually. Let me ask a few questions. Do you like him? Find him attractive? Can you see yourself in a relationship with him?
@Virg916 Yes, he is nice and attractive. I think I may start to like him if he makes a move on me. At the moment i am kind of laid back never initiating anything. Most importantly we have similar interests and we get along well but as I already have mentioned most of our conversations are not meaningful he always makes fun of me and I respond him back very well. I am kind of witty too so it goes on and on. once he initiates conversation he never ends it its always myself who stop it at some point.
Good to know. I'll see you on Monday.
Haha. Just kidding. Playfulness and wit is DEFINITELY a good thing, btw.
Oh, and try and initiate things every once in a while.It doesn't have to be big. A random hello or a witty, playful insult will suffice. Reciprocity and reassurance are important when it comes to dealing with a Virgo. After a while, he may begin to get bored with your nonchalance or may begin to feel unappreciated/unloved.
hahaha, yeah and this is what we do 9-10 hours a day Big Grin. But sometimes I feel why? In the start once he mentioned that many girls are after him and told me a few names as well and i responded saying sure why don't you go ahead and get a good girl out of them. After that I never heard him mentioning anything like this even once during chat i brought this up and he playfully said "no way i don't have time to waste on girls" and i was wondering why are you wasting time on myself :O however i never asked him this question as it looked inappropriate to ask this lol.
He daily asks me to offer him Pizza and I feel like he wants to see me but just trying not to be pushy.
Keyword: girls. He wants a woman. Winking You seem like an really lovely and special person. I can tell just from our little interaction here. Good luck with your Virguy. What's your sign, by the way? When is his/your birthday? Sorry for all the questions. I peg you as either a Scorpio, Libra, Gemini,Cancer or Sadge. Don't know why.
Hehe you got me, i am Cancer. But quiet defensive and calculative one smilehowever it don't know what he wants from me just a casual friendship or anything more than that.
another interesting thing is that we have given each other some funny names and we always address each other with those names and hardly use the original names Big Grin.
Cancer/Virgo is definitely a great match, lots of fun and witty conversations (and don't get me started on the physical part.. Winking)
I agree with Virg916, you should initiate a little to show him your interest, because when we Virgs have the feeling that we're not "wanted", we just walk away.
The pet name thing is definitely something more than "friends" to me ! All the Virgo guys that gave me names had an interest in me. And my Cancer guy and I use pet names too smile
He may or may not "have a crush" but you've given him nothing to work towards making it anything more if he does. You are available to talk to him via mostly electronic means up to 10 hours a day, how easy for him and it appears to me he's now become lazy about you, have you no other life besides chatting over skype and text with this man. Stop communicating with him in this way, give him something to hunt down. You're communications should be nothing more than to arrange, confirm and thank for dates. Your talking and getting to know each other should happen on those dates.

@ msmarilynmanson, i never caught him looking there. I am usually covered up well so cant say for sure smile

@ Virgoshowgirl, Thanks i would tr to initiate conversations as

@celticlioness, its not like i don't have life besides chating with him. I do have and he knows it and am polite enough to not to appear rude by not responding him. But the thing which is worth noting is we are not dating it still has to go to that level if there is something. besides I feel it is not easy for him to initiate conversations daily as he always finds an excuse to start it then it goes on smile.
Posted by sarahcool

@celticlioness, its not like i don't have life besides chating with him. I do have and he knows it and am polite enough to not to appear rude by not responding him. But the thing which is worth noting is we are not dating it still has to go to that level if there is something. besides I feel it is not easy for him to initiate conversations daily as he always finds an excuse to start it then it goes on smile.

You are not dating because you are a convenience to him, there always when he wants to skype or text, you don't have to not respond to him, but you have to learn how to cut the communication short, if you want it to get to the next level. He's probably seeing you as a friend, if you want him to see you as something more then you have see yourself as something more and act accordingly.
He chats at work for 7hours? so he just shake legs at work? sure he's a Virgo?
Yes of course he's interested. The question is what is he interested in. Fun or something serious?
I won't waste time when I'm looking for something serious..but if I feel that the man is not my right match and I'm attracted to him....I can still use the man for fun and look for the right one at the same time.
Both of you need to be fired .... Immediately