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Jun 27, 2016Comments: 975 · Posts: 5791 · Topics: 44
Let’s pretend you’re on tinder. Why are you on it???
You already know the answer. He’s still looking for someone and not settling on just you.
First thing first....I use tinder to make friends Not for hookups
I am from an Asian country and it's a good way for me to find like minded people.
The concept of dating is not into my culture even though young generation does date and live life differently.
That being said he knows I am still on tinder and also knows about ppl I meant through this app.
As for him being on this app n still using is different story.
Today when i asked him about our less communication he said he was very busy in thos week and things will get from now on.
Also that we both are moving on different pase and I am asking these question from him because i am feeling insecure.