I met a virgo man a while back. We have been talking on and off. He was going through a bad time in his life and I helped him. I am in a serious relationship with my BF. Virgo man every single thing about me from the beginning. Initially, he said he liked me, and as time passed, he started liking me more, talking, texting, etc -- often times hot and cold behavior. I did not take it too seriously, but did listen to his problems and was supportive. He has a lot of females around him. He is in early 20s and slightly immature. He has had a relationship before, but that girl hurt him. He has also rejection issues from people in past.
One day he said "You are my heart and soul." That day he was really depressed and took some meds to calm himself. Few days later, he said he has cleared his mind about me. I told him lets stop talking as my BF would not like it. He said "I can't leave you and I can't live with you. I will die. You are in my heart." I said I have to break this off at some point, like when I get married. He said again "Let's continue like this until you get married to him, but I will die."
What to do now ? I am confused.
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May 21, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 411 · Topics: 4
so in other words you lead him on because it made you feel good and now youre in too deep
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Jul 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 258 · Topics: 18
i think you gotta tell him to leave you alone. Be straight up with him, tell him its never going to happen.
If you are never going to see him as a romantic interest you are hurting him by still talking to him.
Dont answer his texts, calls...whatever.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 21
You said he was going through a bad time and you "helped him". What exactly does that mean? Sometimes if you go past just being a good friend and offering encouragement, a guy can get the wrong idea. Men don't see certain kinds of "help" the same way women often do.
This may be the issue here. It also sounds as if he's extremely immature. Some of his comments are very disturbing. If I were you, I'd tell him I wish you well and move on. Stop all communication with you. He's clinging onto you and if you are confused now, just give him a few more months.
Walk away quickly and don't look back while you still have your freedom and sanity.
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Jul 09, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 21
that's suppose to say, "Stop all communication with HIM, not you."
This site seriously needs an edit option.
I did not lead him on or give him any hints. He approached me knowing everything about me beforehand. He was having financial problem, so I lend him money. I have tried to cut him off, but it did not work. He knows where I live. He is very needy. He also has some family issues. Often times, he says he misses his ex-gf and she was the perfect one for him. He already knows clearly that there is no future between us, but those comments he makes at times makes me wonder what is going on in his mind.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 21
Oh geez, bad idea. Lending money is the worst thing you can do, other than, well you know what.
He is using you. And he's trying to make you feel guilty for not being there for him. Tell him to get some professional help. He needs it.
You will never fix his issues for him. He may know where you live. That doesn't mean he can come over any time he wishes to. If worse comes to worse, you may need to move or just make sure you don't answer the door when he stops over. You're obviously not going to change his behavior. He's a total jerk. You said you have tried to cut him off. Don't try, do.
Men who act this clingy are disgusting. If you don't stand up to him now, you will be hating yourself later because he will keep coming back
to the hand that feeds him.