Virgo men

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by scorp23 on Monday, June 25, 2007 and has 77 replies.
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Hello... I am sure there has many posts about this, but there are so many to look over! Anyways, I am scorpio woman. I just recently have been seeing a Virgo man... I am confused by him a little bit. I can't tell if he is into me or what? I hate even analyzing the situation, but thats what scorps do best! Dig until we understand someone! haha... I don't want to even bring the question of "what is our 'status'" up b/c i don't want to put that pressure on our "relationship". It has been 4 months. I have been asked out by a few different people but not sure if we are exclusive or not? Normally, I would just ask, but for some reason at this point, I just can't figure this guy out and how is going to react? Any advice about Virgo men would be great! Thanks smile
So, what is it you want to know exactly?
What are the inner workings of the Virgo so you can relate better with him?
Or, how he's going to react when you figure out how to tell him that other people have asked you out?
I am curious .. do you ACTUALLY want to go out with these other people? Or, are you just looking for a reaction?
I guess in a sense, I do just want a reaction. I do like this guy though?He seems very closed off, but not in a secretive way. I just wonder if that is just how he is. He doesn't talk about ?us?. Which is ok most of the time, but I don't even know how to approach him. I don't want to come off as pushy, ya know?
scorp23, I hate to disappoint you or scare you .. but, soon I will be celebrating my 25th anniversary with a male Virgo and STILL to this day, if I want to talk about feelings .. he has to be pushed and prodded. They just aren't going to 'offer' the information.
Pretty much, they just want to get laid .. if you listen to most of them talk in here and if you have friends in real life .. listen to them talk .. they don't really want a relationship, just arse.
However, that's not to say that everybody is the same .. it's just the majority of them. It's possible that your Virgo wants to relate other than just the physical. From my experience and listening to other women, it appears that when the Virgo is eager to talk about feelings, then they are present. If the coupling has become physical with no offerings from him that he feels you, then he's just looking to satisfy his libido.
Four months isn't very long, though. In Virgo time, that's like 4 seconds.
Thanks for your input. I kind of figured that! I think we are just two totally different people... Sex is great and we definately both have that in common... I don't at all get the feeling he is using me, which is weird b/c it would seem that way and I can usually spot that. Yes 4 months is nothing, though, you are right. This guy is just a mystery and that can be good and irritating at the same time. I think I am thinking too much into it actually. Or maybe, he is just the way he is and actually not a mystery at all... Just hard for me to relate! haha..
I know, it seems odd .. just listen to the men in here .. their words about relationships are based around sex.
"Sex is great and we definately both have that in common... I don't at all get the feeling he is using me, which is weird b/c it would seem that way and I can usually spot that."
The reason why you can't spot it is because it's not being used in their eyes, so he's not giving you that energy for you to make an impression.
Anyway .. try withholding the sex and see if you don't get a reaction. Tell him that you've got some things on your mind that you need to talk about and that it is interferring with your libido .. see, if he isn't willing then to talk about the "us" part of this relationship.
Others will come in and try to help you and there's a lot of people in here with Virgo experiences, so they know what they're talking about. Mainly, you're gonna hear that you have to be patient.
My only thing that I will protest about is this: Some women in here have been waiting over a year to get their Virgo and they (Gems)erroneously believe that their Virgo is going to come to them eventually, that a light will go off in their heads one day, and these women will be patiently standing there .. hero's.
V's don't work that way, scorp23 .. if they are into you, they tell you. Mine started living with me within a month, we were married within 3 months. Dyr, a Virgo in here .. knew he was in love nearly immediately, started living together within short months, married not even a year later. My point is .. if you wait beyond 6 months and he hasn't moved towards talking in terms of the heart .. he's not into you.
Virgo men are slow to move when they are unsure .. they are quick to move when they KNOW it's right.
So basically, I would know by now... That really does help! Thanks for your advice!
Well, there you go, scorp23 .. here's close to what your virgo is thinking, if he's like 25thDecan
25thDecan, sounds like you have Scorps all figured out smile You make some very good points... I have noticed that my virgo is "no bullshit". I really don't know how to say it... I finally asked him and he basically said, "hey,I like you." I love the honesty and the straight forward approach of Virgo's but, ummmm, I have known some that are almost BORING b/c of it... I'm not lookin for some romantic spill of how he loves me, but a little personality would help...
25thdecan or any other virg - if your Virgo male starts talking about "we can buy this home" or "Ill have to do all the finances" that pretty much means he's decided you are the one?????
He's a little immature. Starting to wonder if he is even worth all of this. I don't know if it's my pride or what, but I don't think I like the fact that I have to manipulate a situation to get a response from this virg... He is "fun" and has a good job... Maybe as a Scorp, I just need a little more substance in a man.
"but a little personality would help..."
a virgo with a personality good luck..that is like trying to teach a cat how to
haha! that's awesome! i just realized (after questioning this guy i'm w/ now) that I actually dated a virgo before! He was so BORING! He was so hot! That is the only reason I stuck around. (I'm really not that shallow, but at age 20 I was very much shallow) We are friends now, but he is still kind of empty.
Just an FYI: I'm not trying to bash all virgo's! Just talking about my person experiences!
benice 6/26/2007 10:09:32 AM | ip:
"if your Virgo male starts talking about "we can buy this home" or "Ill have to do all the finances" that pretty much means he's decided you are the one?????"
Right benice .. but, we're referring to "feeling" the other person, not making a logical decision about someones worth.
I talk about buying a new home to the deli clerk in the supermarket, too .. that isn't an indication that there are "feelings" involved, that's just an indication that the Virgo is focusing on "duty", rather than ardent passion .. which is what the other wants and needs to feel wanted and loved.

"a virgo with a personality good luck..that is like trying to teach a cat how to"
lol ... that's because they don't feel anything, just use logic and let's face it, logic isn't funny, exciting or emotionally provoking in any way .. which makes a person's personality.
We express what we feel .. that is our persona. lol
It's alright scorp23 .. the Virgo's in here are used to this by now, it happens quite regular. Pretty much when somebody comes in here with Virgo issues, people flow in to post warning signs to potential partners so they are fully aware of what's going on.
As far as I'm concerned, I reallly don't care if someone views my take on Virgo's as bashing, or not.
Thanks Angel - Ive read scorps and virgos are a match.
The only Virgo I know who has ever made it in a LTR is mine. All the rest of them get dumped rather quickly, for pretty much, not being expressive enough, or a lot of times it's because the partner of the Virgo has actually stopped to pay attention and notice that the Virgo really didn't have any passion .. it was just overlooked by the partner because of it being overwhelming and taking over senses. Once it's looked at .. people find that Virgo's are just as mechanical and logical and practical in bed as they are in the rest of their lives. It's just that when their partner's world gets fuzzy from hot passion, they are too exhilerated in their own estasy to notice that thier Virgo partner isn't expressing passion back.
I find it quite enlightening when people who I've told this to, actually test it for themselves, instead of just denying because they think that's what loyalty is, and then come back and tell me I was spot on .. funny, this loyalty thing, for if a person defends this inherent truth within the Virgo to be loyal to them, when the outcome is that they are robbing their ownselves by not having a passionate lover .. then they aren't loyal to themselves and are kidding themselves.
However, in here, people 'say' that S/V's are matched together quite well. Of course, most people aren't objective enough to speak any kind of truth against a partner .. for people will stand for loyalty even when it's foolish. People are what people are and a partnership doesn't fix faults.
Now that I think about this, I do find it quite curious how in real life, I don't know any V/S relationships .. and I know a lot of both.
"Ive read scorps and virgos are a match"
I have never ever heard that! I don't see how the hell that is possible at all.. I always here Taurus for me but don't even think I know a Taurus and, for whatever reason, never even read up on them?
I read alot of astrology junk and decided to test it out, so Im dating a Virgo.. Scorps are also compat w/cap and taurus, I think. There is suppose to be an understanding between them. Scorp just gets a little miffed with the comments Virgo makes.
I think I see the passion part you are talking about Angel. In bed Virgo seems more dutiful as opposed to my passion. This has me perplexed and I have tried to guide Virgo the other way. He is very attentive as far as daily calls, pet names, expressing love (he always needs to know if I love him) etc. What goes there? To me that is a bit passionate in a cute way. Im confused.
Virgo's are one certain way. Very detail oriented (also in bed) and Scorps are so passion driven.. So I understand what you are saying! I think the fact that he wants to hear that, is for YOU. He, dating a scorp, probably understands that we need to know we are wanted! So by him needing to here that makes you go, "awww." And then he has made you happy and if you are happy then the relationship is more smooth... Right? Did that make any sense? lol
I respect that you have an opinion! Something I have never seen in a virgo... "I" don't try to change my men... A little movement would be good though. Most virgo's I know are very closed minded. There is something good there. They know what they want and what they do not. BUT, even a Virgo that I know, has admitted to me that he thinks he has lost a lot of friends, and potential partners w/ his stubborness and his inability to compromise. So there is a line there. Knowing what you want and who you are and realizing that life isn't always as structured and other pple are different... That's what is so cool about life! Virgs...there's no shake'n ya. lol... I'm really not putting virgs down. There is alot I respect in their stability. Something a scorp can tend to lack at times!
"But we're warriors and farmers"...
True warriors don't talk about being warriors.. hehe.. I'm just kidding. The very 1st thing I noticed about my virg is that he took me so literally that I never wanted to talk! I am constantly joking and flirty. It made everything w/ him kind of awkard. I would joke about something and he would take it completely different. All of my friends get when I'm joking... BUT all i had to say to him is, "you take me too serious. I'm constantly joking" and he started laughing. So that was one break thru!
Summing up 25thDecan .. it sounds to me as though the point he's trying to get across is that you have to take the initative to entertain the Virgo, but, don't expect him to give you any hints back. You can't use any drama, or manipulation to get any feel for the Virgo, and don't expect him to just give it to you willingly unless you can prove to him that you are sincere (how sincerity is supposed to be proved without the expression of emotion, I don't know). And lastly, if you pass the test, then you'll get what passion he deems your worth.
Damn, where's the sign up sheet .. every woman's dream man right there.
"Damn, where's the sign up sheet .. every woman's dream man right there"
like i said before you have a better chance of teaching a cat how to bark than figuring out all the virgo contradictions. they act like they don't play mind games but they do. also, they say one thing but really mean something else. honestly forget this guy and buy the cat and i am sure it will have a
I hate cat's... But I am pretty much over this guy.. haha
right with you notso :-) yeah i am not a cat lover either..haha
absolutely... I agree
Plus ... dogs and cats don't carry around their cold and unyielding inability to tolerate, express, or accept as a proud badge to admire in themselves, as though they are honorable qualities to behold.
They give up the goods rather easily, from what I've been told.
antibling they do give it up pretty easily. i have dated 2 virgals and currently dating another. they act like they won't but they will. the latest one basically jumped me the second date Winking
Once again BORING ..........ESSAYS......
I skipped ALL Of them.
Me too .. lol
I love my husband
I hate my husband
****waits for Dyr's head to implode****
... Once Again, self-absorbed drama queen sh1t-for-brains CapriWoman assumes my posts were meant for her, when they're clearly addressed to others...
She ignores and/or criticizes what she can't comprehend - uh, which is pretty much every damn thing under the sun!
HAHAHAHAHA Can't stop laughing!
The thing is - It's my "policy" to look good by making others look bad! and I had a bad day today at work as my boss caught me typing essays for DXP!
HENCE - I am getting it all out on all of you I care for so much Winking..

SSDD .. how boring
That's fucking old news .. I know, I know .. like you said, you have to get the Virgo out of his rut .. pity you can't find new and exciting all by your little self.
Dy?Might I take this opportunity to thank you for all your posts. Especially those from last spring and summer. I have had a friendship with a Virgo man since 2005 and it helped extremely to know about the patience and the ?island? and all. We are extremely close now. It has been a long haul, but it has DEFINITELY been worth it.
I was very confused with the comment about virgo guys not wanting a relationship and only ?arse? also?.as this does not fit ANY Virgo men I know?
Congrats on your soon to be new arrivals?
Thank you dyrstr8z... I read them all and appreciate them very much!
Awwww, yes .. here's the other side of the Virgo (one who claims maturity) .. a private PM sent to him in confidence, which and here's the good part .. where not only does he repeatedly reveal confidential information ALSO he has no clue that by doing so, he discredits himself.
lol .. every time you do, I have to laugh at your stupidity. This makes you look bad .. and I don't really care how I look, or what anybody thinks.
Hey, I've got a thought, put it on all the other boards too.
Here, watch, Dyr .. I'll do it .. go to astro board and relationships board .. I mean, if you're gonna use something as ammunition, it might be wise to use something that actually hurts the other person and not yourself.
Please, by all means post ALL threads I've ever started and/or responded to.
But, here's summary, for those who have better things to do than to read through the dribble.
Some days, I HATE my husband
Some days, I LOVE my husband
Some days, I want to divorce my husband
Some days, I don't
Everyday, I speak from my heart, which changes from the hour.
Sometimes, I'm angry as hell
Sometimes, I'm all sappy and upset
Sometimes, I'm even supportive
Sometimes, I'm logical
In all cases .. I reveal my true self .. I'm a Pisces, who emotions change and are expressed with each passing moment and the problem here is that this here Virgo is so goddammed FIXED that he has no comprehension that I proud of not only having changing emotions, I have no fears in revealing them.
If you like, Dyr, I can pull up some really juicy ones .. would you like me to post those on the relationship and astro boards too, so everybody can see that you have no clue what everybody else in this community understands?
Back to the subject "virgo men" My virgo seems to like to test me. First he loves me to death and complimentary, the next minute he is being critical.
tell me more how to live with a virgo man. pleeeeaasse?
Thanks Dyr - I just dont want to scare him away - so been taking his butter and gritting my teeth. Im pulling my hair out here, thought about giving up a few times. He needs to spend time with me every day and calls me all day at work, when I say something about his calling, he makes a bad comment and pouts, then calls back like nothing happened. sheesh
well he is about 5-6 yrs older than I - 38ish
Boundaries need to be established early on, or he is going to be confused and cautious. He needs to know the rules, to know if he is able to live by them. In my experience, Virgo guys respect boundaries if you approach the subject without being offensive. My Virgo hates drama.
My advice to you would be to be yourself, let him know honestly how you feel about him (just don't dump it on him all at once, or you will scare him off), give him his independence and just wait for the rewards. They are on a different time schedule then the rest of the world?Virgo time, I call it.
If he's not sure of you, you will be tested, and tested and tested. You will be able to recognize it after a while.
Great - he is sooo much fun to be with, unlike the other posts about virgos. That's why I was attracted to him. I am constantly laughing. Have to get off for now but thanks all.
"uh, you Scorps are INTENSE, ya know?"
Yes we are and it is hard on us too! lol... It's something that consumes us at times... That's where our passion comes in also...
You know, DC, at least I have the balls to say directly to the other person what is bugging me, or what pissed me off .. instead you go find someone to stand behind and make condenscending comments .. it's not scary for you in numbers, is it?
Nope, not you .. and people will begin to see that. Most people are pretty oblivious intuitively .. you're such a coward. When you get upset with someone, you go hide like a pussy and then go find other people who are upset too, and then stand behind them and throw stones.
Ah-ha .. what a wuss.
So, say dude .. what's the beef? That is if you have the gonnads to stand alone .. I do because I have balls. If you notice, which if you have ANY intuition at all you would, I don't do gangs, I ignore the weak people, who can only make a stand in numbers .. I go for the strong ones, the ones who have the courage ..
What you gonna do? Stand or go hide?