I'm a taurus woman and I've been seeing a virgo man for like about three months. Things have been really good he tells me misses me a lot when were not together. And he was texting me, facebook chatting with me, and calling me a good amount. He's a engineering major and goes to work and school full-time. The first week of school he would still talk to me and text me but now its like the second week of school he's kind of gone mia. Unless I text him than I get a reply. He told me not to worry about him and enjoy my summer but I can't help but worry about him and I miss him. My friends tell me to be patient since he's probably busy which I totally understand. I just miss him a lot not sure how long I can hold out till he talks to me or texts me again. And his birthday is coming up too I really want to celebrate with him which he was really excited about before and now it's like he doesn't know if he wants to do anything anymore. Do virgos like being surprised? Or how long do I have to wait till he talks to me again? I keep wondering if he misses me.
He is working and going to school full time so he must be super busy. When was the last time you two spoke and when was the last time he initiated contact? If you are giving him all these clues you are interested in him and he still doesn't initiate, then he isn't interested or he is but the timing isn't convenient.
Wait till he is free (he knows where you are) to initiate contact. If you can't do that and need an answer, you can ask him about how he feels, which I personally would never do because I can take the hint and back off. But some signs need to know point blank (what i've learned) and if that is you, there is nothing wrong with asking him if you don't want to waste time and want to move on.
The last time we spoke was on his first week was school like last Sunday on the 1st. We've been dating for about three months. He actually always initiates the conversation first most of the time and frequently he tells me he misses me and stuff. I'm willing to wait when he's free I just miss him a lot. And our relationship to began with was a long distance one so it's been really hard. And his birthday is coming up I really want to do something for him. Should I just wait it out?
Signed Up:
Apr 01, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 11
In three months he did 90% of the initiating? Oh, goodness. If you were in his shoes, what would YOU think? If you initiated 90% of the contact, you probably would feel like he is not that interested in you. For a Virgo, they will definitely analyze this lack of reciprocity and take it as though you're not that into him and will give his time to something else more rewarding. In his regards, he is focusing that time in school and work.
I really hope it's not because he got fed up always chasing you and that he truly is just busy with school and work. Be prepared though that there's a high chance he is no longer interested in pursuing something with you. If you must know where you two stand, I say ask him. Personally, I wouldn't. It's setting yourself up for a close-ended response, yes or no. Even in a small chance that he says, "yes," he obviously has priorities and won't be giving you the attention you enjoyed before when he was on vacation. Then if he says, "no," there's not much room for discussion there. Wait until you have a more opportune time to actually rekindle and talk about it because your timing is really inconvenient. At least this way, he'll have time to initiate contact if he still misses/likes you.
No I actually text him first or message him first a good amount afterwards too. I really like him like during the time period I think like I told him when he told me he liked me I would respond that I liked him too. Yeah I understand he's focusing on school and work. I'm asking ask in terms of a virgo and in general that normally when they are really focused do they tend to go mia a lot?
I don't think I should ask him since we've been dating he like proved how much he cared about me since the beginning. And I clearly see it too. Thank you about what you said. I actually think that way about it too. That he's just busy but my friend keeps putting words in my head that she says I should talk to him because he's ignoring me but I don't really think he is. Do you think it's good if I surprise him for his birthday or not? I'm not sure if virgo's take surprises very well or not.
I think you should surprise him. Only because if he doesn't initiate contact after that, you'll know you are not that important to him because work and school take priority, OR he lost interest. Both of these result in the same thing to me, that he's not available.
You'll have your answer!
Thank you for your advice. I'll try doing that than.
He ended up messaging me this week that no surprises for his birthday. So I told him does he still want to do something together? Than he called me to tell me that he doesn't think it can work out. I'm really heartbroken and disappointed. It's been a week since he like ignored me and stopped talking to me. I really don't get what went on in his head. My friends says maybe he's too busy for a long distance relationship.
Do virgo's tend to make rash decisions under stress or anguish? I really like the guy even though I feel like I'm not sure if there's anything left to do. I called him and asked him if he liked me and he said no. My girlfriend says if he said yes what are you guys suppose to do? If he thinks it can't work out. Is there any possibility after a couple weeks or month he'll realize things? A week before we were fine. And now things are over. I miss him a lot.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The guy tells you that it's not going to work out, which is a break up and you know it's a break up .... so you turn around and call him to ask him if he likes you?
What are you? 12? .. and not getting enough attention from daddy?
No, Virgos don't make rash decisions. Virgos are extremely considerable in all of their thought processes.
Maybe you constantly being needy is what drove him off. Whatever the reason, he broke up with you, so grow up and move the fuck on and leave him alone.
Seriously .. you called him because of YOUR insecurity, and actually asked him if he like you?
::: shakes head :::
I actually feel sorry for men, in that they have to put with desperate women who are so emotionally out-of-control that they do stupid shit such as this.
Signed Up:
Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
I'd quit listening the bullshit that 'friend' is feeding you and listen to your own inner voice on matters.
Thank you your right. I only asked him that because yes I'm being stupid but from he keeps reaffirming his feelings for me than shutting me out. And I was trying my best to not be needy. In a week without contacting the guy you like at all is difficult.
I only asked him if he wanted to do something afterwards together because he said he didn't want a surprise. There's nothing wrong with that. I know I deserve more but I feel so blinded and hurt at the moment that I can't see clearly the things that went wrong but you are right. I just need to toughen up and move on.
Signed Up:
Apr 01, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 11
That's really unfortunate. I was pretty certain that that would happen based on your description. Ugh, these Virgo men--.
Good thing is, you know where you stand so you can begin to move forward. You're still young; someone wonderful is waiting to meet you and love you in the near future. Look forward to that instead of focusing on what's behind you...
I really wanted to hope for the best to but the end result it is what it is. We actually went through a lot of problems just to see each other to so for it to end so easily makes me disappointed but I just hope to move on from here.
Signed Up:
Apr 01, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 11
And you will!
Be strong.
I always look at it this way, "I lived my life just fine before I met you, so I don't need you around to be okay."
Hi VirgoR,
I'm feeling fine actually a little sad still but I'm feeling better each day. He hasn't talked to me or anything if that's what your wondering. From what I know he's like shutting our mutual friend out too when she tries to talk to him.
I know I've been doing exactly that. I deleted the numbers and pictures. Time to put the Taurus stubbornness to use. I rarely believe in giving people second chances too. Since to me you fooled me once shame you you fooled me twice shame.
Yeah I'm just enjoying the single life like I was before he came into my life. Things are so less complicated when your single.
So before when we were fine we went on a trip to vegas with a bunch of friends. When we were there I couldn't help but be jealous of this girl cause she was always close to the guy. So I live an hour and thirty minutes away from him. I see the girl post pictures on facebook of them studying together late nights in the library I try not to let it get to me. Thinking on it's nothing. Flash forward now, my girlfriend calls me to tell me that he's with the girl at the place there celebrating his birthday and apparently he and that girl have been talking she says. I just feel so pissed and played. I was moving along just fine till my friend just opened my wound and I couldn't believe I was right about that other girl. I ended up deleting his facebook and that girl.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The female insecurity is fucking nuts.
Anytime I read stupid shit like this post, it reminds me of that lady who drove from Texas to Florida wearing a diaper ... or the woman who shimmied down the chimney to get to the man who ditched her only to get stuck and die there ...
seriously ... wtf is the matter with women? Once they have feelings, their brain stops working.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Dude, the guy broke up with you.
Grow some fucking dignity.
Signed Up:
Apr 01, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 11
I can now say I understand why you are the way you are... Though I don't agree with the mean comments and approach you take sometimes, I can admit that after participating in this board, it is quite frustrating and sad how little common sense exists among these posters. I can relate with your reactions.
It's nothing personal, take it as he did you a favor. Now you can invest in someone and something else that will value your time and efforts.
Why should you care to be this upset towards someone who obviously is not thinking about you?
Yeah I totally understand Nebulous_Cloud9. I rather not waste my time with a man who moves on like no other. I've been doing pretty well just need more time and eventually I'll be fine.