I'm a scorpio and my girlfriend is virgo and when it comes to sex neither of us will deny that the sex is incredible. But i always have to intiate the sex and i was wondering is there anyway to turn my girlfriends sexual clark kent attitude into a super man. It just seems like sex is great as long as im willing to get it started buti would love nothing more for me to come home from work one day and be jumpped at the door. I figured wo better to ask how to get a virgos desire's to act out then a virgo
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Apr 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 238 · Topics: 27
mate get her some movies and make her watch them, then dress up as ron jeremy , feed yourself up too, she will go nuts, its a virgo thing for ron.
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Mar 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
God i love virgos there so pent up its so nice to see them let loose and go nutty.
I'm glad to know someone does.
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Jun 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
Virgos have sex?
::note to self::
Buy first Virgo I see a drink tonight...
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Jun 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
first Virgo lady, that is...
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It's normally not difficult to get a Virgo to want sex, the hard part is getting them to want to romance. They require very little, if any, stimulation, and most other people do require this. Because they don't require it, it's hard for them to comprehend that their partner needs to be aroused before going in. Virgo's like to lay back and just let their partners feast in their parts, thinking, erroneously, that this will get their partner horny. They think this because that is all they need.
However, once started, every female Virgo I know will take things into own hands without hesitation. Have fun!
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Jun 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 394 · Topics: 18
Yeah, There's nothing like having your man jump you as soon as you walk in the door! I didn't know all virgos were like this. Since when did men need romance?
I'm a Virgo male. I have a fantastic sex drive up until the point it's time to have sex then my sex drive goes down. I'll engage in sex and I'll do pretty well (if I do say so myself) but laying there afterwards I always have a feeling of regret. It usually stems to the feeling like we weren't "on the same page" regarding the reason we both did it. I like to make it absolutely clear that we're going to have sex for the sake of having sex and not as a show of emotion or some kind of expression of passion for the moment. I don't want girls to feel used.
I am virgo women.
They key is making a virog women feel comfortable and the activities that are about to happen are confidential. Virgo women fear losing their reputation. Being viewed as some sort of whore or something. For those in a relationship dont take the lead. She may internalize this to mean you want to lead all the time. So she will let you. Communicate, I mean actually find some way to tell her you want he to initiate then give her time to do it. Or initiate the when she is hot stop. It will drive her crazy. Be prepared to be raped though. (lol)
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
I find it a little amusing, as a Virgo male, that so many here suggest that all Virgos share the same physical traits. I believe we share the same basic mental traits, but aside from that, the physical depends on other factors such as lineage, parenting, genetics etc.
Having said that, I'll comment on this post from my prespective.
I started out being VERY shy. I started thinking about sex around the age 10 or 12... started masturbating at such an early age, that I remember the first day that I "came" and a little cum came out... SO I was doing it pre-puberty. I thought about girls alot, but was too shy to do anything about it.
In Highschool, I dated a couple girls, but never went beyond kissing, again, because I was afraid to make a girl mad, if I went too far.
I lost my virginity finally at age 19. I was a dolt. The girl I started having sex with, was a nice gal, but I was so torn with guilt, but still needing sex, that I only saw her once a month when the pressure became too much to bear. She eventually dumped me because of this (who could blame her). But that caused me to reflect. I remembered listening in to "Adult" conversations between my mom and her friends, about their men, and how selfish they were... only thinking about their own satisfaction.... I decided I wouldn't become like those men.
So I started reading about what to do, and how to give and take... how to please a woman. I became a more caring lover, and a much better one.
When I was 21, a girlfriend and I were making out. Afterwards she said... did you cum? Because you make no sounds when you do... how am I supposed to tell if you're having a good time or not? She taught me how to vocally express my pleasure, and she then enjoyed making love with me MUCH more... and although it seemed like "acting" to me at first, I actually started to enjoy it too.
I'll end on that note... so it could be that your girlfriend is like I was.... doesn't realize that being vocal makes for more enjoyable lovemaking. She may also NEED sex, but feel guilty about it, as I did once. And that slows her down.