Virgo virgins help me understand you all_??_

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Infatuatedbsr28 on Sunday, December 23, 2012 and has 3 replies.
bulls are constantly viewed as being tenacious but currently I'm feeling immune to manipulation. I usually give ppl a fair chance to get to know me, and I prefer that notion to be reciprocated. This gives me the chance to sift through the bs and dismiss those less worthy of my loyalty and devotion, thus making the best companionship choice possible. I also know Taurus's are notorious for not giving up as easily when in relationships but being stubborn by default I'm comfortable with the guy I'm "seeing" not to mention I despise the whole " getting to know you" phase.. I've been dealing with a virgo and throughout the duration of our journey it has been engulfed in drama to say the least. Truth be told, he did acknowledge that he had a gf, but was conveniently unhappy, thus their relationship was coming to an end. MY INTIAL REACTION WAS TO TIE UP MY NIKES AND HAUL ASS, but instead my feet remained on solid ground. I respected his honesty, that was a excellent seed to plant, however my level of trust towards him was tainted. WE ALL KNOW THE SAYING: if he did to her...........
It was love at fist sight, I was intrigued by his honesty, he captivated with charm, I had no reason to question his intentions because he was honest from the genesis.. RIGHT... to me he was living a double life. It was some truth, he was indeed unhappy in his relationship but he was misleading his misses. I later found out by someone else that he had a child on the way with her, which he managed to keep that information disclosed due to the fact he wasn't sure if we had longevity. Ok great.. What can I say.. This was a pre-existing situation, she had already become pregnant prior to our union so i guess I could roll with that.. Right? No lol.... to make this long, drawn out story as story as short possible he was telling me the truth for the most part but he was lying to her 100% . He says it was to protect her feelings but it was mainly to shield his wrong doings. He claims she is prone to mental break downs as she would have a difficult time adjusting to fact that he was being unfaithful AGAIN especially during her pregnancy, but he was surely going to dump her.He always conveyed her to be an unattractive Pisces, passive, needy, messy, that enabled him to cheat. but I am the exact opposite..HE HAS STATED THAT HE FELT AS IF HE DIDN'T DESERVE ME, AT FIRST THIS DIDN'T RESONATE, BUT THIS IS MY SENTIMENT EXACTLY.
SHE CONTACTED ME. AND READ DOWN HIS ENTIRE R??SUM??. I WOULD NEVER TO FORM AN ALLIANCE WITH HER BUT SHE HAS SUBSTANTIAL PROOF THAT HE'S BEEN MANIPULATING THE SYSTEM..OUR SYSTEM!!!!!!! But how could I let this happen?? He was always with me ( minus the 70% of the time he was working lol) a lot of things she embellished to make me feel bad for being the other woman but overall this guy has been playing games. NOW THAT IM NO LONGER BLIND TO TYPE OF MAN I WAS INVOLVED WITH, HERE COMES THE DISCORD BETWEEN hIM AND I. I made it very clear that I don't date for the sake of dating.. And call me crazy but he has shown me in numerous ways that he cares about me. I myself, feel as though I have went over and beyond to show him that I have his back .Good, bad, the ugly I never judged him but I thought all those females were apart of his past. Although the sex is mind blowing, I need something of more substance.. He has started to become verbally and physically abusive to me. I heard that he has a pattern of conducting him self this way but I thought I was different, because he was always kind and loving to me. plus, he knows can kick his ass if forced of course Winking I'm not making excuses for him but I feel like this behavior is triggered by his insecurity.. Maybe he does feel like I can do better than him.. He does tell me I'm different and based on what I now about his exes, thats an under statement...
I have isolated myself away from him, but I'm unsure about my next move. He hasnt contacted me either.. as our fights dont last long..Should I leave or should I persevere?? Call me crazy but I feel compelled to love him. The good and bad are at about 50% . Help me make a conscious decision? My seems to get me in trouble smfh.. CAN VIRGS CONFORM???
25th decan.. WHERE ART THOU ROMEO?? ???