Hey All,
Was hoping to get some feedback from you all. Met a virgo woman that is younger then me (her 23 and me 32)and we have been seing each other for 10 months.We were both married (to other people) when we met and ended up eperating with our spouses. It was about month 3 that she told me she loved me and I reciprocated. After that we it was wonderful until about month 8. I had to move out of town and now are 1 hour apart. Prior to this we were seeing each other everyday and talking and texting every time we could. We started talking about having a baby and when we thought she was pregnant and she wasn't she got into a depressed mode. I did not know how to handle it and we got to the point where we said lets end it. Well, that lasted a day. We still talked and both apologized and I wanted to be there for her and I made it clear to her. Since I moved and she has been going through this things have been a roller coaster ride. One week she loves me and wants to be my wife to the next where she does not want a relationship and just be freinds. This went one for a month. I keep blaming myself to see if I did something wrong. I never rejected her and always made her feel like she was my world. She ended up opening up a bit and said that she is not ready for a relationship and wanted to not worry about being in a relationship. She said that the move affected her along with the not having baby. We still talk and text daily and she initiates 99% of contacts. not sure how to handle this from here. I still care and love her and i have been giving her her space but still not sure how to proceed. We are still sexual and keep communicating every day so Im confused. I want to be supportive in her non relationship decision but does that mean its over? I cant help but think there might be someone else but maybe thats just my insecurities. Im being patient but not sure what to make of all this. Any thoughts??? How can she love me one week then want to not want to be in a relationship the next? Thank you in advance for the help and feedback.
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
She's 23 and you're 32.. two different places in life
She is really deep in love with you
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
1) What is "eperating"?
2) The whole pregnancy stuff would freak me out.
You're both cheating scumbags so..you'll probably be happy together.