virgo women and libra men

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by virgo princess on Friday, January 8, 2010 and has 22 replies.
have any virgos out there had any experiences with libras they'd care too seeing a libra and find them a little bit hard to read!!
thanks 4 da responses........really like mr libra but i feel im a little more complex than him
Thank you, Let*It*Be your post was very helpful it highlighted some points i knew but dont want to believe i suppose?? i know i like him alot, but i keep thinking about those incompatibility's and as a Virgo myself i know i wont stand 4 some of them for long without putting in my 2 penceSad
Posted by seavixen2
**no more libras for this pisces girl**
"Another category of the zodiac signs is the air signs. They are Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Libras have the largest criminal percentage compared to the rest of the air signs. Libras are usually armed and very dangerous. Geminis are involved in fraud crimes. Aquarians usually commit crimes based on revenge."

lol. what? libras are too lazy for crime. aquarians are workaholics. as they are networking geniuses, many have second jobs selling drugs. and i don't think i've known a single aquarian who cared about revenge. they're too busy starting another new business.
Lol @ curious visitor i neva got the relevance neither
btw. it would be wise for a virgo girl to avoid a libra boy. they are generally all very shallow and, frankly, kinda stupid. not to mention lazy. and bad with money.
they're usually pretty nice to look at, though.
libra men aren't hard to read. they're absent. (libra women are often genuinely hard to read, though)
I don't think virgo women and libra men make a good match in general. I'm a libra man and most of virgo women I??ve met, tend to have much too serious view on life, for me.
Libra men aren??t that shallow and stupid, but they are lazy, unreliable, impractical, vain, childlike and careless. Probably not something virgo??s look for.
Nevertheless good luck with the libra, it would be mice if the two of you would make an exception.
@ curious visitor: Your comment on libra women is true. It is a pity that many of them are manipulating monsters. Winking
Thanks all! its true i see those traits in him and although im strongly attracted to him i cant help but notice we may not be on the same page 4 the future....i kno what im looking for whereas with him i get the feeling he lives his life day by day something i find fustrating still never the less i will give it a go and have fun.....who knows?? deep down i do wish i could find myself a cappy n settle down int sweet blissWinking
i don't find them hard to read at all.. . they're better as friends than lovers
Posted by the dutchman
Libra men aren??t that shallow and stupid, but they are lazy, unreliable, impractical, vain, childlike and careless. Probably not something virgo??s look for.

not really shallow or stupid, but they seem that way, especially to the more serious minded signs.
a scorp i knew would always complain to me about how stupid her libra boyfriend was, but i thought he was absolutely brilliant. but only because i understood his ramblings and sentence fragments and stories that seemed to go nowhere at all. (though, if he hadn't been so beautiful i doubt i'd've kept listening for the punch line)
lol! trust me depending on your background and his it may work but umm. I am married to a libra but we are separated. we have 3 children together and I dislike him with every bone in my body. I know this is cruel to say and I realiz he has done lots of damage to me mentally and emotionally the only thing that libra didnt do was kill me physically. He took all he could and left me emotionally bankrupt. I have to see counselor because of this libra. I have my own issues. Nut I found my libra ex to be a liar manipulator. he always expected things from me that he didnt even give. There will always be a scar from this relationship. but now I am learning to cope and trying to forgive.
^ most libras don't like to admit to our bad sides (and are often totally oblivious to them), but i can say for a fact that we can be very good manipulators and generally awful people. not usually on purpose. usually it comes from a dynamic established at the beginning of a relationship with somebody. they'll give and we'll take, and we get used to taking and don't give back and it gets very uneven.
though, i'll bet that libra had a strong scorpio influence. libras with scorpio influence are the ones who try to keep the balance of power always in their favor, while other libras are usually much more fair about this. and a water sign influence in general encourages selfishness because of all the emotion.
Its all good. Like I said I am trying to forgive him. I just hated the manipulation. and until this day he still manipulates when it comes to our kids. he is really good at being to different people. I just pity the fool that gets him cuz I am sure he will do to her what he did to me. My ex is a heavy drinker he doesnt deal with things. I really believe he doesnt hurt on purpose but he does what he does because thats how he copes. and he reallly doesnt know any better.. although he is 30 yrs old.
he is 30 and still in2 rims tatto's i mean its like he doesnt realize he has kids. he tries to live the life style of his younger friends, and that was another thing that baffled me all his friends are younger then him. no family ni kids so he compared his self to them. I hurt more for my kids they didnt deserve that.. but I picked him and had kids with him so now it is my responsibility.
i tend to attract libra guys alottt,i get along with them well.there's this one libra i will never forget,we used to stay up all night and hang out and talk for hourssssss about the most random stuff and our sense of humor was alot alike. however,i've dated one libra who was a co-worker of mine,i ended up hating every little thing about him..from the way he laughed,walked,talked,WORKED..just extremely lazy demeanor.gahhh.i find most of them to be well-balanced individuals and interesting to talk to,but they're not challenging enough for a virgo girl like me.i like a little spice.
I have only met one respectable Libra man so far. They are good people when they want to be, but I don't like Libras when some of the typical traits about them show up.
Though i have a bias against Libras, so don't listen to me for any actual advice. Tongue
Posted by missmeow4
i tend to attract libra guys alottt,i get along with them well.there's this one libra i will never forget,we used to stay up all night and hang out and talk for hourssssss about the most random stuff and our sense of humor was alot alike. however,i've dated one libra who was a co-worker of mine,i ended up hating every little thing about him..from the way he laughed,walked,talked,WORKED..just extremely lazy demeanor.gahhh.i find most of them to be well-balanced individuals and interesting to talk to,but they're not challenging enough for a virgo girl like me.i like a little spice.

virgos are annoying people at times i kno lots of virgos they annoy me to no end i may be bias because i have 2 Libra placements mercury and Venus in Libra.

and since when virgos like spice virgos are boring lmao.
My best friend is a Virgo lady and she was dating a Libra men. It confirmed a lot of thoughts I've already had about Libras.. anyway they fought a lot, he was careless, too much into the party and socializing aspect of life. She is a more like a typical Virgo. Needs structure in her life, career oriented, very picky on who she allows into her life, moderately has fun. Their life style /career/sex/morals and values clash. I'm glad she left him. I really feel Libras will do great with Sags, or Aries. But earth and air coming together is a crash waiting to happen. Of course this is generally speaking without the charts, still I'd be weary.
Posted by Hypnotic???
I don't get why..
many libras care so much about socializing..
especially to know most people on the surface..
a libra who ain't scared of being on his/her own..
is balanced as fuck..
since we tend not to worry about crappy stuff most other signs do..

myself and most libras i've known do not particularly care for socializing. we're good at it, because we're good at BSing, and we like doing things we're good at because it's an easy way for our lazy asses to get a feeling of accomplishment. but we have to balance out the socializing with alone time. other people don't usually know about libra alone time, because we do it alone. but if you spend a whole lot of time with a libra, you will notice that they will eventually disappear. it's nothing personal. just tired.
and yes, we definitely don't worry about the crappy stuff most other signs do. but, in turn, we worry about other stuff. so who cares?
i like spice meaning CHALLENGE.and no,not all virgos are boring.
Posted by missmeow4
i like spice meaning CHALLENGE.and no,not all virgos are boring.

uh huh they all i know lots of virgos and they are nothing like me maybe because i have three air planets in me. my virgo friends bore me 2 tears yes the convos are good but they're not broad minded at all.
i actually care too. it's just something i say. like, when i know things balance out and i shouldn't care, but i do.
like other people worry about certain things. while i'm sitting there relaxing and next thing i know the sun is going down and i totally forgot to run all the errands i was gonna run. or i'm late getting ready for work cos i was daydreaming. these things then lead to worrying about stupid things like how the hell to actually DO stuff instead of just meaning to do it. or worrying about talking to somebody after accidently forgetting that i was supposed to join them for lunch. so yeah, i totally don't worry about normal everyday things that most people worry about. i shrug off most normal concerns. but lord knows i give myself plenty of other, stupid reasons to worry.
although, technically, i guess i blow those off too, but then again it creates more stress.
or like i'll relax by driving around, then get worried about whether my car will even last the length of the loan, when less than half way through, i've put on 80,000 miles. stupid things to worry about that are my own damn fault.
libras tend to create a lot of trouble in their own lives because their too busy not being bothered.
wow. i took this way off topic. sorry.