Posted by Mr. Defense
The coolest thing about you, is that you're passionate about what you do, and you work on perfecting your understanding. I can help but respect that. I'm fairly clueless about astrology at the level you're talking about, but some of the mechanics of it is quite intriguing. Seems like Virgos put 100% into anything they're interested in. Reminds me of my drive when I was learning computer science and software development.
Posted by greengemini
You are my favorite virgo sir.
Watched the video twice. It explains a lot.
I pulled up my chart on
I want to know how do you figure out your rising sign?
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Aww vk you are adorable sir.
Posted by greengemini
I don't know if your last thread about looking into Jupiter to find your husband is still up
but is it the same for men?
Posted by greengemini
Dude your awesome.
Under my planetary positions it says
Venus Aries 28??04'18 in house 12 direct
And under the house positions it says
12th House Aries 27??34'58
Now I remember reading one of your comments and you said this position seeks adventure and entertainment.
Does this mean I'll meet my wife at a club or some type of sporting event?
Thank you.
Posted by virgoking
Hope this helps
< width="640" height="360" ="http:
Posted by greengeminiPosted by virgokingPosted by greengemini
Dude your awesome.
Under my planetary positions it says
Venus Aries 28??04'18 in house 12 direct
And under the house positions it says
12th House Aries 27??34'58
Now I remember reading one of your comments and you said this position seeks adventure and entertainment.
Does this mean I'll meet my wife at a club or some type of sporting event?
Thank you.
No that's 11 house you would be with a women that are into music but 12 house is more about spirituality. So music that have spirtuallity in it can work this women is going to help you emotionally. She may be kinda of hippie like.
Thank you so much. I love music, I can't live without it.
Now, I want to give you something. In his book The Outliers: The Story of Success.
Malcolm Gladwell makes the case that successful people, the kind that become rock stars
or computer programming billionaires, succeeded because they all have devoted at least 10,000 hours
of practice to their craft. That figure has been reported for years, but Gladwell explores the idea
further and wider. I see how you willingly help and answer peoples questions here, so that makes me think
you're on your way to becoming a master. And the people here are helping you achieve to expand
Posted by Rapunzel
Keep making more videos please !!!! You're Awesome
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