
This topic was created in the Virgo forum by LovelyLibra on Sunday, January 6, 2008 and has 7 replies.
are beautiful...sometimes I get jealous...
They usually ARE!!! But I've run afoul some HORRRRRIBLE looking ones with bug eyes and all!!!!!'s really offensive to my Virgoan sense of Tongue
*VE prays that LovelyLibra will make the ugly ones go back to their holes and punish them for their curiosity with the surface world* lol
I don't really think anyone is ugly becuase they have something that makes up for something they lack; It's really up to you to know what it is, and work it for yourself. It's RARELY a pretty face that makes me drool, in fact, it's a pretty face that I'll happily long as we have GOOD CONVERSATION (yes!!!! This above and beyond anything else besides sex is what this guy wants!) I'm all for ya; I gotta say though....I'm a romantic, I just hide it under the surface.....I just don't like to be refused or denied.
I have to also confess one more 'secret vice' I'm a ham!!!! THERE I SAID IT!!! I love the lime light! And all the little people running in between my I can barely hear their screams.....Tongue lol
I gotta say that I'm like a Leo in general only more....self-contained and rational.
are TOO emotional.
think TOO much.
I can say most are disciplined/reserved souls....we know better than to bleed our feelings out to someone unworthy of them and I think we get off a little too much on keeping our feelings in but there are benefits to expressing them like for instance growth.....stubborn as all hell too not likely to change our course of action...I don't really get how we're mutable.....the very idea that we represent (perfection/mental balance symetry) is anything but changeable how can a person change perfection? It's a goal, and ideal, it's nothing that comes over night.
I don't think Virgo is best suited to be called an introvert, because regardless of planetary alignment, Virgo is a communactive, logical, and expansive soul....we're always trying to grow personally to best our personal best, and that requires expansion, and the ability to grow.....I think that it's suited for jupiter in that instance; the desire to be perfect, and to aspire to it's heights and span comes from something that makes you want to grow especially in a moral sense, and jupiter offers this quality and seems to mesh with if some Virgos could only get comfortable with the idea of steping away from the books, facts, and figures, and learn not everything can be infered/learned by physical means (Virgos are also known to have a intuitive/psychic/magnetic power if they culitivate this part of themselves; This sign has to deal with the fusion of the intellect and intuition for HIGHTENED AWARNESS not just ANALYSIS; that's only HALF of it) I've always since I was a kid been rather 'strange' meaning that I had a grasp of things far beyond my years becuase I saw farther than just what was directly ahead of me.
I think that is just a fraction of our potential; I think Virgo is the part of the zodiac where we start to wonder what are we capable of? How far can we go/grow? What is our maximum output? What else can we affect/change? Not all happiness or joy comes from money and mundanity money is just the part of of what we really want and that's to just be happy. I want to live live to the FULLEST; that means jumping into every experience and learning from it from a personal, and impersonal stand point. I can't call myself intellectual, if I'm not willing to take a risk to get the data I need to grow/perfect myself.
If I'm called emotional than that's great! I see the benefit in emotion, and one thing (next to being called an idiot/petty person) I won't stand to be called is a coward I fear NOTHING, and will express myself and my urges to the fullest in order to get the most out of life, how else do you expect to grow or have a worthwhile one when it's all said and done?...I live my life how I see fit, and if everybody else wants to judge/critisize it, go ahead!! I've got better things to do with my time than to worry about how everyone sees me; you're not living life if your worried about petty things like that....I'm not shaped by other peoples opinions just my OWN. But This is bigger to me than just a simple right or wrong; these words could really make some kind of difference to somebody, and if there is any substance in these words to someone else, than take them and work them to your own benefit, and GROW.
Ferghus Clydelover:are TOO emotional. think TOO much.
Ferguhus, haven't you ever wondered why in fact humans feel, or think? It's for's to investigate shaky, and fragile ground....the certanties of life are laid right in frot of us, but still we wonder, and we think as easily as we breathe....why? Becuase we're human.....we have a deep seated desire to know evolve, and to understand the next step....It's just my opinion of course.