virgos and crushes/in-like?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by beebee1073 on Saturday, July 6, 2013 and has 6 replies.
They won't express their feelings in mushy words. Virgos will show their interest in you once you've shown interest in them. They will tell you qualities they like about you, rather than the feelings they feel for you.
I can tell you my Virgo ex never talked about how he felt for me in our two year relationship. Even though I knew he adored me, he never expressed it verbally. I only got confirmation of his feelings maybe almost a year into our relationship when he left my apartment one day and out of the blue he said, "Bye. I love you." Yes, that was the first time he ever said that to me, I was stunned.
All the Virgos I know will be quite curt when they realize they have feelings for you. They're not charming with words nor verbose and will be very frank when they're sure. Short and simple.
I never act any differently with crushes or likes because there isn't much to pursue.
I'd rather just continue to share my time and if it becomes something more then, "yay". If not, nothing was lost.
What I mean by, "there isn't much to pursue" is that crushes just don't have a strong enough impact in influencing a change in my priorities. Therefore, no change in my behavior.
Posted by beebee1073
So you find someone that you think you are beginning to like or kind of have a crush on. What do you guys do from there? Try to find out more about them, make a move, ask questions?
And I know that feelings and virgos are like black and white, completely seperate (or they try to at least Tongue) haha, but how would you virgos then try to express your feelings towards that person you like?

I try to find more about them and be in their proximity. I usually take the friendship route first to gauge that person and let things progress naturally from there. I need to see if he is also interested in developing something with me. If everything goes ok, I will express my feelings and I don't hold anything back. I like to go with the flow and I don't like to force an outcome either way (used to do this in the past, got really demanding about someone's attention when we weren't a couple, just hanging out in the initial stages)
Posted by LilyTree
I'm curious, if you don't mind answering, how long would you say it takes you to go from the "crush" stage to the "love" stage?

For me its less about, "how long" and a lot more about "what happens"???a circumstance that would spark a flame. I could know a girl for ten years and nothing would changed simply because nothing special happened that would change the light I see her under.
About what happens exactly that would make me "feel" is not something I know. Could be anything.
If we really like someone we become attentive to your needs. We may not get all mushy at first, but once we feel safe, we will open up all our feelings with sincerity. Don't forget, we are basically shy when it comes to new relationships. Let him know how you feel without too much pressure. Keep it light and say something like "I really appreciate everything about you. How do you feel about me? You'll get a straight answer!