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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
How do you guys feel about Leos? Any Virgos been involved with one before? Any currently involved with one?
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
"Nastiest....sexual experience......EVER. Met ALOT of Leo's who are only really physically attractive IMHO."
lMAO... oh man, how so?
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
Lol that's so funny prringleo...
I tend to really like Leos too... well all fire signs.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
aaawwww, shaka has morals!
"I think Virgos and Leos are actually quite similar, only Leos are flamboyant and pompous whereas Virgos are modest and dont like being on the spotlight but both signs are quite driven, appreciate directness and honesty and arent that far away from one another as far as personal values."
i actually agree with this little synopsis. only, i think i'm the most attention-seeking leo out of the few i know, and i usually don't care/bother to.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Hey, FE ... there's a wonderful Virgo woman in here, or used to be, named Virgurl .. and she's partnered with a Leo. Don't know where she got to these days because her account is still active .. but, she used to tell the sweetest stories about her compatibility with her Lion.
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
"One thing Ive noticed is that Leos with moon in Virgo are of the most organized/driven people Ive met, the Virgo moon's modesty seems to temper down a bit that sometimes over-inflated Leo sun ego and flamboyance , these people act pretty much like Virgos!"
Well one of my close Leo friends has a virgo moon and rising so I could definitely see where you are coming from Shaks
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Brandon: It can be really good, and Virgo/Leo can have great chemistry.
I agree. My Leo Mom & Virgo Dad had a topsy-turvy courtship, and her parents did not like Dad at first, but they had a very happy marriage -- only her untimely death parted them...
Virgo Men can be very warm and cozy, and there's nothing wrong with that, but couples need a little smoke & fire from time to time to keep it interesting... Virgs get too comfortable with the status quo -- change can be upsetting for us, but that's no excuse to remain inert...
The Big Issue I saw growing up is Leo Ego versus Virgo self-containment. It's not natural for us Virgs to stroke your ego frequently -- we assume that if we've told you once how great you are, why do we need to repeat it? There were times when Mom felt unappreciated by Dad, and even though we knew he absolutely adored her, my sisters would prompt him to let her know it, too...
Yeah, we can help to ground our partners. The trick is to not get stuck in the mud!
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
I have found that with my VG I can?_t expect him to stroke my ego, EVER?KI have learned to appreciate the times he does and know that he loves me even when he doesn?_t. I once made the mistake of asking him why he loved me?KHUGE mistake! That incident turned into a 4 hour tongue lashing in which he made me feel so horribly wrong for even asking such a question. Since then I have learned that a VG (my VG) will not tell you he loves you unless he means it, never question it."
OMG so true! I never and will never stroke someone's ego. It's just not what I do, I'm not into ego gratification. And this probably is a huge problem with Leos. But nonetheless we get along very well. Christina, I am the same way. I will NEVER tell someone I love them without really meaning it. And it takes me a LONG time to fall in love.