Virgos and pet names

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by QueenOfPentacles on Sunday, March 27, 2016 and has 9 replies.
Hey hey virgoans, tell me if u use pet names on your SO or not and why (if not) smile Just curiouuuus, so please no stuff like "if your virgo doesn't/does..." This q is in no way related to my personal life and I asked this just out of plain curiosity smile
"Insufferable douche" is one I use.

Posted by Damnata
"Insufferable douche" is one I use.

annnd /endthread

Posted by QueenOfPentacles
Hey hey virgoans, tell me if u use pet names on your SO or not and why (if not) smile Just curiouuuus, so please no stuff like "if your virgo doesn't/does..." This q is in no way related to my personal life and I asked this just out of plain curiosity smile

Hell no. Why? Cause I find them ridiculous. smile
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Most of them are quite personal though so I won't share them.

They have to be tailor made or = shit.

But I was 100% honest with the insufferable douche one. If I don't call you that, I'm not really into you.
That's so sweet to know that virgos use sweet talk smile Like aww :3 not completely icebergs Big Grin
In my last relationship which lasted for many years, I must have used more than dozen. It just gives a unique and very personal touch to your interactions, I feel.
My virgo man calls me booma (owl)