"next time i see him penetrating me with his stupid fcking stares." "maybe he's just a fcktard."
lol, maybe .. those stares don't really mean to much if there's nothing behind them. Some people get mesmerized by a blank stare .. like you, catherine, I'm not one of them. A blank stare gives me the impression that it's a blank mind, imagination. Seriously, though, it's over, right? So, it's mute. Just take what you've learned and apply it the next time you run across a Virgo who seems interested in you .. however, how you view a person is the only thing that matters because nobody is you, except you.
Take my Virgo, for example .. I'll say something to him, or somebody else will and he will just stare and say nothing .. fuck that .. speak fool. My mind never stops and I will communicate until I die .. speak up, or get lost. Of course, I am me .. so don't do what I do .. do what you do.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
no waaay am i going to sleep with him! i'd just get hurt! anyway he's never tried to get me to go home with him or anything. and i'm certainly not going to throw myself at him! archer, what do you mean by "don't tell him the limit in your mind"? also he's not a player. he remained faithful to one girl for 6 years. he's not very flirtatious, he is quiet, shy and has a reserved charm.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
i know what's gonna happen. the same thing will happen again: i will see him in the club, he will stare at me and analyse my interactions with people or or just check me out...whatever. i will do a shot of sambucca. i will approach him and tell him about the theft of my phone or whatever. i will later bump in to the dancefloor. he will kiss me. the next time i see him, it will happen again. i'm sorry but he is just the best kisser ever and i have no self-discpline with my oral fixation. ha. eventually i will pluck up the courage to ask to...maybe see him in daylight hours. maybe he's a vampire. it would explain a lot.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
haha thank you, the support is appreciated. oh god, i'm not of the gushy drunk girl sort. i just talk a lot of crap. his piscean best friend seems to adore me and whenever he sees me he's like "ben's here!!! he's over there!" *points* whatever that really means. i read in to stuff too much.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
well he finds the fact that i even believe in astrology bizarre. and that i own tarot cards. he jokingly asked me to read his palm. maybe he thinks i'm a total new age hippy type dickhead! come to think of it, he does kinda give the impression of being scared. i give him no reason to fear me, though. maybe he thinks i know all about him through my crystal ball and that i'm going to eat his soul. or that i own a virguy voodoo doll. bahaa.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
i could have used the palmistry thing as an excuse to say something really cheesy *vomit* i didn't. i just made up whatever stupid crap entered my drunken head.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
virguys are sexier than scorpguys, in my humble opinion. just take a look at julian casablancas SJHDJDSFHJDFGHJDJHJGFHJKGFHJKGFHGFHKGFGFJKGFWAAAAAAAAA!
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
yeah they just stand at a distance and stare bahahahaa but its a damn sexy stare scorpguys are a bit rapey, in my experience. virguys leave you wanting more. swahooooooooooon.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww no. he has stubble and doe like eyes. and he wears a cap. my friends seem to think i am insane and that i am of a higher physical attractiveness, which isn't saying much seeing as they think he's a bit yuck but whatever. they all like pretty boys, i like men. they obviously just can't sense his sex appeal.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
antibling: pretty boys,as in the ones that wear 'butterstoppers' ???:p those trousers that are whipit tight,etc ??? YES! we go to indie clubs and they like all these stupid fassies wearing drainpipe jeans so tight that their dicks can't breathe...and they dance in this really contrived fashion like they're robots having an epileptic fit. and then a REAL man walks in...and he happens to be a virguy. and then i end up on here.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
i met a cancer guy recently. he was a manipulative, charming, clever little fck. we dated for like 2 weeks and then i found out he had a gf. ...his moons in gemini which might explain that.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
wowww...thats the best celeb encounter ever! but i met noel fielding once and he was coked off his face and snogged me! and he IS the moon. unless you watch the might boosh you won't have a clue what i'm on about!
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
no he really is the moon...in the mighty boosh show at least. he's vince noir. yeah the one with the bouffant...and er the kind of jeans that stop 'chickens' breathing.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
i think i dried everyone out. i think they all established that i'm a creepy moon face with a penchant for mexican drug dealers with an non-supressed 'chicken'
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
yeah it makes sense. but err what if one was under the watchful eye of the virgo and one took the opportunity to flirt with other guys? whoooooooooops. did i blow it that time? also, is the stare a cue to approach him? 'cause i know that even if he wanted to, he wouldn't approach me.
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
"..and theres exactly when YOU represent a problem for us..you've passed the initial tests so that will throw us a bit out of balance which will make ask ourselves whether we're good enough for you or not!" ohmygod i think something just clicked in my brain. i think that's exactly what i've done. i've gone and fcking scared him off haven't i?! at first he seemed to assume i was in it for the long haul but maybe now he thinks he's just another on my list! fck. what now?
Signed Up: Mar 04, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 11
i really don't know how to act. when i first met the virguy i was still upset over the cancer guy (the one i discovered was cheating on his gf with me) so i wasn't that bothered about impressing virguy and acted totally like myself. and he said he liked me a lot and that he felt like he'd known me for ages. and now that there's all this uncertainty between us and whatnot, i feel self-conscious and i don't know how to act around him. which sucks because he's obviously scrutinising me.
haha, no one! no one at all! homicide is not the answer! i don't like complaining. but everything is going wrong. just to give you an idea...my purse was stolen, which had my LIFE in it. license, student id, keys, debit cards, everythiiiiing. which of course leads to nearly infinite hassle. (that's only part of it.)
oh really? *imagines* hmm...i like it. i wanna get my nose pierced. but SOME people seem to find that "trashy" and "outdated". i still think a little sparkly stud is cute. hmph. *crosses arms* notso, there was no cash. that's actually the least of my worries though. and yes i did cancel my cards, haha.