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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Despite the fact they try to hide it, Virgo's in my opinion are fairly emotional. They are especially very emotional when the situation comes to crows consciense.
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Dec 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 429 · Topics: 62
dont be so defensive brandon...i was just posing the obvious opposition.. i have no issue with how virgos express their feelings.. like u said.. the world would be chaotic if it was full of us spontaneous sporadics and no balance..order is indeed necessary and i say virgos are the most ideal expression of this
i believe virgos are people with great depth, showing it only to a certain few, their reason for picking certain individuals to show this side of themselves is beyond me. Guess it comes down the to the obviouse thing, someone they get along with and trust.
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Mar 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
Virgos have no emotions except for sarcasm, but that is not an emotion.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
All Virgo's I've come in contact till this day are quite emotional. Maybe it's a Piscean thing but I tickle under their skin and that makes them talk both positive and negative things.
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Dec 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 429 · Topics: 62
Virgos spill over with emotion..this is what ignites the sarcasm..its a way of combing thru the mentally competent from the void..very effective might i add
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Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
I actually agree with this one. Some may be more emotional than others... but they all hide it well, lots of control.
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Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
I COULD be wrong, could, but I get the impression that Branh is one of our more emotional Virgos.
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
No you are wrong. All of them are emotional. Dy, Qbone, Strings...all of them here are also emotional. They just hide it well.
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Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Yes, I get what you're saying. You may be right, I have reason to think this way about Virgos in general. But I only placed my opinion on Branh because he's been here longer, posted on all boards and that's the impression I've gotten... other than that I don't like jumping to assumptions. How they may feel, react or express their emotions is another thing. In general though, most almost seem to feel ashamed of their emotions.
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May 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 206 · Topics: 67
right this is coming from a august virgo, im prob the most emotional person in the world, i watched simpsons and started crying, homer found his mum for the 2nd time but she got arrested and he was crying and shouting dont take my mummy away again and i thought it was well sad! but i cry at nearly all films tv programmes!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Virgo's are emotional.
and so what..??
im so emotional its rediculous. I dont seem that way outwardly, but i am. little things get under my skin and bother me to the point where days later im crying about them. i only really cry when im alone though.
on the scorp note i got through my scorpios defenses way quicker than he got through mine. im not all the way there, but neither is he. hes as emotional as i am, but with different emotions.
example: he's much more likely than i am to get pissed off and angry quickly, where im more likely than he is to get sad or upset.
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
The Virgos I've observed have to work at hiding their emotions. Every once in a while we do catch you V's with your guard down.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I DO like to control my emotions; that is just me, but I DO like to just react too...that is also me...I hide my emotions becuase I guess; I don't like to be hurt; but when I learned not to be so frightened of my intense feelings, and grew to appreciate and spontaniety became good friends. I right now am having a hard time dealing with my emotions; I know I have wants, and desires; but as a Virgo, my reality principle, interrupts; YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!! It might say, and then I can be a little indecicive, or procrastinative. I personally don't like sharing tears with anyone, becuase I am usually embarrassed to share something SO personal; so VULNERABLE. alot, and I don't want people to understand me, because then they can move in, and attack me.....that's the way it is for me anyway; that's when that callous shell grew in, and I became reserved; I don't want anyone to hurt me.....humans can turn their backs at ANYTIME; I WON'T BE HURT ANYMORE.