Virgo's choice

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by love4ever on Thursday, April 19, 2007 and has 15 replies.
I've got an offer from another firm last week and I have told my Virgo that I might accept it. That'll automatically lessen our chances to develop our courtship since I'll have to move away if I take the job. The news made him upset. He immediately said we should have a talk. But that won't happen before next week. He'll probably try to convince me to stay, by giving all the possible reasons but his true feelings.
What if I say I'll go? Will he be up front? Or let me leave and accept things as it is? What are the chances you think?
I personally do not think we can have a long distance relationship, but I might give it a chance if he's willing and we have no other option. I was not thinking leaving my job but the offer is too good to pass. I'm just wondering what do Virgo men think generally about a LDR?
Who cares what a Virgo man -- or any man for that matter -- thinks? It's about what you NEED to do to advance yourself. If he's the man that destiny has mandated for you, then he'll adjust and it'll work!
Things are going to be fine as long as you two have a right mental and emotional connection, but you'd better wait and listen (not hear) for what he has to say (personally) before jumping into any conclusions.
We talked. And just like I expected, he told me all the reasonable causes not no leave expect his feelings. When I asked him on purpose "Why would anybody care", he just mumbled some stuff. He did not even say "Because you are valuable here". Or "I see some good opportunities for you here". He either did not have any reasons or he did not want to speak about his real reasons. He even admitted that the offer I got is a good one, but would still defend staying. I told him I have about 2 weeks to make up my mind. I know I can not pressure him, but I want him to see that time is passing by and I am not going to wait.
Or, maybe he doesn't have true feelings for you and that's why he's not saying them and you only THINK he does because you want him to.
Scopiogoat .. that was sad and happy, at the same time.
Sad, that he was so unaware of what it means to relate in a union.
Glad, that you didn't waste your valuable feelings on him.
Thanks scopiogoat. It is sad but it is true also that we learn from what we live through.
I have been thinking about having a straight talk with him. I have no problem talking about my feelings, I actually asked some guys out in the past.
There was something happened way back. It was my first love and I thought he was my soulmate for a long time. We met and hanged out as friends for a very short period of time and although I loved him at first sight, I did not tell anything and I let him go. Then I wrote a letter to him, told everything. It was sad because he wrote me back telling that he felt exactly the same way about me but was afraid to talk. Well, we tried to get back together later but things did not work out. I still believe to this day, that if I had told him how I felt at the right time, we would have been married, had kids together, and maybe it was not going to work in the long run but I missed the chance. I still regret that.
So, I am thinking to tell my Virgo this time. I can talk to him, or give him a letter but certainly I will not wait for things end up so, I'll not give up without trying.
I'm not even sure why this thread is called, "Virgo's choice".
It suggests that the author leaves such a big life decision up to another .. one to whom isn't even bound.
Thanks Jada, I'll send you a PM.
Virgo is not my first love, the one I was talking about was some other guy I met 12 years ago. I told the story because what I have done was a mistake, I should have said what I felt at first place. I was very young and worried about rejection. This time, with Virgo, I won't let that happen. I'll take my chance.
Virgo is hurt now. I feel it because he is not replying my messages for the past two days, even when he has to reply he is sending a late and very short answer. I am sad. He tried to convince me but after our talk he realized that the offer can change my life for the better. He thinks that he should not be involved in my decision. So he is letting me do what's best for myself.
I am trying to cheer him up. I texted him twice, asked about his day. Tomorrow I'll try to talk with him.
Things are heating up. We had another intense conversation yesterday and he told me he was sad. We then changed the subject and he shared with me some of his memories, very personal ones which I believe he has not even discussed with some of his close friends before. He is a very private guy and he does not talk about himself at all. As I listened to him, I felt so close to him that tears came to my eyes and I had a very hard time to hold them back. I still know very little about him and we have tons of things to talk about. Tons of things that we would enjoy very much sharing. Cause we understand each other like no one else...
When we said each other goodbye, we both were so upset that we could not look into each others eyes. I know that I am doing the right thing for myself but it is still a hard decision to make.
It is love4ever not the Virgo or whatever's choice.
Take the lead of you life and run it.. I am sure that you will enjoy the ride..
Because they aren't a couple yet, Scopiogoat .. she wants it to be. If there isn't a short-distance relationship, then how can there possibly be a long one?
So, what's being considered here is whether she is going to stop waiting for a man to want her, or stay and continue to wait.
"When I asked him on purpose "Why would anybody care", he just mumbled some stuff. He did not even say "Because you are valuable here". Or "I see some good opportunities for you here".

"Because you are valuable here"
"I see some good opportunities for you here."
These both seem like odd statements to be surprised that he didn't offer to you as reasons to stay, if there was a relationship.
They would, however, seem normal as an expected response professionally speaking.
"Why would anyone care" and he didn't even say, "I see some good opportunities for you here."
This whole thing just seems odd .. not, "why would YOU care" .. why would ANYONE care.
lol .. there isn't even a relationship here at all, just in one person's head.
We are in a strange position. We work in the same building. I am a front office girl and he is in management. So we treat each other like strangers most of the time around other people. We are not comfortable at all. But when we are alone we are like best friends and talk about very personal matters. We txt each other all the time, joking and fooling around. We caress each other with looks and words, I feel that I am special to him and he spends quite a lot of time with me lately. But nothing has been shared openly between us yet. Then, this offer came up. And I am here thinking between my life goals and the guy that I love but not sure if I'll have a future with. I should probably follow my heart, like many of you said, cause if we want we'll find a way to be together anyway. I am just not sure if the timing is right. Maybe it is too early to expect him to have a commitment.